NPP_MCNP_Plugin is an extension for Notepad++ designed to enhance the productivity of users working with MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle) files. It offers model analytics, including surface, cell, and material tracking, directly within the Notepad++ environment.
- Download the latest release of Python Script using the Notepad++ Plugins Admin.
- Navigate to the Notepad++ installation path
- place the npp_mcnp_plugin directory in the ../plugins/PythonScript/lib folder
- place the file in the ../plugins/PythonScript/scripts
After installation, the plugin can be accessed via the plugins -> PythonScript -> scripts -> main
in Notepad++. The plugin needs to be launched for each instance of Notepad++.
One can set up the shortcuts to the script following the advise in the discussion:
- Ignores file extensions associated with other programs (.py, .cpp, .txt etc)
- file reload on tab switch in notepad++ (based on filename change)
- Maps project dependencies: Identifies and Analyzes the main MCNP input file to identify and list dependent files. (palnned)
- Status: Planned
- Description: impement generative methods to simplify MCNP input writting.
- implement command to auto generate basic input structure, for example \generate input creates all basic blocks of MCNP input
- implement LLM based input generation for example \generate input with beam neutron source and a collimator for detector simulations
- Status: Planned
- Description: Autocomplete feature that suggests MCNP keywords and parameters as you type. This aims to boost productivity by offering real-time suggestions and minimizing syntax errors. The feature will be context-aware, providing suggestions based on the specific block you are working in:
- In Cell Block:
- Suggest autocomplete surface ID during typing from the available surface dictionary. (completed)
- suggest autocoplete the cell name after "#\d+". (completed)
- Suggest a new cell ID after a newline in the cell block (completed).
- Suggest a material ID after one digit is typed;(completed)
- Suggest available transformations after typing "trcl=\d+". (completed)
- In Surface Block:
- Suggest a new surface ID after a newline.
- Auto-popup to show available transformations when typed "\tr".
- In Physics Block:
- When in tallies, suggest available surfaces or cells depending on the tally. This will require context awareness about what type of tally it is.
- In Cell Block:
- Status: Completed
- Description: For cell blocks,
- selecting a specific cell displays a list of other cells where that cell is used, facilitating a deeper understanding of cell interactions within the model.
- Selecting the material displays info about the material.
- selecting surfaces displays information about the selected surfaces.
- Status: Completed
- Description:
- selecting a surface type provides information about that type. May add more surface types in data/surface_info.json
- selecting the transformation of the surface popups info about that trcl
- Status: Planned
- Description: Plans to develop functionalities for physics blocks are in place. This will allow users to access pertinent information and insights specific to physics blocks.
- pop information about surfaces in ssr/ssw card
- info about cells in ssr/ssw card
- info about cells in sdef
- info about surfaces in sdef
- Status: Completed
- Description: Pops a message after parsing the MCNP input and checking if
- tally particle identifiers are valid
- +f6 tally has a particle identifier
- tally parameters (cells or surfaces) are missing
- tally is missing
- surface type is invalid
- transformation parameters are missing
- cell entries(surface or #cell) are not integers
- cell surface entries exist
Notification on cell block and surface block information happens once you select the card of interest.
The error checking happens every time you save a file and pops a separate window with comprehensive information.
Example of Cell Block autocoplete (suggestions for autocoplete cell ID, surface ID, material ID) feutures and cell ID selection.
This repository includes a JSON data file (data/mcnp.tmSnippets.json) originally created by repositony . It is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. You can find the full text of the license in the LICENSE file.