QuantumCollocation.jl sets up and solves quantum control problems as nonlinear programs (NLPs). In this context, a generic quantum control problem looks like
Problem Templates are reusable design patterns for setting up and solving common quantum control problems.
For example, a UnitarySmoothPulseProblem is tasked with generating a pulse sequence
while a UnitaryMinimumTimeProblem minimizes time and constrains fidelity,
In each case, the dynamics between knot points
Problem templates give the user the ability to add other constraints and objective functions to this problem and solve it efficiently using Ipopt.jl and MathOptInterface.jl under the hood.
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using QuantumCollocation
T = 50
Δt = 0.2
system = QuantumSystem([PAULIS[:X], PAULIS[:Y]])
U_goal = GATES.H
# Hadamard Gate
prob = UnitarySmoothPulseProblem(system, U_goal, T, Δt)
solve!(prob, max_iter=100)