Before you start, make sure your system meets the following requirements:
- Ruby version: 3.2.3
- Rbenv: Recommended for managing Ruby versions (rbenv)
- PostgreSQL: Required for Active Record
JavaScript and CSS
- Bootstrap: Version 5.2 or later
Templating and View
- Slim: Lightweight templating engine -Slim-Rails: Integration with Rails
File Uploads
- CarrierWave: For file uploads, including image processing
User Authentication
- Devise: User authentication solution
git clone [email protected]:kkkiikkk/smog.git
cd smog
ruby -v
The ouput should start with something like ruby 3.2.3
If not, install the right ruby version using rbenv (it could take a while):
rbenv install 3.2.3
Using Bundler
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rake app:migrate_images
rails s
Docker and docker compose should be installed
ssh user@IP
cd /var/www/
Clone the git repository
cd smog
docker compose build
docker compose run web rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
docker compose run web rails asssets:precompile
docker compose run web rails app:migrate_images
docker compose up -d