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- Web
- Code Generators
- Tests
- Dependency Injection
- Coroutines
- Functional Programming
- Database
- Tools
- Desktop
- Http Clients
- Editors
- Syntax Highlighters
- Game Development
- Misc
- Raspberry Pi
- Multiplatform
- Extensions
- Configuration
- Graphics
- Science
- Command Line Interface
- Browsers
Links Back ⇈
Official Links Back ⇈
- JetBrains/kotlin
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- Public chat archive of Kotlin's Slack
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- Kotlin/KEEP - Kotlin Evolution and Enhancement Process
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Resources Back ⇈
- Jobs for Kotlin Developers - All job listings require Kotlin skills
- Podcast: Talking Kotlin - A Podcast on Kotlin and more
- /r/Kotlin
- Stackoverflow Documentation on Kotlin
- Quora Kotlin
- Trending Kotlin on Github
- Antonio Leiva - Android and any other monsters
- Programming Community Curated Resources for learning Kotlin
- LinkedIn: Kotlin Developers (Join!)
- From Java To Kotlin
- dbacinski/Design-Patterns-In-Kotlin - Design Patterns implemented in Kotlin.
- Kotlin Cheat Sheet
- Kotlin Kōans Android app - Learn Kotlin with short coding challenges on your Android device
- Kotlin Guide - An introduction to Kotlin
- Kotlin Academy - Blog that teach about Kotlin
- Kotlin Expertise Blog - A Blog with many articles covering basic and advanced Kotlin topics.
- Google's Kotlin Codelab - Build your first Kotlin Android App
- Kotlin Quiz - Are You a Kotlin Expert? Test Your Skills with the Kotlin Quiz!
- SuperKotlin - A website about Kotlin
- AlexeySoshin/Hands-on-Design-Patterns-with-Kotlin - Code examples for 'Hands-on Design Patterns with Kotlin' book
Books and Courses Back ⇈
- Kotlin in Action - Dmitry Jemerov, Svetlana Isakova
- Functional Programming in Kotlin - Marco Vermeulen, Rúnar Bjarnason, and Paul Chiusano
- Kotlin for Android Developers - Antonio Leiva
- Programming Kotlin - Stephen Samuel, Stefan Bocutiu
- Fundamental Kotlin, First Edition - Learn Kotlin quickly from the start
- Kotlin for Java Developers - 160-minute Android Course.
- Functional Kotlin - Learn Functional Programming in Kotlin from scratch and how to apply Functional Programming with Kotlin to real-life projects with popular libraries like Arrow. By Mario Arias, Rivu Chakraborty
- Reactive Programming in Kotlin - Rivu Chakraborty - Learn how to implement Reactive Programming paradigms with Kotlin, and apply them to Web programming with Spring Framework 5.0 as well as in Android Application Development. By Rivu Chakraborty
- Kotlin Programming: Next Level Java Development - Learn coding in Kotlin from scratch!
- Introduction to Kotlin Programming by Hadi Hariri - From Hello World to Interoperability with Java
- Advanced Kotlin Programming - From Nested Functions to Asynchronous Programming
- Kotlin an Introduction - - Kotlin introductory course at
- Android Development with Kotlin - Marcin Moskala, Igor Wojda - Learn how to make Android development much faster using a variety of Kotlin features, from basics to advanced, to write better quality code
- Mastering Android Development with Kotlin - Miloš Vasić - Master Android development using a variety of Kotlin features
- Building Android Apps with Kotlin: Getting Started - Alex Dunn - Dive into the language set to replace Java while building Android applications. This course will give you a foundation of both Kotlin and Android skills to allow you to build apps faster and cleaner than ever before.
- Kotlin Apprentice - Irina Galata, Joe Howard, Richard Lucas & Ellen Shapiro - Beginning programming with Kotlin
- Android Apprentice - Darryl Bayliss & Tom Blankenship - Beginning Android programming using Kotlin
- Hands-on Design Patterns with Kotlin - Alexey Soshin - Book that covers building scalable applications using traditional, reactive, and concurrent design patterns in Kotlin
- Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers - Google - Language fundamentals for developers
- Developing Android Apps with Kotlin - Google - Create concise, secure and performant apps with Kotlin
- Kotlin for Android Developers - Convert an Android app from Java to Kotlin
- Kotlin for Java Developers - JetBrains - Detailed Kotlin introductory course for Java developers
Libraries/Frameworks Back ⇈
Web Back ⇈
- ktorio/ktor - Web backend framework for Kotlin. Easy to use, fun and asynchronous.
- TinyMission/kara - Web framework written in Kotlin.
- http4k/http4k - Toolkit for serving and consuming HTTP services in a functional and consistent way.
- jean79/yested - A Kotlin framework for building web applications in Javascript.
- hhariri/wasabi - An HTTP Framework built with Kotlin for the JVM.
- Kotlin/kotlinx.html - Kotlin DSL for HTML.
- MarioAriasC/KotlinPrimavera - Spring support libraries for Kotlin.
- kohesive/kovert - An invisible, super easy and powerful REST and Web framework over Vert.x or Undertow.
- aPureBase/KGraphQL - A GraphQL implementation written in Kotlin
- taskworld/kraph - GraphQL request string builder written in Kotlin
- sepatel/tekniq - Full-feature HTTP DSL Framework, HTTP Client, JDBC DSL, Loading Cache and Configuration
- vert-x3/vertx-lang-kotlin - This module provides Kotlin language bindings including DSL and extension functions for vert.x 3
- jooby-project/jooby - Modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin
- gimlet2/kottpd - REST framework in pure Kotlin, inspired by spark-java
- kwebio/kweb-core - Build rich live-updating web apps in pure server-side Kotlin.
- brianmadden/krawler - A web crawling framework written in Kotlin
- mvysny/vaadin-on-kotlin - A simple way to write full-stack database-backed component-oriented web apps
- perwendel/spark-kotlin - A DSL in idiomatic Kotlin for the Spark web framework.
- hexagonkt/hexagon - A Microservices framework that takes care of HTTP, serialization and storage.
- danneu/kog - A web framework focused on simplicity, middleware, and functional composition
- tipsy/javalin - A Simple REST API Library for Java/Kotlin.
- laviua/komock - HTTP/Consul/SMTP/Spring Config mocker framework written in Kotlin
- hypercube1024/firefly - An asynchronous web framework for rapid development of high-performance web application.
- phenax/h - HTML templating library written in Kotlin
- bootique/bootique-kotlin - Provides extension function and features for smooth development with Bootique and Kotlin.
- SeunAdelekan/Kanary - A micro webframework for Kotlin
- ExpediaDotCom/graphql-kotlin - Code-only GraphQL schema generation for Kotlin
- moia-dev/lambda-kotlin-request-router - A REST request routing layer for AWS lambda handlers written in Kotlin
- spypunk/sponge - A website crawler and links downloader command line tool written in Kotlin
Code Generators Back ⇈
- khipster - A scaffold generator to generate web apps or APIs using springboot and angularJS or React
Tests Back ⇈
- JetBrains/spek - A specification framework for Kotlin.
