This package will lint your .php
opened filed in Atom through php -l.
Linter package must be installed in order to use this plugin. If Linter is not installed, please follow the instructions here.
- Install php.
$ apm install linter-php
You can configure linter-php by editing ~/.atom/config.cson (choose Open Your Config in Atom menu):
'phpExecutablePath': null # php path. run 'which php' to find the path
- linter-phpcs - Linter plugin for PHP, using phpcs.
- linter-phpmd - Linter plugin for PHP, using phpmd.
- linter-jshint - Linter plugin for JavaScript, using jshint.
- linter-scss-lint - Sass Linter plugin for SCSS, using scss-lint.
- linter-coffeelint Linter plugin for CoffeeScript, using coffeelint.
- linter-csslint Linter plugin for CSS, using csslint.
- linter-rubocop - Linter plugin for Ruby, using rubocop.
- linter-tslint Linter plugin for TypeScript, using tslint.