Stock Market Analysis for Bank of America, CitiGroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo
- Conducted Exploratory Data Analysis to identify key events including market crashes and stock splits, data fetched from Google Finance
- Analyzed and classified stocks based on riskiness through financial metrics such as moving averages using Seaborn's and Matplotlib's clustermap to visualize correlations between different stocks.
- You can also find my comprehensive EDA on TSLA stock fetched from Yahoo Finance to prepare for Phase 2: Modeling using LSTM + Sentiment Analysis
- Employ Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) RNN and linear regression to predict stock prices, evaluating the predictive power and limitations of each model before integrating them for enhanced accuracy.
- Conduct sentiment analysis on Elon Musk's tweets to gain insights on their influences on TSLA prices
- Create a dashboard using Streamlit for visualizing stock prices and predictions, integrating sentiment analysis results for comprehensive insights.