- npryce/hamkrest - A reimplementation of Hamcrest to take advantage of Kotlin language features.
- nhaarman/mockito-kotlin - Using Mockito with Kotlin.
- robstoll/atrium - Multiplatform assertion library for Kotlin supporting i18n.
- MarkusAmshove/Kluent - Fluent Assertion-Library for Kotlin.
- winterbe/expekt - BDD assertion library for Kotlin.
- kotlintest/kotlintest - KotlinTest is a flexible and comprehensive testing tool for the Kotlin ecosystem based on and heavily inspired by the superb Scalatest.
- dmcg/konsent - An acceptance test library for Kotlin.
- EPadronU/balin - Balin is a browser automation library for Kotlin. It's basically a Selenium-WebDriver wrapper library inspired by Geb.
- dmcg/k-sera - A JMock wrapper for Kotlin.
- dam5s/aspen - Aspen is an RSpec and Spek inspired test runner for Kotlin.
- qwertukg/SeleniumBuilder - DSL for Selenium 2.0. Provide a possibility to write tests in Kotlin builder style.
- mockk/mockk - Pure Kotlin mocking library.
- mvysny/DynaTest - Write your tests in DSL way. Runs on JUnit5 Platform.
- tyro/arbitrater - Arbitrater is a library for creating arbitrary (randomized) instances of classes by reflection for use in testing.
- xgouchet/Elmyr - A utility to make Kotlin/Java tests random yet reproducible
- neworld/kupiter - Kotlin DSL for Junit5
- karumi/KotlinSnapshot - Verify your data with snapshot testing.
- permissions-dispatcher/kompile-testing - Testing tools for kotlinc and kapt.
- robfletcher/strikt - An assertion library for Kotlin
- dmcg/minutest - Simple, Expressive, Extensible Testing for Kotlin on the JVM
- codecentric/hikaku - A library that tests if the implementation of a REST-API meets its specification.
- serpro69/kotlin-faker - Port of ruby faker gem written in kotlin
- skrapeit/ - A DSL-driven HTML/XML parser-library that enables meaningful testing of rendered HTML templates.
- krzema12/PlotAssert - Test the shape of your functions!
- EranBoudjnah/TestIt - Generate unit testing boilerplate from kotlin files.
- EranBoudjnah/RandomGenKt - Initialize instances of any class with generated data.
- KennethWussmann/mock-fuel - JUnit 5 extension to easily mock external HTTP requests made with the HTTP client Fuel.
- jcornaz/kwik - A property-based testing library for Kotlin. Execute tests with randomized inputs with a test-engine agnostic and compile-time safe library.
Dependency Injection Back ⇈
- Kodein-Framework/Kodein-DI - Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection.
- kailan/kodeinject - Constructor dependency injection for Kodein.
- traversals/kapsule - Minimalist dependency injection library for Kotlin.
- JLLeitschuh/kotlin-guiced - Convenience Kotlin API over the Google Guice DI Library.
- authzee/kotlin-guice - Guice DSL extensions for Kotlin
- Ekito/koin - A functional Kotlin dependency injection framework for Android and JVM.
- Rasalexman/KODI - light-weight KOtlin Dependency Injection Framework with or without reflection module without kapt
Coroutines Back ⇈
- Kotlin/kotlin-coroutines - Design documents and examples for coroutines in Kotlin.
- Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines - Libraries built upon Kotlin coroutines.
- soywiz/korio - Korio: Kotlin cORoutines I/O: Streams + Async TCP Client/Server + Virtual File System for JVM, Node.JS and Browser.
- soywiz/korim - Korim: Kotlin cORoutines IMaging utilities depending on Korio.
- soywiz/korui - Korui: Kotlin cORoutines User Interfaces: korio + kimage + korui
- konrad-kaminski/spring-kotlin-coroutine - Kotlin coroutine support for Spring.
- marcoferrer/kroto-plus - Protoc plugin for bringing together Kotlin, Protobuf, Coroutines, and gRPC.
- cloudoptlab/cloudopt-next - A next-generation Java web lightweight framework based on vertx and kotlin.
- Rasalexman/coroutinesmanager - try-catch safety coroutines manager
Functional Programming Back ⇈
- Arrow - Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library.
- Arrow Meta - Functional companion to Kotlin's Compiler.
- ReactiveX/RxKotlin - RxJava bindings for Kotlin.
- kittinunf/Result - The modelling for success/failure of operations in Kotlin.
- brianegan/bansa - A state container for Kotlin & Java, inspired by Elm & Redux.
- pardom/redux-kotlin - Direct port of Redux for Kotlin.
- beyondeye/Reduks - A "batteries included" port of Reduxjs for Kotlin+Android
- michaelbull/kotlin-result - A Result monad for modelling success or failure operations - inspired by Elm, Rust, & Haskell.
- pakoito/Komprehensions - Do comprehensions for Kotlin and 3rd party libraries.
- h0tk3y/kotlin-monads - Monads for Kotlin
- poetix/klenses - Lenses for Kotlin.
- reactor/reactor-core - Non-Blocking Reactive Streams Foundation for the JVM. Natively supports Kotlin, since 3.1.0.M3.
- UrbanCompass/Snail-Kotlin - An observables framework for Kotlin.
JSON Back ⇈
- cbeust/klaxon - Lightweight library to parse JSON in Kotlin.
- SalomonBrys/Kotson - Gson for Kotlin, Kotson enables you to parse and write JSON with Google's Gson using a conciser and easier syntax.
- FasterXML/jackson-module-kotlin - Jackson module that adds support for serialization/deserialization of Kotlin classes and data classes.
- Shengaero/kotlin-json - A lightweight, stylistic, optimized, and multiplatform JSON library for Kotlin-JVM and Kotlin-JS
- fboldog/ext4klaxon - Type Extensions (Long, Int, Enum, Date) for Klaxon.
- Jire/KTON - Object notation in pure Kotlin!
- Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization - Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format reflectionless serialization
- fluidsonic/fluid-json - A JSON library written in pure Kotlin.
- s4kibs4mi/kotlin-jsonq - A simple Kotlin library to Query over Json Data.
- aafanasev/kson - Auto-generate GSON type adapters for Kotlin data classes
Database Back ⇈
- JetBrains/Exposed - Exposed is a prototype for a lightweight SQL library written over JDBC driver for Kotlin language.
- ebean-orm/ebean - Ebean is a Java & Kotlin ORM including type safe kotlin queries
- cheptsov/kotlin-nosql - NoSQL database query and access library for Kotlin.
- jankotek/mapdb - MapDB provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap-memory. It is a fast and easy to use embedded Java database engine.
- seratch/kotliquery - A handy database access library in Kotlin.
- andrewoma/kwery - Kwery is an SQL library for Kotlin.
- square/sqldelight - Generates Java models from CREATE TABLE statements.
