Releases: kipr/botui
What's Changed
- Network persistence by @erinharrington-12 in #147
- Backup patch by @erinharrington-12 in #148
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
What's Changed
- Event mode by @erinharrington-12 in #144
- Desired use case is in large events that have many AP signals being broadcast by Wombats
- Disables WiFi broadcasting to unclog WiFi bands/channels
- Enables only Ethernet connection between Wombat and computer
- Toggle switch for Event Mode in About page
- When activated, Home page gets a different background to determine visually if Wombat is Event Mode
- All other pages have a small "Event Mode Enabled" label at the bottom of each page
- Remove create3 by @erinharrington-12 in #145
- V31.0.0 Wombat Update by @erinharrington-12 in #146
- Removed Create 3 usage as Creates are no longer used in Botball (starting 2025 season)
- Raspberry Pi type used (3B or 3B+) displayed on About page
- Wired Ethernet Connection
- Enables direct wired connection between Wombat and computer
- New IP to type in URL is to access IDE
- Dynamic WiFi Balancing
- Wombats with Raspberry Pi 3B+ can now flip between 2.4 GHz WiFi channel and 5 GHz
- Toggle to do so is on Network page (Settings/Advanced/Network)
- Wombats with Raspberry Pi 3B can only use 2.4 GHz WiFi channel
- On each boot-up, the script will run
- Script determines the AP spread on 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands and channels, finds the channel with the least amount of APs, and modifies the Wombat's AP connection accordingly
- USB vs. Online Update
- Update page now has 2 ways to update Wombat: USB or Online (Ethernet)
- USB looks for a .zip file named wombat-os-##.#.# (version number) in root folder of USB
- Versions <= 30.3.0 require the .zip to be extracted into root folder of USB so it's just a folder, not a .zip file
- Versions >= 31.0.0 only need the .zip file
- Online requires direct Ethernet connection between Wombat and an internet source
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
v1.1.0 Release
What's Changed
- Create 3 Widget Lock Down Buttons by @erinharrington-12 in #142
- Locks down Wifi toggle
- V30.3.0 by @erinharrington-12 in #143
- Removed Create 3 Connect button
- Remove sensor list for Create 3
- Moved Create 3 example programs to main Create 3 page
- Changed copyright year
- Added @ to dev list
- Changed desktop background to v30.3.0
- Added Loading Logo on reboots
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
v1.0.1 Release
Adds UI options on Create 3 page for switching from Wifi to Ethernet and back.
v1.0.0 Release
The first release since the merge of Qt6 changes and the libwallaby refactor. Version numbering will begin from here rather than reflecting the version that the Wombat is currently on. Major changes are:
- Upgrade to Qt6 for running botui
- Update of developers list
- Addition of File Manager page
- Addition of Create 3 page
- Repair online update option
- Repair Backup and Restore buttons
- Update of Factory Tools page
- Update of Network page
- Addition of reboot button
The attached binary will run on a Wombat in conjunction with:
Release 26.0
This is a long overdue update.
This is basically the ground floor that future versions will build off of.
25.8 is meaningless as a version because it didn't get bumped and represents a host of states of the software rather than just 1.
After 26, the versions will hopefully be better managed.
The version control (as of writing this) will be managed in this project:
The planned releases right now are:
Quark (version 27)
Electron (version 28)
Proton (version 29)
BOS - Hydrogen (version 30)
BOS - Helium (version 31)
BOS - Lithium (version 32)
BOS - Hydrogen is hoped to be as close to stable as we can get. The hope is that each subsequent version until Hydrogen will improve stability so that we can start with a better foundation after Hydrogen (v30) is released.
There are not actually plans for what Helium and onward will be, that is just in the list to show the pattern that will continue after Hydrogen is finished. As of writing this Hydrogen is the vision for KIPR software.
Keep It Simple, Stupid,
This is the first time we have ever put a release binary