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update copyright.sh
Martijn Dekker edited this page Jul 30, 2022
1 revision
This script helps maintain proper copyright attribution in the ksh 93u+m code base. It:
- Updates the COPYRIGHT file with all the contributors to ksh 93u+m since the reboot, based on the commit history. The authors are sorted by number of commits in descending order and inserted under the first CONTRIBUTORS header in that file.
- Updates the ksh 93u+m
(c) YEAR-YEAR Contributors to ksh 93u+m
notices in the copyright headers and--about
messages. The second year is updated to the current year. - Adds any missing contributors to each file to that file's copyright header based on that file's commit history.
The script does not stage or commit the changes it makes. 2 and 3 are only done for files that have changed since the new year, including files that have uncommitted or unstaged changes.
set -fCu; IFS='' # safe mode
PATH=/opt/ast/bin:$PATH # use path-bound built-ins
echo "$0: $@" >&2
exit 1
PATH=/dev/null let ".sh.version >= 20220728" 2>/dev/null || error_out 'requires ksh 93u+m/1.0'
# special-case github's flukes in names of commit authors
# (they were fine in the original commits, then merging/squashing changed them)
function fix_authorname
nameref a=$1
case $a in
lev105) a='Lev Kujawski' ;;
pghvlaans) a='K. Eugene Carlson' ;;
sterlingjensen) a='Sterling Jensen' ;;
vmihalko) a='Vincent Mihalkovic' ;;
# update file if it changed from $tmpfile
function update_file
[[ -s $1 ]] && cmp -s $1 $tmpfile
case $? in
0) ;;
1) print -r "updating $1"
cat $tmpfile >|$1 || exit ;;
*) error_out "error in cmp" ;;
# centre an author line to 70 characters
function centre_line
nameref l=$1
((${#l} > 70)) && prinf '%q: WARNING: author line too long: %q\n' "$0" "$l" >&2
while ((${#l} < 69)); do
l=" $l "
((${#l}==69)) && l+=' '
[[ -d .git ]] || error_out "run this from the ksh 93u+m git repo's main directory"
current_year=$(date +%Y)
[[ $current_year =~ ^[0-9]{4}$ ]] || error_out "could not get current year"
first_commit=$(git log --since="$current_year-01-01 00:00 UTC" --pretty=format:'%H' | tail -n1)
[[ $first_commit =~ ^[0-9a-f]{40}$ ]] || error_out "could not get first commit"
current_commit=$(git log -1 --pretty=format:'%H')
[[ $current_commit =~ ^[0-9a-f]{40}$ ]] || error_out "could not get current commit"
# get author/email associations from log, overriding a few
typeset -A email
git log reboot..dev '--pretty=tformat:%ae %an' | while IFS=' ' read e n; do
fix_authorname n
email['Anuradha Weeraman'][email protected]
email['Lev Kujawski'][email protected]
email['K. Eugene Carlson'][email protected]
email['Vincent Mihalkovic'][email protected]
trap 'exec rm -f $tmpfile' EXIT
# update COPYRIGHT file
# get all the authors from the git log, sorted by number of commits in descending order
# (awk cannot portably pass strings with newlines via -v options, so pass as an env var)
export contributors=$(
git log reboot..dev '--pretty=tformat:%an' | while read n; do
fix_authorname n
print -r $n
done | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | while IFS=' ' read throwaway_number name; do
c="$name <${email[$name]}>"
centre_line c
print -r "#${c}#"
awk '{
if(!state) { print; if($0 ~ /CONTRIBUTORS/) state=1; }
else if(state==1) { print; spacingline=$0; state=2; }
else if(state==2) { print ENVIRON["contributors"]; state=3; }
else if(state==3) { if($0==spacingline) { print; state=4; } }
else print;
}' COPYRIGHT >|$tmpfile
unset contributors
update_file COPYRIGHT
# update headers in source files
(git diff --name-only; git diff --name-only --cached; git diff-tree --name-only -r $first_commit..HEAD) \
| while read -r file
[[ -f $file ]] || continue
read -r n <$file
[[ $n == '/***********************************************************************' \
|| $n == '########################################################################' ]] \
|| continue
# exclude version.h from adding author names -- most changes to it are just version increments
if [[ $file != src/cmd/ksh93/include/version.h ]]
# comment character
# find the line number of the last author line (after which to insert new authors)
n="^[$cc] .*<.*@.*\..*>.* [$cc]$"
alineno=$(awk -v ere=$n '{ if($0 ~ ere) found++; else if(found) { print NR-1; exit; } }' "$file")
((alineno > 0)) || continue
# get authors, most frequent contributor first
git log $first_commit..HEAD --pretty=tformat:%an "$file" | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn \
| while IFS=' ' read -r throwaway_number name
fix_authorname name
aline="$name <${email[$name]}>"
centre_line aline
# if not already in file, add to sed script
if ! grep -q "^[$cc]$aline[$cc]$" "$file"; then
sedscript=${sedscript:-"$alineno { "}$'a\\\n'${cc}${aline}${cc}$'\n'
[[ -n $sedscript ]] && sedscript+=$'}\n'
# add sed command to update copyright line
sedscript+="/(c) [0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{4\} Contributors to ksh 93u+m/ s/-[0-9]\{4\}/-$current_year/"
# update the file if the sed script makes a difference
sed "$sedscript" $file >|$tmpfile || exit
update_file $file