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A Python pipeline for BIDS creation and fmriprep. From DICOM to BIDS directory structure creation, preprocessing with fmriprep, smoothing with AFNI, motion correction with ART Repair/GLM.



Use conda to set up a new isolated environment to install requirements. Use the package manager pip to install fmriprep-docker. Use conda to install dcm2niix.

pip install --user --upgrade fmriprep-docker
conda install -c conda-forge dcm2niix


Use the following command to build the fmriprep singularity image for use in batch scripting

singularity build /my_images/fmriprep-<version>.simg docker://poldracklab/fmriprep:<version>

Note the directory in which the image is located. This is your 'image_directory'.


import bids_pythonic as bp

# Define your path names
fs_license = '/path/to/license.txt'
project_dir = '/path/to/project/'
bids_root = f"{project_dir}/rawdata/bids_root/"
output_dir = f"{project_dir}/rawdata/fmriprep_output/"
dicom_dir = f"{project_dir}/rawdata/dicoms/"

# Define dicom structure
anat = 'anat'
func = [ 

# Define task name for selected functional data
task = 'example'

# Define a subject ID
sub = 'sub-01'

# Create the bids root directory

# Create the SetupBIDSPipeline object
setup = bp.SetupBIDSPipeline(dicom_dir, name, anat, func, task, bids_root, ignore=True)
# Validate DICOMs and path names
# Initialize BIDS hierarchy
# Use dcm2niix to convert and rename DICOMs to NIFTIs
# Update the json sidecars for the NIFTI files

# Run the fmriprep-docker command on the created BIDS directory
bp.run_fmriprep_docker(bids_root, output_dir, fs_license)

Loop over an array of subs to create a setup object for each one and run all setup object functions. bp.run_fmriprep_docker only needs to be run once on the BIDS root. See the and files for further annotation.


SetupBIDSPipeline class instance

Parameter Function
dicom_dir Base folder that contains all anatomical and functional DICOMs
name Subject ID (with or without 'sub-' prefix)
anat Regex expression for path to anatomical DICOM folder
func Array of regex expressions for paths to functional DICOMs (see multiecho option for additional information
task Task name
root Path name for the BIDS root directory you would like to create
ignore=False If ignore is set to True, no error is generated if the subject folder exists in the BIDS root
overwrite=False If overwrite is True, existing subject folders will be deleted in the BIDS root
multiecho=False If multiecho is True, func must be inputted as an array of arrays. Each element array contains paths to all the echoes that belong to that run

run_fmriprep_docker function

Parameter Function
bids_root Path to generated BIDS root
output Path to fmriprep output that you would like to create
fs_license Path to Freesurfer license.txt file
freesurfer=False Setting freesurfer to True will utilize the freesurfer option in fmriprep

FmriprepSingularity class instance

Parameter Function
subs List of all subject IDs
bids_root Path to generated BIDS root
output Path to fmriprep output that you would like to create
minerva_options Python dictionary with HPC-specific options
freesurfer=False Setting freesurfer to True will utilize the freesurfer option in fmriprep
multiecho=False Setting multiecho to True skips BIDS validation and slice timing correction

Note that the following minerva_options dictionary must be created as well

Parameter Function
image_location Path to folder that contains the fmriprep.# simg Singularity image
batch_dir Path to directory that will contain the batch scripts for HPC
project_dir Path to top level directory that contains all the run specific directories


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




  • Kaustubh Kulkarni - Development, maintenance - More Info

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


A Python pipeline for BIDS creation and fmriprep.






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