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keytonic committed Nov 29, 2024
0 parents commit 569cbe9
Showing 3 changed files with 248 additions and 0 deletions.
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# video_extract
# keytonic
# 18 Aug 24
# will loop through the contents of the current directory
# any folder it finds it will enter, look for '.mp4's and move them
# out one folder to the working dir. so i can batch pull downloaded
# movies from folders to the root directory

class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

import sys
import os
import os.path

working_dir = sys.path[0] #C:\Users\keytonic\Documents\video_renamer
current_dir = "" #C:\Users\keytonic\Documents\video_renamer\poop

def move_it(name):
#if its not a folder, bail, should not have a period in the name
#if(name.rfind('.') != -1):
# return
if(os.path.isdir(name) == False):

#working dir plus folder name
current_dir = "{}\\{}".format(working_dir,name)

#getting contents of current dir
list = os.listdir(name)

#looping through contents
for file in list:

#movies only
if(file.rfind('.mp4') == -1 and file.rfind('.mkv') == -1):

#calc locations
old_location = "{}\\{}".format(current_dir,file)
new_location = "{}\\{}".format(working_dir,file)

#lets go!
print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "[Info]" + bcolors.ENDC + " Moving from {} to {}".format(old_location,new_location))

#get the list of all files and directories in the current working directory
file_list = os.listdir()
#looping throught them all
for file in file_list:
#ignore this script file name
if(file != os.path.basename(__file__)):
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# video_organize
# keytonic
# 18 Aug 24
# a simple script that loops through all the movies in a folder
# and organizes them into folders named A through Z based on the title,
# folder named # for non alphabetic first character

class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

import sys
import os
import os.path

def move_it(name):

#skip over python scripts
if (name.find(".py") != -1) :

#movies only
if(name.rfind('.mp4') == -1 and name.rfind('.mkv') == -1):

#get first character, # is its not in alphabet
first_char = name[:1].upper()
first_char = first_char if first_char.isalpha() else "#"

#calc paths
src_location = os.path.abspath(name)
new_location = "Z:\\Movies\\" + first_char + "\\" + name

print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "[Info]" + bcolors.ENDC + " Moving: '" + src_location + "' to '" + new_location + "'")
print(bcolors.FAIL + "[Fail]" + bcolors.ENDC + " Moving: '" + src_location + "' to '" + new_location + "'")

#get the list of all files and directories in the current working directory
file_list = os.listdir()
#looping throught them all
for file in file_list:
#ignore this script file name
if(file != os.path.basename(__file__) and os.path.isdir(file) == False):
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# video_renamer
# keytonic
# 18 Aug 24
# attempts to itterate current directory and renames all videos correctly
# from:
# Ant-Man.And.The.Wasp.Quantumania.2023.720p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].mp4
# The.Iron.Claw.2023.720p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].mp4
# to:
# Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantumania (2023).mp4
# Iron Claw, The (2023).mp4
# Will also take one file name via command line
# eg: python Ant-Man.And.The.Wasp.Quantumania.2023.720p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].mp4

import sys
import os
#import webbrowser
import requests

from imdb import Cinemagoer

ia = Cinemagoer()

class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

def get_poster(name,year):

filename = "{} ({}).{}".format(name,year,'jpg')

movies = ia.search_movie("{} {}".format(name,year))
movie = ia.get_movie(movies[0].movieID)
img_data = ""

if(movie.has_key('cover url') == True and movie['cover url'] != ""):
img_data = requests.get(movie['cover url']).content

if(img_data != ""):
with open(filename, 'wb') as handler:
print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "[Info]" + bcolors.ENDC + " Creating '" + bcolors.OKCYAN + filename + bcolors.ENDC + "'")
print(bcolors.FAIL + "[Fail]" + bcolors.ENDC + " could not save: '" + filename + "'")
print(bcolors.FAIL + "[Fail]" + bcolors.ENDC + " could not save: '" + filename + "'")

#input("Press Enter to continue...")

def rename(name):

#looking at extention first because if it aint a movie
#then there aint no point in doing anything else
ext = (name[name.rfind('.') + 1:]).strip()

if(ext != "mp4" and ext != "mkv"):
#return quietly if its a script or folder
#if(ext != "py" and name.rfind('.') != -1):
if(os.path.isdir(name) == False and ext != "py"):
#return loudly if it is a file with a no shit wrong extention
print(bcolors.FAIL + "[Fail]" + bcolors.ENDC + " extention: '{}' name: '{}'".format(ext,name))

#searching for year, looking for first occurance of year_prefix
#hoping year is something like 20xx or 19xx what ever year_prefix is set to
year_prefix = "20"
year = (name[name.find(year_prefix):name.find(year_prefix) + 4]).strip()

if((year.isnumeric() == False) or (year == "")):

year_prefix = "19"
year = (name[name.find(year_prefix):name.find(year_prefix) + 4]).strip()

if((year.isnumeric() == False) or (year == "")):
print(bcolors.FAIL + "[Fail]" + bcolors.ENDC + " year: '{}' name: '{}'".format(year,name))

#getting the title, doing alot of .srip'n just making sure theres no spaces
#also checking for 'the' in the title. if its in the begining the rename accordingly
title = (name[0:name.find(year_prefix)].replace('.', ' ')).strip()

#removing '(' and ')' incase this file has been processed previously
title = title.replace('(', '').strip()
title = title.replace(')', '').strip()

#need to fix this... triggers on 'they' etc
if((title.find("The ") != -1) and (title.find("The ") == 0)):
title = "{}, The".format(title[4:])

#putting it all together
new_name = "{} ({}).{}".format(title,year,ext)

#let's go!
print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "[Info]" + bcolors.ENDC + " Renaming '" + bcolors.OKCYAN + new_name + bcolors.ENDC + "'")

#if filename given on commandline then go with it
if(len(sys.argv) > 1):
#otherwise loop through files in directory and process them
#get the list of all files and directories in the current working directory
file_list = os.listdir()
#looping throught them all
for file in file_list:
#ignore this script file name
if(file != os.path.basename(__file__)):

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