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FunctionalDivan: a CouchDB library in F#

FunctionalDivan is a small F# dsl written over the Foretagsplatsen Divan library.

It also "orm" for F# records into couch documents, requiring only that they have the 'id' and 'rev' properties.


type address = {
    street: string
    zip: string

type person = {
    id: string // required
    rev: string // required
    firstname: string
    lastname: string
    primaryAddress: address
    otherAddresses: address list

// set up some sample data
let addy = { street = "michigan ave"; zip = "60606" }
let me = {id = null; rev = null; firstname = "alex"; lastname="pedenko"; 
						primaryAddress = addy; otherAddresses = [{addy with street = "dee st"}]}
// connect
let svr = server "localhost" 5984
let database = db "view_tests" svr

// save me! and remember the new id and rev
let id, rev = me |> into db

	// pull two people from the db (assuming someone else has written them there)
let (result: person list) = 
    selectRecords (
        query "people" "names" database |> limitTo 2


The following commands are supported.


  • server - creates a new server object
  • db - creates a new database object
  • query - query against the design/view in the db
  • byKey(s) - restricts the resultset to the given key(s)
  • limitTo - limits the resultset
  • offsetBy - skips the first n records
  • start/endAt - supplies startkey/endkey values
  • start/endAtId - suppliyes startdocid/enddocid values
  • select - runs the query
  • selectDocs - runs the query with the 'include_docs' parameter set to true, returning an f# list of documents. the supplied type parameter must of a class that implements ICouchDocument
  • selectRecords - runs the query with the 'include_docs' parameter set to true, returning an f# list records that correspond to the documents brought back. the records must have an 'id' and a 'rev' property.
  • from - retrieves a document by id, as an f# record
  • into - stores an f# record as a couch document, returning a tuple of the id/rev this generated


  • query - queries the full text index
  • q - sets the lucene query
  • limitTo - limits the resultset
  • offsetBy - skips the first n records
  • select - runs the query
  • selectDocs - runs the query with the 'include_docs' parameter set to true, returning an f# list of documents. the supplied type parameter must of a class that implements ICouchDocument
  • selectRecords - runs the query with the 'include_docs' parameter set to true, returning an f# list records that correspond to the documents brought back. the records must have an 'id' and a 'rev' property.


Divan-based F# implementation of couchdb binding






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