Terraform projects - recently added VAST Data.
Hashicorp Learn Install Tutorial
InstallUpgradeTerraform.ps1 is a small PS script I wrote to upgrade/install the Terraform binary
Terraform can now be installed and maintained with winget
KV C:\Users\karl.vietmeier\repos> winget list terraform Name Id Version Available Source ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hashicorp Terraform Hashicorp.Terraform 1.9.5 1.9.8 winget
Upgrade it
KV C:\Users\karl.vietmeier\repos> winget update terraform Found Hashicorp Terraform [Hashicorp.Terraform] Version 1.9.8 This application is licensed to you by its owner. Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages. Downloading https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/1.9.8/terraform_1.9.8_windows_amd64.zip ██████████████████████████████ 26.0 MB / 26.0 MB Successfully verified installer hash Extracting archive... Successfully extracted archive Starting package install... Command line alias added: "terraform" Successfully installed KV C:\Users\karl.vietmeier\repos> winget list terraform Name Id Version Source ------------------------------------------------------- Hashicorp Terraform Hashicorp.Terraform 1.9.8 winget KV C:\Users\karl.vietmeier\repos>
├── scripts
│ │── InstallUpgradeTerraform.ps1
├── azure
│ │── AKS (AKS cluster projects)
│ │── AVD (AVD projects - placeholder)
│ │── CoreInfra (Production modules to manage my infrastructure)
│ │── samples (Non-functional code samples)
│ │── secrets (certs, cloud-init files, etc in .gitignore)
│ │── templates (templates for new projects)
│ │── testing (Primary working Directory)
│ │── VMs (What it says)
│ |── README.md
├── gcp
│ │── CoreInfra (Production modules to manage my infrastructure)
│ │── scripts (Misc scripts and config files)
│ │── templates (templates for new projects)
│ │── testing (Primary working Directory for new projects)
│ |── README.md
├── LICENSE.md
└── README.md
Terraform commands:
A good cheat sheet I ran across
Apply/destroy without prompting
terraform destroy --auto-approve
terraform apply --auto-approve
Run and over-ride locks
terraform destroy -lock=false --auto-approve
terraform apply -lock=false --auto-approve
Run with a .tfvars file
terraform apply -var-file=".\MultiLinuxVM-vars.tfvars"
terraform destroy -var-file=".\MultiLinuxVM-vars.tfvars"
Put it all together
terraform apply --auto-approve -var-file=".\<fname>.tfvars"
terraform destroy --auto-approve -var-file=".\<fname>.tfvars"
PowerShell Alias/Shortcuts So you don't have to keep calling out the non-standard tfvars file.
function tfapply {
# Run an apply using the tfvars file in the current folder
$VarFile=(Get-ChildItem -Path . -Recurse -Filter "*.tfvars")
terraform apply --auto-approve -var-file="$VarFile"
function tfdestroy {
# Run a destroy using the tfvars file in the current folder
$VarFile=(Get-ChildItem -Path . -Recurse -Filter "*.tfvars")
terraform destroy --auto-approve -var-file="$VarFile"
function tfshow {
terraform show
- Visual Studio Code - Editor
- Terraform - Terraform
- Windows Terminal - Console
- Karl Vietmeier
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- None so far other than the many good examples out there.