Make beautiful and clear telegram bots with the architecture!
BotF has next features:
🤘 long pooling and webhook mode without any changes in the code
😎 very convinient way to work with commands and reply buttons
👆 integrated pagination with buttons
🆔 authentication and role-based authorization
🔥 statemachine for complicated dialogs with users
🕸️ approach to develop bots
⚒️ automatic creating of command menu
🗓️ integrated DateTime picker
📤 auto sending
🚤 good performance
🔜 Documentation is under developement. We will push it here in the readme file soon.
dotnet add package Deployf.Botf
Put next code into Program.cs
using Deployf.Botf;
class Program : BotfProgram
// It's boilerplate program entrypoint.
// We just simplified all usual code into static method StartBot.
// But in this case of starting of the bot, you should add a config section under "bot" key to appsettings.json
public static void Main(string[] args) => StartBot(args);
// Action attribute mean that you mark async method `Start`
// as handler for user's text in message which equal to '/start' string.
// You can name method as you want
// And also, second argument of Action's attribute is a description for telegram's menu for this action
[Action("/start", "start the bot")]
public void Start()
// Just sending a reply message to user. Very simple, isn't?
Push($"Send `{nameof(Hello)}` to me, please!");
public void Hello()
Push("Hey! Thank you! That's it.");
// Here we handle all unknown command or just text sent from user
public async Task Unknown()
// Here, we use the so-called "buffering of sending message"
// It means you dont need to construct all message in the string and send it once
// You can use Push to just add the text to result message, or PushL - the same but with new line after the string.
PushL("You know.. it's very hard to recognize your command!");
PushL("Please, write a correct text. Or use /start command");
// And finally send buffered message
await Send();
And replace content of appsettings.json
with your bot username and token:
"botf": "123456778990:YourToken"
And that's it! Veeery easy, isn't?
Just run the program :)
Other examples you can find in /Examples
After you develop your bot, you can deploy it to our hosting: