A C# implementation of an Earley parser working on Tree-adjoining grammars (working on natural languages)
The Natural Language examples must use a Part-of-Speech Tagger.
Download the Stanford POS Tagger at http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/tagger.html#Download
Make sure it is well referenced in the PosTagger class constructor.
In the examples, make sure you are using the StanfordPosTagger class to generate the ISentence objects.
Download Talismane at http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/applications/talismane.html
Download a language pack like English or French at https://github.com/urieli/talismane/releases
Run Talismane with a command line like: java -Xmx1G -jar talismane-core-2.4.7b.jar languagePack=frenchLanguagePack-2.4.4b.zip command=analyse mode=server encoding=UTF-8 port=7171
In the examples, make sure you are using the Talismane class to generate the ISentence objects.