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GSFC Python Bootcamp 2014

Jeremy Perkins edited this page Jul 18, 2014 · 7 revisions

Information about the 2014 GSFC Python Bootcamp can be found at (

Archived Streams

We streamed the bootcamp on the NASA/GSFC UStream Channel. You can find the broadcasts archived there.


We had a post-mortem of the 2014 bootcamp on Thursday, July 18. This was to go over our perceptions, go over the feedback from the meeting and produce some action items for next year.

Overall Impressions

  • The event was a success. We had approximately 100 people attending in person plus 10 - 20 attending remotely.
  • The waiting list worked well (at least better than last year). An action item for next year will be to be clearer with the webmaster about how we want the waiting list to work and how we would like to reserve and release spots.
  • The bigger room and the streaming took a lot of the pressure off of the waiting list and we were able to accommodate almost everyone.
  • This is not a problem unique to this school but we have a very disparate set of students and it is hard to cater to everyone's experience. The action items at the bottom (and put into the issue tracker) will hopefully solve some of these issues.
  • We agreed that it was important to continue to actively recruit interns and graduate students.
  • We need to include a more diverse set of examples (Earth Science). We were also lacking engineering examples.
  • Action item is to recruit instructors from other codes.
  • The notebook was unexpected but appreciated.
  • The space was perfect and our A/V support was excellent.
  • Need to reiterate that we cannot provide tech support.


  • We had a 50% response rate to the survey.
  • The overall survey result is positive. We are doing a good job.
  • Very diverse set of codes were present (almost all of them).
  • Most people were first timers.
  • Did not get a lot of response from the interns. We should ask them directly about their experiences.
  • The bootcamp met the student's expectations and most of it was applicable to their research.
  • Breakouts were too hard for some but lots of 3's (out of 5). Perhaps we should pair strong/weak programmers?
  • Some students would like credit. Action item is to provide SATERN credit.
  • Refreshments are a must. This was a success.
  • Only a few responses from the streamers. Need to talk to Eric about it but the overwhelming response was to continue the streaming. The method we used (UStream) was fine.

Action Items

These will also be put in the issue tracker.

  1. We need to think about agenda ahead of time... define goals for each day!
  2. Should we restructure for a beginner day?
  3. We need to recruit people from other codes. Especially 610.
  • Who is going to volunteer for next time?
  • What is best method? go out into labs.
  • Poster-fair, poster on python bootcamp. volunteers? Sylvia. git-hub.
  1. Pre-requisites and getting people ready?
  • send out detailed instructions, with web links to tutorials / videos
  • stress that we expect you to have done this, this and this.
  • need a pre-homework. quizzie? have office hours in advance. (but don't eliminate too many)
  1. make sure we have access to agenda / github wiki?
  2. how to mix the skill levels?
  • mixed seating? intersperse different levels (buddy -- great for interns)
  • project-based labs? something to allow more differentiation.
  1. Need to post the archived links to the streams (see above).
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