Symfony integration for Sentry.
Use sentry-symfony
- A fast Sentry setup
- Easy configuration in your Symfony app
- Automatic wiring in your app. Each event has the following things added automatically to it:
- user
- Symfony environment
- app path
- excluded paths (cache and vendor)
If you're using the Symfony Flex Composer plugin, you can install this bundle in a single, easy step:
composer require sentry/sentry-symfony
This could show a message similar to this:
The recipe for this package comes from the "contrib" repository, which is open to community contributions.
Review the recipe at
Do you want to execute this recipe?
Press y
and return to allow the installation.
You can install this bundle using Composer:
composer require sentry/sentry-symfony:^3.0
Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles
in the app/AppKernel.php
file of your project:
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new Sentry\SentryBundle\SentryBundle(),
// ...
// ...
Note that, unlike before in version 3, the bundle will be enabled in all environments; event reporting, instead, is enabled only when providing a DSN (see the next step).
Add your Sentry DSN value of your project, if you have Symfony 3.4 add it to app/config/config_prod.yml
for Symfony 4 or newer add the value to config/packages/sentry.yaml
Keep in mind that leaving the dsn
value empty (or undeclared) in other environments will effectively disable Sentry reporting.
dsn: "https://public:[email protected]/1"
enabled: true # flushes Sentry messages at the end of each message handling
capture_soft_fails: true # captures exceptions marked for retry too
environment: '%kernel.environment%'
release: '%env(VERSION)%' #your app version
excluded_exceptions: #exclude validation errors
- App\Exception\UserNotFoundException
- Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException
The parameter options
allows to fine-tune exceptions. To discover more options, please refer to
the Unified APIs options and
the PHP specific ones.
Note: this step is optional
If you're using monolog
for logging e.g. in-app errors, you
can use this handler in order for them to show up in Sentry.
First, enable & configure the Sentry\Monolog\Handler
; you'll also need
to disable the Sentry\SentryBundle\EventListener\ErrorListener
avoid having duplicate events in Sentry:
register_error_listener: false # Disables the ErrorListener
enabled: true
level: error
Then enable it in monolog
type: service
id: Sentry\Monolog\Handler
Additionally, you can register the PsrLogMessageProcessor
to resolve PSR-3 placeholders in reported messages:
tags: { name: monolog.processor, handler: sentry }
Since SDK 2.0 uses HTTPlug to remain transport-agnostic, you need to have installed two packages that provides
and http-message-implementation
This bundle depends on sentry/sdk
, which is a metapackage that already solves this need, requiring our suggested HTTP
packages: the Curl client and Guzzle's message factories.
If instead you want to use a different HTTP client or message factory, you can override the sentry/sdk
package adding the following to your composer.json
after the require
"replace": {
"sentry/sdk": "*"
This will prevent the installation of sentry/sdk
package and will allow you to install through Composer the HTTP client or message factory of your choice.
For example for using Guzzle's components:
composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter guzzlehttp/psr7
A possible alternate solution is using pugx/sentry-sdk
, a metapackage that replaces sentry/sdk
and uses symfony/http-client
instead of guzzlehttp/guzzle
composer require pugx/sentry-sdk
- 3.x is actively maintained and developed on the master branch, and uses Sentry SDK 2.0;
- 2.x is supported only for fixes; from this version onwards it requires Symfony 3+ and PHP 7.1+;
- 1.x is no longer maintained; you can use it for Symfony < 2.8 and PHP 5.6/7.0;
- 0.8.x is no longer maintained.
The 3.0 version of the bundle uses the newest version (2.x) of the underlying Sentry SDK. If you need to migrate from previous versions, please check the
The Sentry 2.0 SDK uses the Unified API, hence it uses the concept of Scope
s to hold information about the current
state of the app, and attach it to any event that is reported. This bundle has three listeners (RequestListener
and ConsoleListener
) that adds some easy default information. Since 3.5, a fourth listener has been added to handle the case of Messenger Workers: MessengerListener
Those listeners normally are executed with a priority of 1
to allow easier customization with custom listener, that by
default run with a lower priority of 0
Those listeners are final
so not extendable, but you can look at those to know how to add more information to the
current Scope
and enrich you Sentry events.
Services registered by the bundle (the ClientBuilder
in the example below) can be configured in several ways, one of them is by using a compiler pass:
final class SentryCustomizationCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
public function process(ContainerBuilder $containerBuilder): void
// Example - setting own serializer to Sentry\ClientBuilder
->addMethodCall('setSerializer', [
new Reference(MyCustomSerializer::class),
The option class_serializers can be used to send customized objects serialization.
YourValueObject: '@ValueObjectSerializer'
Several serializers can be added and the serializable check is done using instanceof. The serializer must implements the __invoke
method returning an array with the information to send to sentry (class name is always sent).
Serializer example:
final class ValueObjectSerializer
public function __invoke(YourValueObject $vo): array
return [
'value' => $vo->value()