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0.11.1 (2023-09-22)

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@dbanty dbanty released this 22 Sep 22:50
· 729 commits to main since this release


Add a ChangelogEntry variable for substitution

Anywhere that the existing Version variable can be used (for example, in the Command step), you can now also use ChangelogEntry to get the section of the changelog that corresponds to the current version. For example, you could (almost) replicate Knope's GitHub Release creation without Knope's GitHub integration with a workflow like this:

name = "release"

type = "PrepareRelease"

type = "Command"
command = "git commit -m \"chore: prepare release $version\" && git push"

"$version" = "Version"

type = "Command"
command = "gh release create --title '$version' --notes '$changelog'"

"$version" = "Version"
"$changelog" = "ChangelogEntry"

Added an allow_empty option to the PrepareRelease step

Closes #416

If you want to run PrepareRelease on every push to a branch without it failing when there's nothing to release, you can now include the allow_empty option like this:

type = "PrepareRelease"
allow_empty = true

Then, you can use some logic to gracefully skip the rest of your CI process if there is nothing to release. For example, in GitHub Actions, you could do something like this:

- name: Prepare Release
  run: knope prepare-release
- name: Check for Release
  id: status
  run: echo ready=$(if [[ `git status --porcelain` ]]; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi;) >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Release
  if: steps.status.outputs.ready == 'true'
  run: knope release

This allows you to differentiate between there being nothing to release and the PrepareRelease step failing for other reasons.

New CreatePullRequest step

The new CreatePullRequest step allows you to create or update a pull request on GitHub. It's designed to be a nice way to preview and accept new releases via a pull request workflow, but could certainly work for more contexts as well! To see an example of the new PR-based release workflow, check out Knope's prepare-release workflow and Knope's release workflow.


Only consider prereleases newer than the last stable

This fixes a regression in the previous version of Knope where all prereleases would be considered, rather than just those tagged after the latest stable version.


GitHub Actions Recipes

There's a new section of the docs with some recipes for using Knope in GitHub Actions. If you have suggestions for additional recipes, please open a discussion!