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- [RSS 2024] Wang, C., Shi, H., Wang, W., Zhang, R., Fei-Fei, L., & Liu, C. K. (2024). Dexcap: Scalable and portable mocap data collection system for dexterous manipulation. - arXiv, Website
- [RSS 2023] Qin, Y., Yang, W., Huang, B., Van Wyk, K., Su, H., Wang, X., ... & Fox, D. (2023). Anyteleop: A general vision-based dexterous robot arm-hand teleoperation system. - arXiv, Website
- [ICRA 2023] Arunachalam, S. P., Güzey, I., Chintala, S., & Pinto, L. (2023, May). Holo-dex: Teaching dexterity with immersive mixed reality. - arXiv, Website
- [ICRA 2020] Handa, A., Van Wyk, K., Yang, W., Liang, J., Chao, Y. W., Wan, Q., ... & Fox, D. (2020, May). Dexpilot: Vision-based teleoperation of dexterous robotic hand-arm system. - arXiv, Website
- [arXiv] Kareer, S., Patel, D., Punamiya, R., Mathur, P., Cheng, S., Wang, C., ... & Xu, D. (2024). Egomimic: Scaling imitation learning via egocentric video. - arXiv, Website
- [CoRL 2022] Shaw, K., Bahl, S., & Pathak, D. (2023, March). Videodex: Learning dexterity from internet videos. - arXiv, Website
- [RSS 2023] Huang, B., Chen, Y., Wang, T., Qin, Y., Yang, Y., Atanasov, N., & Wang, X. (2023). Dynamic handover: Throw and catch with bimanual hands. - arXiv, Website
- [IROS 2023] Orbit: A Unified Simulation Framework for Interactive Robot Learning Environments - arXiv, Website
- [IROS 2024] Romero, B., Fang, H. S., Agrawal, P., & Adelson, E. (2024, October). Eyesight hand: Design of a fully-actuated dexterous robot hand with integrated vision-based tactile sensors and compliant actuation. In 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 1853-1860). IEEE. - arXiv
- [Humanoids 2023] Mannam, P., Shaw, K., Bauer, D., Oh, J., Pathak, D., & Pollard, N. (2023, December). Designing anthropomorphic soft hands through interaction. In 2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. - arXiv
- [RSS 2023] Shaw, K., Agarwal, A., & Pathak, D. (2023). Leap hand: Low-cost, efficient, and anthropomorphic hand for robot learning. - arXiv
- [Nature Communications] Kim, U., Jung, D., Jeong, H., Park, J., Jung, H. M., Cheong, J., ... & Park, C. (2021). Integrated linkage-driven dexterous anthropomorphic robotic hand. Nature communications, 12(1), 1-13. - Paper
- [ICRA 2012] Bridgwater, L. B., Ihrke, C. A., Diftler, M. A., Abdallah, M. E., Radford, N. A., Rogers, J. M., ... & Linn, D. M. (2012, May). The robonaut 2 hand-designed to do work with tools. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 3425-3430). IEEE. - Paper
- [RAL] Q. Wu, H. Wang, J. Zhou, X. Xiong and Y. Lou. (2025) "TARS: Tactile Affordance in Robot Synesthesia for Dexterous Manipulation" - Paper