#Scalable javascript architecture based on work by Nicholas C. Zakas
- Here is a video which was used as the basis for this architecture.
- Here is a slideshare which was used as the basis for this architecture.
###Key Concepts:
- Loose coupling between modules
- Consistent sandbox interface to the application core (i.e. interfaces over implementation paradigm)
- Modules only access DOM elements in their box
- Modules don't create global objects
- Modules only access the sandbox the rest of the architecture doesn't exist to a module
- Sandbox can limit module access to core methods
- Application core manages modules and communication between modules
- Application core does general error handling
- Application core is extensible
- Base library (jQuery YUI etc...) is abstracted in the Application core
###To Run Tests:
- clone project
- cd scalable-javascript-architecture
- open jasmine/SpecRunner.html in the browser you want to test
- Complete unit testing!