- XMonad - window manager
- Picom - compositor (with kawase blur)
- Glava - audio visualizer
- Kitty - default terminal emulator
- Alacritty - second terminal emulator
- Zsh - shell
- Powerlevel10k - zsh theme
- Neovim - default text editor
- Neovide - GUI for Neovim
- Visual Studio Code - second text editor
- Rofi - application launcher
- Polybar - status bar
- Dunst - notification daemon
- Ranger - terminal file manager
- Thunar - file manager
- Bat - replacement for
- Exa - replacement for
- Flameshot - screenshot tool
- Fira Code - font (with ligatures)
- Add a pywal script to change the colorscheme of the programs
- Add a script to install dotfiles
- Improve the code