- x2bool/kuery - Typesafe SQL with Kotlin.
- Litote/kmongo - KMongo - Kotlin toolkit for Mongo
- requery/requery - Modern SQL based query & persistence for Java/Kotlin/Android.
- consoleau/kotlin-jpa-specification-dsl - This library provides a fluent DSL for querying spring data JPA repositories using spring data Specifications.
- s4kibs4mi/PultusORM - PultusORM is a sqlite ORM library for kotlin on top of sqlite jdbc driver.
- Ganet/rxaerospike - RxJava2 wrapper for aerospike-client-java.
- Raizlabs/DBFlow - A blazing fast, powerful, and very simple ORM android database library that writes database code for you.
- KotlinPorts/kt-postgresql-async - Kotlin/Gradle port of mauricio's async driver for postgres/mysql.
- shyiko/levelkt - LevelDB client for Kotlin and/or Java 8+.
- SubiyaCryolite/jds - Jenesis Data Store: a dynamic, cross platform, high performance, ORM data-mapper. Designed to assist in rapid development and data mining.
- dizitart/potassium-nitrite - Potassium Nitrite is a kotlin extension of nitrite database, an open source nosql embedded document store with mongodb like api.
- pm-dev/kotlin-gremlin-ogm - Kotlin-gremlin-ogm is a type-safe object/graph mapping library for Gremlin enabled graph databases.
- fluidsonic/fluid-mongo - Coroutine support for MongoDB built on top of the official MongoDB Asynchronous Java Driver.
- jasync-sql/jasync-sql - Kotlin port of mauricio's async driver for postgres/mysql.
- vincentlauvlwj/Ktorm - A lightweight and efficient ORM Framework for Kotlin. It provides strong typed and flexible SQL DSL and many convenient extension functions to reduce our duplicated effort on database operations.
- TouK/krush - Idiomatic persistence layer for Kotlin, based on Exposed. It’s based on a compile-time JPA annotation processor that generates Exposed DSL table and objects mappings from your data classes.
Tools Back ⇈
- SonarSource/sonarlint-intellij - An IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality issues as you write code.
- Kotlin/dokka - Documentation Engine for Kotlin.
- Vorlonsoft/EasyDokkaPlugin - Gradle Script plugin to generate documentation by Dokka for Kotlin and Java, Android and non-Android projects.
- Vorlonsoft/GradleMavenPush - Gradle Script plugin to upload Gradle Android/Kotlin/Java Artifacts to Maven repositories (JCenter, Maven Central, ...).
- holgerbrandl/kscript - Scripting utils for Kotlin.
- kohesive/keplin - Secure Kotlin scripting and binary lambda-scripts.
- shyiko/ktlint - Kotlin linter.
- jtransc/jtransc - JVM AOT compiler created in Kotlin.
- arturbosch/detekt - Static code analysis for Kotlin.
- cypressious/KotlinW - A small wrapper for the Kotlin compiler that can be used to execute .kts scripts.
- s1monw1/KtsRunner - Library for executing .kts files from regular Kotlin code using Java Scripting Engines API
- jmfayard/buildSrcVersions - Better Gradle dependencies management inside the IDE. Search for available updates.
Desktop Back ⇈
- edvin/tornadofx - Lightweight JavaFX Framework for Kotlin/
Http Clients Back ⇈
- kittinunf/Fuel - The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android.
- jkcclemens/khttp - Kotlin HTTP requests library.
- egorzhdan/networkinkt - Multiplatform coroutine-based HTTP client.
- rybalkinsd/kohttp - Kotlin DSL-based HTTP client.
- curiousnikhil/Asynkio - Make asynchronous calls painlessly with async/await style.
- speekha/httpmocker - Kotlin library to handle offline mode easily with OkHttp.
Editors Back ⇈
- JetBrains/intellij-community - IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
- alexmt/atom-kotlin-language - Adds syntax highlighting to Kotlin files in Atom
- vkostyukov/kotlin-sublime-package - A Sublime Package for Kotlin.
- udalov/kotlin-vim - Kotlin Syntax Highlighter for Vim.
- sargunster/kotlin-textmate-bundle - Kotlin bundle for TextMate.
- ice1000/NppExtension - Kotlin Language extension for Notepad++
- ftomassetti/kanvas - A truly hackable editor: simple, lightweight, understandable.
- fwcd/KotlinLanguageServer - Smart code completion, diagnostics and more for Kotlin using the Language Server Protocol. VS Code extension included.
- mathiasfrohlich/vscode-kotlin - Kotlin language support for VS Code.
Syntax Highlighters Back ⇈
- jneen/rouge - A pure-ruby code highlighter that is compatible with pygments. (wip)
- isagalaev/highlight.js - Javascript syntax highlighter. (out-of-date)
- github/linguist - For Ruby/Github, uses Sublime package
- birkenfeld/pygments-main - Python syntax highlighter.
- cansik/kotlin-latex-listing - A syntax highlighting template for the Kotlin language in LaTeX listings.
Game Development Back ⇈
- libktx/ktx - Kotlin utilities for LibGDX applications.
- AlmasB/FXGL - JavaFX 8 Game Library written in Java + Kotlin
- icela/FriceEngine - Make game developing easy again!
- vassilibykov/AdventKT - A Kotlin-based DSL for text adventures, with a partial replica of the classic Colossal Cave as an example.
- Hexworks/zircon - An extensible text GUI library which targets multiple platforms and designed specifically for game developers, written in Kotlin.
- korlibs/KorGE - Modern Multiplatform Game Engine for Kotlin. Write games for the JVM, JavaScript, Android and iOS in no time using Kotlin.
Misc Back ⇈
- Kotlin/kotlinx.reflect.lite - Lightweight library allowing to introspect basic stuff about Kotlin symbols.
- puniverse/quasar - Fibers, Channels and Actors for the JVM.
- MehdiK/Humanizer.jvm - Humanizer.jvm meets all your jvm needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.
- mplatvoet/kovenant - Promises for Kotlin and Android
- kohesive/klutter - A mix of random small libraries for Kotlin, the smallest reside here until big enough for their own repository.
- DragonKnightOfBreeze/breeze-framework - Integrated code framework base on Kotlin, provide many useful extensions for standard library and some frameworks.
- kohesive/solr-undertow - Solr Standalone Tiny and High performant server.
- leprosus/kotlin-hashids - Library that generates short, unique, non-sequential hashes from numbers.
- mplatvoet/progress - Progress for Kotlin.
- sargunster/CakeParse - Simple parser combinator library for Kotlin.
- sargunster/KtUnits - Tiny unit conversion library for Kotlin.
- hotchemi/khronos - An intuitive Date extensions in Kotlin.
- yole/kxdate - Kotlin extensions for Java 8 java.time API
- ingokegel/jclasslib - jclasslib bytecode viewer is a tool that visualizes all aspects of compiled Java class files and the contained bytecode.
