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AddressC is a frontend for Iris's HeapLang with a focus on easily proving functional correctness for idiomatic, imperative algorithms. It defines a syntactic layer around HeapLang to achieve an imperative-style syntax and provides primitives such as while-loops or structs inspired by projects such as MiniC and Bedrock 2. All primitives come with a high degree of automation thanks to Diaframe. The AddressC language was initially developed at Microsoft Research and has been used in particular to show correctness of various tree insertion algorithms (see our techreport).

AddressC is especially powerful for imperative algorithms which arise naturally from a functional version. As an example, take the reverse function:

fun reverse( xs : list<a>, acc : list<a> ) : list<a>
  match xs
    Cons(x, xx) -> reverse( xx, Cons(x, acc) )
    Nil -> acc

This function reverses a list by appending the elements one-by-one onto an accumulator. Since it is tail-recursive, any functional language will compile it to an imperative while-loop. Additionally, a language with reuse analysis such as Koka or Lean can optimize this further: Assuming that the input xs is unique, this function can reuse the cells of the old list xs for the accumulator. In pseudo-code, Koka will emit code similar to the following:

fun reverse( xs : list<a>, acc : list<a> ) : list<a>
  match xs
    Cons(x, xx) ->
      let next = if is-unique(xs) then &xs else ...
      next[1] = acc
      goto reverse( xx, next )
    Nil ->
      return acc

We can formalize an imperative formulation of this function directly in AddressC:

Definition heap_reverse :=
  fun: ( curr ) {                  (* A function to reverse the list `curr` *)
    var: prev := NULL in           (* The accumulator starts out as empty *)
    while: (curr != NULL) {        (* Until we reach the end of the list: *)
      var: next := curr〚1〛 in     (* Store the tail of the list *)
      curr〚1〛 = prev;;            (* Set the tail to the accumulator *)
      prev = curr;;                (* The new cell is added to the accumulator *)
      curr = next                  (* Continue with the stored tail *)
    ret: prev                      (* Return the accumulator *)

As can be seen, AddressC is quite close to imperative syntax and should be understandable by a typical imperative programmer. Yet, this definition yields a normal Iris HeapLang program which can be proven correct within the usual Iris separation logic. In Iris, we can write a specification as follows:

Lemma heap_reverse_correct (xsv : val) (xs : list Z) :
    {{{ is_list xs xsv }}}
    heap_reverse (ref xsv)
    {{{ v, RET v; is_list (reverse xs []) v }}}.

This asserts that if heap_reverse is given a reference to an Iris value xsv, which corresponds to a Coq list xs and its evaluation terminates, then it will return a value v which corresponds to the Coq list reverse xs []. We can prove this claim as follows:

  wp_begin "Hxs"; curr. wp_var prev.          (* Set up the program with variables curr and prev *)
  wp_while (∃ xs' acc' prevv currv,           (* This is the main loop invariant: *)
    curr ↦ currv ∗ is_list xs' currv          (* - curr points to an Iris list corresponding to xs' *)
    ∗ prev ↦ prevv ∗ is_list acc' prevv       (* - prev points to an Iris list corresponding to acc' *)
    ∗ ⌜reverse xs [] = reverse xs' acc'⌝)%I.  (* - and xs', acc' correspond to one iteration of the functional program *)
  - iModIntro. iIntros "[%xs' [% [% [% [? [Hxs [? [? ->]]]]]]]]".
    destruct xs'; iDecompose "Hxs".           (* Split the current list as in the `match` statement *)
     { wp_type. }                             (* If the list is empty, the loop finishes and we are done *)
     { wp_heap.                               (* Otherwise, we evaluate `curr != NULL` *)
       wp_enter_loop.                         (* curr is not null and we enter the loop *)
       wp_heap.                               (* We complete the assignments of the main loop body *)
       wp_type. }                             (* We show that the loop invariant is maintained *)
  - wp_type.                                  (* We show that the loop invarint is true at the start. *)

This repository contains several formalizations in AddressC including advanced ones such as move-to-root trees, splay trees and zip trees. In these cases, it is even possible to obtain AddressC code which corresponds closely to the pseudo-code presented in the original papers. To learn more about this work, please refer to our paper:

  author = {Lorenzen, Anton and Leijen, Daan and Swierstra, Wouter and Lindley, Sam},
  title = {The Functional Essence of Imperative Binary Search Trees},
  year = 2023,
  month = Dec,
  institution = {Microsoft Research},
  number = {MSR-TR-2023-28}


The Coq code is known to compile with:

coq                    8.19.1                    The Coq Proof Assistant
coq-core               8.19.1                    The Coq Proof Assistant -- Core Binaries and Tools
coq-diaframe           dev.2024-02-21.0.9c606e4f Diaframe: Automation for Iris
coq-diaframe-heap-lang dev.2024-02-21.0.9c606e4f Diaframe: Automation for Iris's Heap Lang
coq-equations          1.3+8.19                  A function definition package for Coq
coq-iris               dev.2024-02-16.1.06f499e0 A Higher-Order Concurrent Separation Logic Framework with support for interactive proofs
coq-iris-heap-lang     dev.2024-02-16.1.06f499e0 The canonical example language for Iris
coq-stdlib             8.19.1                    The Coq Proof Assistant -- Standard Library
coq-stdpp              dev.2024-02-09.0.cafd7113 An extended "Standard Library" for Coq


The Coq code can be compiled using:

make -jN

Where N is the number of cores to be used.