A vintage 1960s Grundig Stereo Mixer was turned into a WLED light mixer.
Some technical details:
- ESP32 based
- 2x ADS1115 for 8 analog channels / 8 potentiometer values over I2C
- 2x Duppa.net I2C Rotary Encoder Mini
- Nextion Touch Display NX3224T028
This modified mixer essentially converts any input data, analog or touch, into WLED JSON API calls, sent over WIFI/UDP. While I seriously doubt anyone will do the same conversion at least some of the code might be useful for similar projects where hardware control is desired to control WLED devices.
This is what the mixer looks like now:
This is what it looked like before (the 422 model) (from https://www.hifi-archiv.info/Grundig/1966-1/grundig29.jpg):
And finally, here is a link to the vintage Grundig mixer in action: https://mooodlights.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/WLED-Mixer.mp4
The lights you see in the video are also built by myself, more details can be found at https://mooodlights.com (in German).
To control any WLED lights with the mixer it is required to copy the http://[WLED-IP-Address]/json contents to files called wledjson0, wledjson1 etc. where the number in the end determines the association to the mixer channels 1-4. The files are uploaded with a very simple upload page the mixer provides. The IP of that upload page is shown in the startup screen.
I'm using a modified version of WLED for my lights which can be found in my public repository https://github.com/korkbaum/wled_soundreactive_UM_v12.
Let me have any comments or questions.
- korkbaum