- debop/koda-time - Joda Time Extensions in Kotlin. (From Java 8 use java.time instead)
- saschpe/log4k - Lightweight logging library for Kotlin/Multiplatform. Supports Android, iOS, JavaScript and plain JVM environments.
- MicroUtils/kotlin-logging - Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin. Used as a wrapper for slf4j with Kotlin extensions.
- cesarferreira/kotlin-pluralizer - Kotlin extension to pluralize and singularize strings.
- JoelW-S/groothy - Kotlin implementation of Groovy Truth.
- Jire/Strukt - Value types on the JVM, today!
- moshbit/Kotlift - Kotlift is the first source-to-source language transpiler from Kotlin to Swift.
- consoleau/kassava - This library provides some useful kotlin extension functions for implementing toString() and equals() without all of the boilerplate.
- moove-it/fakeit - Generates realistic fake data — like names, emails, dates, countries — to be used in your Android development environment.
- czyzby/kotlin-times - A simple utility library for readable loops.
- doyaaaaaken/kotlin-csv - A pure kotlin simple csv reader/writer.
- phxql/aleksa - Aleksa is a small framework for writing Alexa Skills in Kotlin.
- TicketmasterMobileStudio/actions-on-google-kotlin - Port of official Node.js SDK to Kotlin. Complete with all features and tests and nearly identical API.
- cretz/asmble - Compile WebAssembly to JVM and other WASM tools.
- h0tk3y/better-parse - A nice parser combinator library for Kotlin
- Kotlin/kotlinx.atomicfu - The idiomatic way to use atomic operations in Kotlin.
- vjames19/kotlin-futures - A collections of extension functions to make the JVM Future, CompletableFuture, ListenableFuture API more functional and Kotlin like.
- kunalsheth/units-of-measure - A type-safe dimensional analysis library for Kotlin.
- spoptchev/kotlin-preconditions - Precondition error checking in kotlin.
- spoptchev/scientist - A kotlin library for refactoring code. Port of GitHub's scientist.
- soywiz/klock - Consistent and portable date and time utilities for multiplatform kotlin (JVM, JS and Common).
- d-max/dsl-logger - Simple DSL for logging with logger abstraction layer
- evoasm/kasm - x64/x86-64 assembler and execution library
- korlibs/kds - Optimized Kotlin Data Structures for JVM, JS and Common
- s1monw1/TLSLibrary - Simple TlsLibrary written in Kotlin - Provides DSL for creating TLS connections
- KotlinNLP/SimpleDNN - SimpleDNN is a machine learning lightweight open-source library part of KotlinNLP and has been designed to support relevant neural network architectures in natural language processing tasks.
- nickhristov/krakdown - A native markdown parser written in Kotlin.
- ziggy42/kolor - A library to print colored strings, with Kotlin.
- holgerbrandl/kravis - A Kotlin grammar for scientific data visualization
- MiloszKrajewski/stateful4k - State Machine Construction Kit for Kotlin
- charleskorn/kaml - YAML support for kotlinx.serialization
- jershell/kbson - Bson support for kotlinx.serialization
- pemistahl/lingua - A language detection library suitable for long and short text alike
- sandjelkovic/kxjtime - Lightweight Kotlin extensions for java.time API
- pmwmedia/tinylog - Lightweight logging framework with native logging API for Kotlin.
- Lewik/klog - Minimalistic and multiplatform logging for Kotlin
- aafanasev/sekret - Kotlin compiler plugin to exclude secret properties from toString() of Data class
- Rasalexman/KDispatcher - Simple and light-weight event dispatcher for Kotlin
- dotCipher/kase-format - String case conversion and detection library
- vittee/kformula - Mathematical expression engine written in Kotlin, running on JVM.
Raspberry Pi Back ⇈
- mhashim6/Pi4K - Pi4J Kotlin bindings.
Multiplatform Back ⇈
- ionspin/kotlin-multiplatform-bignum - Pure kotlin multiplatform arbitrary precision arithmetic library.
Extensions Back ⇈
- Kotlin/ - Extension and top-level functions to use JDK7/JDK8 features in Kotlin 1.0.
- vanshg/KrazyKotlin - A collection of useful Kotlin Extension
- hankdavidson/ktime - Extensions to the java8 time library
Configuration Back ⇈
- npryce/konfig - A Type Safe Configuration API for Kotlin
- mariomac/kaconf - KickAss Configuration. An annotation-based configuration system for Java and Kotlin
- config4k/config4k - A Kotlin wrapper for Typesafe Config
- jdiazcano/cfg4k - Flexible and easy to use config library written in kotlin.
- daviddenton/configur8 - A Kotlin port of Configur8 - A Type Safe Configuration API for Kotlin, extendable to user-defined types.
- ufoscout/properlty - Simple configuration library with placeholders resolution and zero magic!
- uchuhimo/konf - A type-safe cascading configuration library for Kotlin/Java, supporting most configuration formats
- sksamuel/hoplite - A library for loading configuration files into typesafe Kotlin data classes in a boilerplate-free way
Graphics Back ⇈
- data2viz/data2viz - multiplatform dataviz library, d3js port
- kotlin-graphics/glm - g-truck glm port, opengl mathematics library
- kotlin-graphics/kotlin-unsigned - Unsigned operators and boxed types (Ubyte, Uint, Ulong and Ushort) for unsigned support.
- kotlin-graphics/gli - g-truck gli port, image library
- kotlin-graphics/uno-sdk - Unofficial OpenGL SDK
- kotlin-graphics/ovr - Oculus binding
- kotlin-graphics/openvr - OpenVR binding
- kotlin-graphics/assimp - Open Asset Import Library port
- kotlin-graphics/imgui - jvm port of imgui
- kotlin-graphics/bullet - bullet port
- GlimpseFramework/glimpse-framework - OpenGL made simple.
- java-opengl-labs/modern-jogl-examples - port of 'Learning Modern 3D Graphic Programming' by J.L.McKesson (jogl)
- java-opengl-labs/learn-OpenGL - port of tutorial (lwjgl)
- java-opengl-labs/Vulkan - port of
- Jonatino/JOGL2D - Zero-overhead 2D rendering library for JOGL using Kotlin.
- soywiz/kaifu2x - Waifu2x port to Kotlin as library and CLI. Convolutional-neural-network based upscaler for Anime-like images and noise/artifact reduction.
- nwillc/ksvg - Kotlin SVG image generation DSL, supporting inline and file formats.
Science Back ⇈
- - Kotlin for Data Science overview page
- JetBrains/lets-plot-kotlin - Grammar of graphics visualization for Kotlin
- Kotlin/kotlin-jupyter - Official Kotlin Jupyter kernel
- holgerbrandl/krangl - krangl is a {K}otlin library for data w{rangl}ing
- kyonifer/koma - A (numpy-like) multiplatform scientific computing library for Kotlin.
- mipt-npm/kmath - A (not so numpy-like) multiplatform mathematical library with higher level abstractions.
- thomasnield/kotlin-statistics - Advanced math and statistical extensions for Kotlin.
