Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm Kevin, a software engineer with expertise in legal operations and technology. With over 3 years of experience working in legal/business operations within law firms, combined with a Juris Doctorate and a business degree, I bring a unique blend of technical and legal knowledge to the table.
Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS
Frameworks & Libraries: React, Next.js
State Management: Redux, Global State Management
Styling: Responsive Design
Database: MongoDB
API: GraphQL
Server: Apollo Server
End-to-End: Cypress
Unit Testing: Mocha, Chai
Methodology: TDD
Development Tools:
CI/CD: Github Actions
API Integration: Fetch API
Version Control: Git
A centralized dashboard system that unifies three distinct APIs into a single, cohesive platform. The portal provides both user and admin interfaces for monitoring machine status, managing data, and tracking performance metrics.**
Tech Stack:
Next.js for server-side rendering and routing React for UI components Tailwind CSS for responsive styling Apollo Client for GraphQL state management
GraphQL API with Apollo Server for unified data orchestration MongoDB for persistent data storage Redis for caching and session management OAuth 2.0 for secure authentication
A website built for users in Utah seeking medical providers for children with autism spectrum disorder. Users can search providers based on various parameters, connect with providers, and learn more about autism.
Tech Stack: React, React Router, Cypress (for end-to-end testing), Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL.
A task management app featuring task creation, deletion, filtering, and searching functionalities.
Tech Stack: React, Redux (for global state management), Cypress (for robust testing).
A application for searching, favoriting, viewing details, and even buying currenices among the top 100 cryptocurrencies. Tracks live data from an API and calculates investment performance over time. Tech Stack: React, Cypress, Top Currencies API
- JavaScript: Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code.
- TypeScript A statically typed superset of JS, adding optional type definitions.
- Next.js Front-end framework that offers Server Side Rendering (SSR).
- React: Building dynamic, interactive user interfaces.
- Redux: Mastering state management like a pro.
- HTML & CSS: Crafting beautiful, responsive web pages.
- Cypress: Ensuring flawless functionality with end-to-end testing.
Tech is an ever revolving door and I am always looking for the next thing to dive into and learn, here's what I'm focusing on next:
- SQL Languages and C#
- AWS Certification
When I'm not coding, you'll find me biking through one of South Florida's many state parks with my fiancΓ©e and dog, Goomba (who rides in the back basket). I also love building computers and am as passionate about hardware benchmarking as I am about writing and testing efficient software.
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: Kevin Nelson