This is a responsive survey form created as part of the FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design certification. The form includes various input types and follows modern web design practices.
- Responsive design that works on all device sizes
- HTML5 form validation
- Custom styling with CSS
- Various form input types including:
- Text input
- Email input
- Number input
- Dropdown select
- Radio buttons
- Checkboxes
- Textarea
- Submit button
- CSS3
All required user stories have been implemented, including:
- Page title with id="title"
- Short explanation with id="description"
- Form with id="survey-form"
- Name input field with id="name"
- Email input field with id="email"
- Number input field with id="number"
- Corresponding labels with appropriate ids
- Placeholder text for input fields
- Dropdown, radio buttons, and checkboxes
- Textarea for comments
- Submit button with id="submit"