- MarcinMoskala/KotlinDiscreteMathToolkit - Set of extensions for Kotlin that provides Discrete Math functionalities as an Kotlin extension functions.
- sekwiatkowski/Komputation - A neural network framework written in Kotlin.
- sanity/pairAdjacentViolators - A Kotlin implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression.
- breandan/kotlingrad - Shape-Safe Differentiable Programming with Algebraic Data Types.
Command Line Interface Back ⇈
- ajalt/clikt - Clikt - Intuitive command line interface parsing for Kotlin.
- leprosus/kotlin-cli - Kotlin-CLI - command line interface options parser for Kotlin.
- jimschubert/kopper - A simple Kotlin option parser
- xenomachina/kotlin-argparser - Easy to use and concise yet powerful and robust command line argument parsing for Kotlin.
- ajalt/mordant - Mordant - Full-featured text styling for Kotlin command line applications.
- aPureBase/arkenv - Fully fledged command line arguments / environment variables parser via simple Kotlin delegates
Browsers Back ⇈
- wendigo/chrome-reactive-kotlin - Chrome Debugging Protocol for Kotlin (with RxJava2)
Projects Back ⇈
Web Back ⇈
- sdeleuze/spring-boot-kotlin-demo - Basic Spring Boot app in Kotlin.
- IRus/kotlin-dev-proxy - Simple server for proxy requests and host static files written in Kotlin, Spark Java and Apache HttpClient.
- ratpack/example-ratpack-gradle-kotlin-app - An example of a Kotlin Ratpack app built with Gradle.
- mariomac/codebuilder - Demo app about asynchronous architectures for long-response-time web applications.
- cbedoy/DYUM - Basic Kotlin Implementation following MVP, and using Third Party library by Natural Analytics Language
- eddywm/KTFLITE - Computer Vision on Android with Kotlin and Tensorflow Lite.
- rocketraman/kotlin-web-hello-world - This project shows how to do a web-based "Hello World!" with Kotlin in combination with various JVM - based web frameworks.
- ivanpopelyshev/vertx-facebook-messenger - Seed project for facebook messenger bots. Vertx, Kotlin.
- corda/corda - Corda is a distributed ledger platform designed to record, manage and automate legal agreements between business partners.
- spolnik/JAlgoArena - JAlgoArena is a highly scalable programming contest platform which you can host on own infrastructure. It allows to define new problems and solve them in Kotlin and Java.
- mixitconf/mixit - MiXiT website
- derveloper/kiny - Your super simple private serverless service running your kotlin functions like AWS lambda.
- ssouris/petclinic-spring5-reactive - Spring 5 Reactive Petclinic app written in Kotlin.
- yyunikov/spring-boot-2-kotlin-starter - Spring Boot 2.0 Kotlin application starter with configurations for Gradle, Mongo, JUnit 5 tests, logging, CircleCI and Docker compose.
- viniciusccarvalho/kodein-cloud-functions - Provides adapters to different cloud functions providers (AWS, Azure) to run vanilla kotlin functions defined as kodein modules
Build tools Back ⇈
- cbeust/kobalt - Build system inspired by Gradle.
- gradle/gradle-script-kotlin - Kotlin language support for Gradle build scripts.
- nebula-plugins/nebula-kotlin-plugin - Provides the Kotlin plugin via the Gradle plugin portal, automatically depends on the standard library, and allows Kotlin library versions to be omitted.
- pubref/rules_kotlin - Bazel rules for Kotlin.
Misc Back ⇈
- quicktype/quicktype - Generate Kotlin types and converters from JSON, Schema, TypeScript, and GraphQL
- brikk/brikk - Brikk dependency manager (Kotlin, KotlinJS, Java, ...).
- lice-lang/lice - A Lisp-like language's interpreter written in Kotlin
- sureshg/InstallCerts - Create a PKCS12 TrustStore by retrieving server certificates.
- vicboma1/GameBoyEmulatorEnvironment - Front-End developed with Kotlin Experimental for my GameBoy Emulator (coroutines).
- borisf/classyshark-bytecode-viewer - View your Kotlin generated classes as Java and bytecode format.
- jenkinsci/doktor-plugin - Jenkins plugin for automated documentation uploading to Confluence.
- mkobit/jenkins-pipeline-shared-libraries-gradle-plugin - Gradle plugin to help with build and test of Jenkins Pipeline Shared Libraries.
- kpspemu/kpspemu - Multiplatform (JS and JVM) PSP Emulator written in Kotlin.
- sourcerer-io/sourcerer-app - Visual profile for software engineers written in Kotlin.
- chrislo27/RhythmHeavenRemixEditor - An audio custom remix editor designed for the Rhythm Heaven series, using libGDX and Kotlin.
- Poweranimal/PowerCollections - Powerfull Collections, Sets, Lists and Maps.
- neworld/gradle-jdeploy-plugin - Gradle plugin to publish JVM applications via
- ruslanys/telegraff - Kotlin DSL for Telegram Bots creation.
- krzema12/fsynth - Music synthesizer as a Kotlin multiplatform project
Desktop Back ⇈
- ice1000/Dekoder - A kotlin music player, materially designed.
- ruslanys/vkmusic - JavaFX and Spring-Boot based application for grabbing music from
Examples Back ⇈
- Kotlin/kotlin-koans - Kotlin Koans are a series of exercises to get you familiar with the Kotlin Syntax.
- JetBrains/kotlin-examples - Various examples for Kotlin.
- JetBrains/swot - Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities. Help automate the process of approving or rejecting academic discounts.
- robfletcher/midcentury-ipsum - Swingin’ filler text for your jet-age web page.
- som-one/zarif-kherkin - Configurable BDD testing using a Kotlin DSL for Gherkin.
- robfletcher/lazybones-kotlin - The Lazybones app migrated to Kotlin as a learning exercise.
- wangjiegulu/KotlinAndroidSample - Android sample with kotlin.
- dodyg/Kotlin101 - 101 examples for Kotlin Programming language.
- dkandalov/kotlin-99 - Solve 99 problems with Kotlin!
- dkandalov/rosettacode-kotlin - Repository with source code from RosettaCode
- vicboma1/Kotlin-Koans - hese are the simple solutions of the kotlin koans online with intellij project.
- vicboma1/GettingStartedKotlin - Learn the basics of getting started with kotlin.
- vicboma1/Kotlin-Examples-Problems - These are the simple solutions of the kotlin example problems online.
- pakoito/FunctionalAndroidReference - A different Android app showcasing Functional Reactive Programming.
- bmaslakov/kotlin-algorithm-club - Classic algorithms and data structures in Kotlin.
- gyulavoros/kotlin-todomvc - Kotlin TodoMVC – full-stack Kotlin application demo
- mkraynov/todomvc-react-kotlin - React Kotlin TodoMVC – example based on create-react-kotlin-app and todomvc-react
- IvanMwiruki/30-seconds-of-kotlin - Useful Kotlin snippets you can understand quickly, using only the stdlib.
