- Kiley Adams
- Ted Hodges
- Samantha McCall
Kiley proposed the idea to our team of an app that takes the simple-yet-timeless concept of a parent’s letters to their child on each birthday and gives it a digital twist. Ted and Sam agreed it was a good idea and Mindfully was born!
With Mindfully, anyone can write and save letters to a loved one, then save them all in one place. You can sort them by category — such as birthdays — to ensure you’re sending a new message each year.
Mindfully uses an MVC framework, a MySQL database for data storage, Node, Express, and Handlebars. It also uses technology we've used in class and some new libraries and frameworks:
- Github and Heroku deployment
- Chai, Mocha & Nightmare for testing
- Semantic UI for front-end design
- TypeIt.js for typewriter animation effects??
- Passport.js for authentication
The MVC framework includes:
This code snippet illustrates how the letters.js model interacts with the MySQL database:
module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) {
var Letter = sequelize.define("Letter", {
title: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false,
validate: {
len: [1, 50]
letter: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT,
allowNull: false,
len: [1, 1000]
category: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
defaultValue: "Personal"
Letter.associate = function(models) {
// every Letter belongs to an Author
// Foreign key means a Letter can't be created without an Author
models.Letter.belongsTo(models.Author, {
foreignKey: {
allowNull: false
return Letter;
Within the public/views/ folder there's a file for each HTML page that corresponds to a file in public/js/:
- dashboard.js
// InitializeRows handles appending all of our constructed post HTML inside blogContainer
function initializeRows() {
var postsToAdd = [];
for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
- dashboard.html
<div class="ui text container" id="blog-container">
<p>Starting a new letter is as easy as clicking the New Post button!</p>
<p>Worried about repeating yourself? No problem! To review previous letters,
just choose the category from the dropdown menu.</p>
<p>Whether you decide to write something completely new or continue a story
from a previous letter, Mindfully preserves your words so you can refer back to them.</p>
The html-routes and api-routes.js files controls the routes to and from the database and html pages, such as this POST route:
//POST route for creating new letter
app.post("/api/letters", function(req, res) {
title: req.body.title,
letter: req.body.letter,
category: req.body.category
}).then(function(result) {