- xurxodev/integration-testing-kotlin-multiplatform-kata - A full exercise to learn how to use stubbing HTTP in Kotlin multiplatform using Ktor and Ktor Client Mock.
- mrcsxsiq/Kotlin-Pokedex - A Pokedex demo app built with Kotlin using ViewModel, LiveData, Room and Navigation
Idea Plugins Back ⇈
- Vektah/CodeGlance - Intelij IDEA plugin for displaying a code mini-map similar to the one found in Sublime.
- intellij-rust/intellij-rust - Rust IDE built using the IntelliJ Platform.
- dkandalov/activity-tracker - Plugin for IntelliJ IDEs to track and record user activity.
- izhangzhihao/intellij-rainbow-brackets - Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs.
- roger-yh99/Readhub - Readhub is a News Reader plugin for IntelliJ IDEs
- roger-yh99/AwesomeKotlinPlugin - AwesomeKotlin plugin for IntelliJ IDEs
- emedinaa/kotlin-mvvm - MVVM(Model View ViewModel) sample in Kotlin using the components ViewModel, LiveData and Retrofit library
- emedinaa/kotlin-mvp-volley - Example of Android project in Kotlin using MVP(Model View Presenter) pattern and volley library
- emedinaa/android-recyclerview - Some samples about the RecyclerView and Adapters using kotlin
- emedinaa/kotlin-viewmodel - Basic samples about ViewModel component
Android Back ⇈
Libraries Back ⇈
- JakeWharton/kotterknife - View injection library for Android.
- 0xe1f/KotX - Kotlin extension and tool library for Android
- MarcinMoskala/ActivityStarter - Activity starter generator and arguments injection library for Android.
- MarcinMoskala/KotlinPreferences - Kotlin Android Library, that makes preference usage in Kotlin simple and fun.
- MarcinMoskala/PreferenceHolder - Kotlin Android Library, that makes preference usage in Kotlin simple and fun using object with fields binded to SharedPreferences.
- nsk-mironov/kotlin-jetpack - A collection of useful extension methods for Android.
- pawegio/KAndroid - Kotlin library for Android providing useful extensions to eliminate boilerplate code.
- chibatching/Kotpref - Android SharedPreference delegation for Kotlin.
- TouK/bubble - Library for obtaining screen orientation when orientation is blocked in AndroidManifest.
- ragunathjawahar/kaffeine - Kaffeine is a Kotlin-flavored Android library for accelerating development.
- mcxiaoke/kotlin-koi - Koi, a lightweight kotlin library for Android Development.
- Stateful - Stateful helps you delete all the boilerplate code for saving instance state and lets you forget about saving and restoring your fragment's/activity's state.
- BennyWang/KBinding - Android View Model binding framework write in kotlin, base on anko, simple but powerful.
- inaka/KillerTask - Android AsyncTask wrapper library, written in Kotlin.
- grandstaish/paperparcel - Boilerplate reduction library written specifically for working with Kotlin data classes on Android.
- andre-artus/AnvilKotlin - Minimal UI library for Android inspired by React.
- mathcamp/fiberglass - Easy lightweight SharedPreferences library for Android in Kotlin using delegated properties.
- nitrico/LastAdapter - Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!.
- denisidoro/krouter - A lightweight Android activity router.
- metalabdesign/AsyncAwait - async/await for Android built upon coroutines introduced in Kotlin 1.1.
- jupf/staticlog - StaticLog - super lightweight static logging for Kotlin, Java and Android.
- zserge/anvil - Minimal UI library for Android inspired by React.
- robinchew/mvil - 'Virtual DOM' for Android inspired by Anvil.
- DanielMartinus/Stepper-Touch - Fun playful Android stepper widget for counting, written in Kotlin.
- GlimpseFramework/glimpse-framework-android - OpenGL made simple.
- infotech-group/android-drawable-dsl - DSL for constructing the drawables in Kotlin instead of in XML.
- zsmb13/MaterialDrawerKt - A DSL for creating Material Design navigation drawers without any XML.
- SnowdreamFramework/ToyBricks - Android Library that provide simpler way to achieve modularity.
- DanielMartinus/Konfetti - Lightweight particle system to create realistic confetti
- rahulchowdhury/Mystique - A generalized adapter for RecyclerView on Android which makes it easy to add heterogeneous items to a list.
- calintat/alps - Android library for preferences which includes property delegates and a custom DSL for definining preferences.
- costular/kotlin-android-utils - Android utilities for easier and faster Kotlin programming.
- rakshakhegde/ObservableFlow - Functional Constructs for Databinding + Kotlin + RxJava
- programmerr47/ganalytics - A tiny api layer for any analytics in application.
- line/clay - Clay is an Android library project that provides image trimming which is originally an UI component of LINE Creators Studio.
- WindSekirun/RichUtilsKt - Advancement Utils for Android Developer written in Kotlin.
- TradeMe/MapMe - A library that brings the adapter pattern and DiffUtil to Google Maps and MapBox.
- iglaweb/Ferris-Wheel - Simple android library to present an animated ferris wheel
- ehsunshine/colored-time-selector - A smart colored time selector. Users can select just free time with a handy colorful range selector.
- yundom/kache - A lightweight cache library written in Kotlin.
- adrielcafe/KBus - Dead simple EventBus for Android made with Kotlin and RxJava 2
- Jintin/MixAdapter - Compose multiple Adapter for RecyclerView in Android.
- yundom/RxVan - A lightweight event bus written in Kotlin and RxJava.
- duanhong169/DrawableToolbox - The missing drawable toolbox for Android.
- adrielcafe/AndroidCoroutineScopes - This lib implements the most common CoroutineScopes used in Android apps.
- WindSekirun/RxSocialLogin - This Android library is a library that provides social login for 15 platforms powered by RxJava2, Kotlin and Firebase Authentication.
- bakhtiyork/gradients - A curated collection of splendid gradients
- hpost/rx-brainwaves - RxJava wrapper for NeuroSky MindWave headsets
- adrielcafe/KrumbsView - The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android!
- inshiro/Skate - A simple and easy to use Android fragment stack controller
- cortinico/slidetoact - A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin
- AppIntro/AppIntro - Make a cool/material intro for you Android App - Now all in Kotlin!
- CuriousNikhil/gossip - Android TextToSpeech Helper to speak any text you want and handle events.
- adrielcafe/PufferDB - An Android & JVM key-value storage powered by Protobuf and Coroutines.
- adrielcafe/HAL - A non-deterministic finite-state machine for Android & JVM that won't let you down.
- coil-kt/coil - Image loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
- Shutter-Android - an Android library to take photos, record videos, pick images/videos from gallery, with ease. Written in Kotlin.
- skydoves/Balloon - A lightweight popup like tooltips, fully customizable with arrow and animations.
Frameworks Back ⇈
- nekocode/kotgo - An android development framwork on kotlin using MVP architecture.
- lightningkite/kotlin-core - A full framework for making Android apps. Based on Anko and Kotson.
- codenameone/CodenameOne - Open source cross platform mobile development framework that offers write once run anywhere native development for iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android, Windows & more using Kotlin & Java
- hpost/rx-mvi - Minimal framework for Model View Intent inspired Android applications written in Kotlin.
- LouisCAD/Splitties/ — A family of small Kotlin libraries for delightful Android development including View DSLs
- Miha-x64/Lychee — Data binding and persistence infrastructure for building Android and JavaFX UIs and binding them with data
Projects Back ⇈
- antoniolg/Bandhook-Kotlin - A showcase music app for Android entirely written using Kotlin language.
- antoniolg/Kotlin-for-Android-Developers - Companion App for the book "Kotlin Android Developers".
- damianpetla/kotlin-dagger-example - Example of Android project showing integration with Kotlin and Dagger 2.
- dodyg/AndroidRivers - RSS Readers for Android.
- MakinGiants/banjen - Android app to help to tune a banjo.
- inaka/kotlillon - Android Kotlin Examples.
- MakinGiants/todayhistory - App that shows what happened today in history.
- RxKotlin/Pocket - This app help user to save links easily, and can export to Evernote as weekly.
- SidneyXu/AndroidDemoIn4Languages - Comparison between Java, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin in Android Development.
- inorichi/tachiyomi - Free and open source manga reader for Android.
- ziggy42/Blum-kotlin - A simple android Twitter client written in Kotlin
- TwidereProject/Twidere-Android - Material Design ready and feature rich Twitter app for Android 4.0+
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Calendar - A simple calendar with events, customizable widget and no ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Camera - A camera with flash, zoom and no ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Draw - A canvas you can draw on with different colors.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-File-Manager - A simple file manager for browsing and editing files and directories.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Gallery - A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Notes - A simple textfield for adding quick notes without ads.
- ahong222/happy21 - A simple game of Black-Jack write with kotlin
- AllanWang/KAU - An extensive collection of Kotlin Android Utils
- inshiro/Kodesh - Free and open source Bible for Android
- hanjoongcho/aaf-easyphotomap - This is a photomap app that shows photos taken on a map.
- Karumi/KataScreenshotKotlin - An full exercise to learn how to create screenshot tests for Android
- massivedisaster/AFM - An library to help android developers working easly with activities and fragments with Kotlin
- mustafaberkaymutlu/uv-index - A simple ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP
- Karumi/KataSuperHeroesKotlin - A full exercise to learn how to create espresso tests using test doubles and a dependency injector for Android written in Kotlin.
- Karumi/KataContactsKotlin - An exercise to learn how to write software based on Clean Architecture using Kotlin.
- Karumi/KataTODOApiClientKotlin - A full exercise to learn how to use stubbing HTTP in Kotlin.
- Karumi/MaxibonKataKotlin - A ready to use playground to learn how to write tests using property-based testing in Kotlin.
- hanjoongcho/aaf-easypassword - A password manager using a single lock pattern for various type passwords management.
- WilderPereira/lmgtfyGen - Simple Android App to generate Let Me Google That For You urls.
- WilderPereira/ftwfy - The real life Command/Ctrl + F - Android App that uses the Mobile Vision API to allow you to search for any occurrence of a text in a digital document.
- hanjoongcho/aaf-easydiary - This is a diary application optimized to user experience.
- adrielcafe/GreenHellCompanionApp - Unofficial companion app for the game Green Hell.
- adrielcafe/ChromaAndroidApp - Chromatic tuner app.
- cuongpm/youtube-dl-android - Video downloader for Android - Download videos from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more than 1000 other sites.
- dgngulcan/droid-feed - News feed aggregated exclusively for Android Developers.
- VMadalin/kotlin-sample-app - Android Sample App using modular, clean, scalable, testable Architecture written in Kotlin following the best practices with Jetpack.
Extensions Back ⇈
- ajalt/timberkt - Easy Android logging with Kotlin and Timber.
- rosariopfernandes/fireXtensions - Unofficial Kotlin Extensions for the Firebase Android SDK.
Tools Back ⇈
- kiruto/debug-bottle - Debug Bottle is an Android runtime debug / develop tools written using kotlin language.
- didi/booster - Booster is an optimization toolkit for Android applications
Tests Back ⇈
- agoda-com/Kakao - Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin.
Kotlin JavaScript Back ⇈
JavaScript Back ⇈
- andrewoma/reakt - Reakt is a Kotlin wrapper for facebook's React library.
- pixijs/pixi-native - The aim of this project is to provide a fast lightweight 2D library that works across all devices.
- shafirov/klogging - Kotlin logging, both js and jvm.
- stangls/kotlin-js-jquery - A small framework for writing client -side web -applications in Kotlin.
- Kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-sample - Kotlin Full-stack Application Example.
- danfma/kodando - Kotlin JS bindings and libraries.
- kengorab/kotlin-javascript-boilerplate - An extremely barebones boilerplate project for compiling Kotlin to Javascript.
- markaren/three.kt - Kotlin wrappers for three.js JavaScript 3D library
- rjaros/kvision - Object oriented Web UI framework for Kotlin/JS
- nosix/vue-kotlin - Libraries and tools supporting the use of Vue.js in Kotlin
- Kabbura/Kunafa - Easy to use, high level framework in Kotlin for front-end web-development and creating web apps without using HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.
- MpApt - Kotlin Native/JS/JVM Annotation Processor library
Frontend Back ⇈
- olegcherr/Aza-Kotlin-CSS - Kotlin DSL for CSS
Game Development Back ⇈
- perses-games/kudens - Develop browser games in Kotlin
Build Tools Back ⇈
- Kotlin/kotlin-frontend-plugin - Gradle Kotlin plugin for frontend development.
- huston007/kotlin-loader - Kotlin webpack loader.
Integration Back ⇈
- kotlin/ts2kt - Converter of TypeScript definition files to Kotlin declarations (stubs).
Kotlin Native Back ⇈
Projects Back ⇈
- JetBrains/kotlin-native - Kotlin/Native is a LLVM backend for the Kotlin compiler, runtime implementation and native code generation facility using LLVM toolchain.
- perses-games/konan-sfml - Kotlin native with SFML example
- JetBrains/kotlinconf-spinner - Simple spinner-like game intended to demonstrate capabilities of Kotlin/Native software stack.
Frameworks Back ⇈
- KwangIO/kwang - High Performance Kotlin Native Web Framework
- msink/kotlin-libui - Kotlin/Native interop to libui: a portable GUI library
- dbaelz/Konclik - Kotlin/Native Command Line Interface Kit
Kotlin User Groups Back ⇈
Europe Back ⇈
- Amsterdam Kotlin User Group - Netherlands
- Athens Kotlin User Group - Greece
- Barcelona, KotlinBCN - Spain
- Belarus Kotlin User Group - Belarus
- Belgium Kotlin User Group - Belgium
- Berlin Kotlin User Group - Germany
- Bosnia Kotlin User Group - Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bucharest Kotlin User Group - Romania
- Budapest Kotlin User Group - Hungary
- Cologne Kotlin User Group - Germany
- Croatia Kotlin User Group - Croatia
- Czech Kotlin User Group - Czech Republic
- Dnipro Kotlin User Group - Ukraine
- Dublin Kotliners - Ireland
- Dusseldorf Kotlin User Group - Germany
- Dutch Kotlin User Group - Netherlands
- Hamburg Kotlin User Group - Germany
- Helsinki Kotlin User Group - Finland
- Italy Kotlin User Group - Italy
- Karlsruhe Kotlin User Group - Germany
- Kyiv Kotlin User Group - Ukraine
- Kraków Kotlin User Group - Poland
- London Kotlin - United Kingdom
- Lyon Kotlin User Group - France
- Madrid Kotlin User Group - Spain
- Manchester Kotlin Developers - United Kingdom
- Milano Kotlin User Group - Italy
- Moscow Kotlin User Group - Russia
- Munich Kotlin User Group - Germany
- Paris Kotlin User Group - France
- Rhein-Main Kotlin - Germany
- Rostov-on-Don Kotlin User Group - Russia
- St. Petersburg Kotlin User Group - Russia
- Serbia Kotlin User Group - Serbia
- Stockholm Kotlin User Group - Sweden
- Swiss Kotlin User Group - Switzerland
- Toulouse Kotlin User Group - France
- Utrecht Kotlin User Group - Netherlands
- Uzhgorod Kotlin User Group - Ukraine
- Vienna Kotlin - Austria
- Wroclaw Kotlin - Poland
- Warsaw Kotlin - Poland
- Yorkshire Kotlin Meetup - United Kingdom
Asia Back ⇈
- Ahmedabad Kotlin User Group - India
- Allahabad Kotlin User Group - India
- Azerbaijan Kotlin User Group - Azerbaijan
- Bangladesh Kotlin User Group - Bangladesh
- Bengaluru Kotlin User Group - India
- Bengaluru Kotlin 'BlrKotlin' Meetup - India
- Beijing Kotlin User Group - China
- Bhopal Kotlin User Group - India
- Bhubaneswar Kotlin User Group - India
- Chengdu Kotlin User Group - China
- Coimbatore Kotlin User Group - India
- Cambodia Kotlin User Group - Cambodia
- Dubai Kotlin User Group - United Arab Emirates
- Hefei Kotlin User Group - China
- Hyderabad Kotlin User Group - India
- Indonesia Kotlin User Group - Indonesia
- Indore Kotlin User Group - India
- Israel Kotlin User Group - Israel
- Istanbul Kotlin User Group - Turkey
- Jalandhar Kotlin User Group - India
- Japan Kotlin User Group - Japan
- Karachi Kotlin User Group - Pakistan
- Kathmandu Kotlin User Group - Nepal
- Kolkata Kotlin User Group - India
- Korean Kotlin User Group - Korea
- Kozhikode Kotlin User Group - India
- Mumbai Kotlin User Group - India
- Mumbai Kotlin for Android - India
- Myanmar Kotlin User Group - Myanmar
- Nepal Kotlin User Group - Nepal
- New Delhi Kotlin User Group - India
- Pakistan KotlinUser Group - Pakistan
- Philippines Kotlin - Philippines
- Pune Kotlin User Group - India
- Saudi Arabia Kotlin User Group - Saudi Arabia
- Shanghai, KotlinThree - China
- Singapore Kotlin User Group - Singapore
- Sri Lanka Kotlin User Group - Sri Lanka
- Syria Kotlin User Group - Syria
- Sultanpur KNIT Kotlin User Group - India
- Taiwan Kotlin User Group - Taiwan
- Tel Aviv Kotlin User Group - Israel
- Thailand Kotlin Developers - Thailand
- Turkey Kotlin User Group - Turkey
- Vellore Kotlin User Group - India
- Vietnam Kotlin User Group - Vietnam
- Vijayawada Kotlin User Group - India
North America Back ⇈
- Albuquerque Kotlin User Group - USA
- Bay Area Kotlin User Group - USA
- Brooklyn (NY) Kotlin User Group - USA
- Cambridge Kotlin Office Hours - USA
- Chicago Kotlin Users Group - USA
- Cincinnati Kotlin User Group - USA
- Columbus Kotlin User Group - USA
- Dallas, Kotlin DFW - USA
- Guadalajara Kotlin User Group - Mexico
- Guatemala Kotlin Meetup - Guatemala
- Mexico, CDMX Kotlin User Group - Mexico
- Mérida Kotlin User Group - Mexico
- New England User Group - USA
- New York Kotlin Meetup - USA
- Norfolk Kotlin User Group - USA
- Orange County Kotlin Meetup - USA
- San Diego Kotlin User Group - USA
- Santa Cruz Kotlin User Group - USA
- South Florida Kotlin User Group - USA
- Toronto Kotlin - Canada
- Twin Cities Kotlin User Group - USA
- Utah Kotlin - USA
- Vancouver Kotlin Meetup - Canada
- Washington DC Kotlin User Group - USA
- West Florida Kotlin User Group - USA
South America Back ⇈
- Brasil Kotlin User Group - Brazil
- Buenos Aires Desarrollo en Android con Kotlin - Argentina
- Cascavel Kotlin Meetup - Brazil
- Chile Kotlin User Group - Chile
- Cochabamba Kotlin User Group - Bolivia
- Curitiba Kotlin User Group - Brazil
- El Alto Kotlin User Group - Bolivia
- La Paz Kotlin User Group - Bolivia
- Lima Kotlin User Group - Peru
- Peru Kotlin User Group - Peru
- Sao Paulo Kotlin Meetup - Brazil
- Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Australia/Oceania Back ⇈
- Brisbane Kotlin User Group - Australia
- Sydney Kotlin User Group - Australia
- Wellington Kotlin User Group - New Zealand
Africa Back ⇈
- Abidjan Kotlin User Group - Cote d'Ivoire
- Abuja Kotlin User Group - Nigeria
- Agadir Kotlin User Group - Morocco
- Ado-Ekiti Kotlin User Group - Nigeria
- Angola Kotlin User Group - Angola
- Beira Kotlin User Group - Mozambique
- Brazza Kotlin User Group - Congo
- Cairo Kotlin User Group - Egypt
- Cotonou Kotlin User Group - Benin
- Egypt Kotlin - Egypt
- Fayoum Kotlin User Group - Egypt
- Johannesburg Kotlin User Group - South Africa
- Lagos Kotlin User Group - Nigeria
- Lome Kotlin User Group - Togo
- Minya Kotlin User Group - Egypt
- Nairobi Kotlin User Group - Kenya
- Noun Kotlin User Group - Cameroon
- Ondo Kotlin User Group - Nigeria
- Ouagadougou Kotlin User Group - Burkina Faso
- Rabat Kotlin User Group - Morocco
- Tunisia Kotlin User Group - Tunisia
- Uganda Kotlin User Group - Uganda