This sample project shows off how to prepare and deploy to Azure Web Apps a simple Python web service with an image classifying model produced in CNTK (Cognitive Toolkit) using FasterRCNN
- Web Service written in Python using Flask module
- Python scripts that allow to evaluate images using CNTK and pretrained model
- Custom deployment scripts for Azure Web Apps
- Automatic setup of custom Python 3.5.x environment with all the required dependencies
- HTML UI for testing image classification
- Virtual Python environments for each application deployed to Azure Web Apps
Sample request and response in Postman:
Download content of this repo
You can either clone this repo or just download it and unzip to some folder
Setup Python environment
In order for scripts to work you should have a proper Python environment. If you don't already have it setup then you should follow one of the online tutorials. To setup Python environment and all the dependencies required by CNTK on my local Windows machine I used this tutorial
Download CNTK model and class map file
Go to
folder in the location were you unzipped this repo and
. It will automatically download the pretrained model and class map file required for our evaluation to run properly. -
Install Azure CLI tools
If you don't have it then you can easily do it by openning Windows Command Prompt and running this command:
pip install azure-cli
Get Azure subscription
If you don't own any Azure subscriptions you can always create a new free trial with $200 credits to spend
Set variables
Open Command Prompt to the location where you unzipped the contents of this repository (for example:
cd C:\Poligon\WebService
) and type in as follows (but make sure to replace the[]
with a proper value):set uname=[username] set pass=[password] set appn=[web_app_name] set rgname=[resource_group_name]
Login to Azure
In the same CMD type in:
az login
You should see something like this:
Now go to the website and type in the code:
You will then be asked to login with an email connected to your Azure subscription
If everything goes ok you should see the verification message on the website and in console you should see a list of your Azure subscriptions
Setup deployment credentials
We're setting this up to later be able to remotely deploy code to our Azure Web App
az webapp deployment user set --user-name %uname% --password %pass%
Create resource group
Resource groups help you to better manage your stuff in subscription and it's a basic method of deploying services to Azure. Read more here
az group create --location westeurope --name %rgname%
Create new Azure App Service Plan and new Azure Web App
az appservice plan create --name %appn% --resource-group %rgname% --sku S1 az webapp create --name %appn% --resource-group %rgname% --plan %appn%
Configure Azure Web App and add Python extension
Azure Web Apps by default support only Python 2.7 and 3.4. Because I used Python 3.5 I had to use special extension to setup the environment
First you need to change some Application Settings on your Web App (the pink ones):
is required and changingAlways On
is optional but I recommend to use it so that our web service stays awake even if not used.After we properly save Application Settings we can now add Python 3.5.x extension. In order to this, just type in
into the search boxAnd then simply add new extension
It should take around a minute or two to properly install the extension
Setup deployment source for newly created Azure Web App
This code will not only setup the deployment source for your app but will also retrive the URL you will need in next steps
az webapp deployment source config-local-git --name %appn% --resource-group %rgname% --query url --output tsv
Initialize git and add remote repository
Make sure to replace
with the URL returned in step number 7.git init git remote add azure [remote_repo_address]
Push application to Azure Web App remote repository
Last step is to simply push our applications code to Azure Web App
git add -A git commit -m "init" git push azure master
This will trigger our custom deployment script, copy all the files, setup Python environment and install all the required dependencies from requirements.txt file
Test the application
If everything went smooth you should now have a running Python application and you should be able to test it. I used Postman to test HTTP requests and responses
- - most important variables for scripts are set in this file
Variables used by web service to point out directories for temp images and CNTK models:
# directories for web service: __C.CNTK.TEMP_PATH = "./Temp" # temp folder for image processing - do not change __C.CNTK.MODEL_DIRECTORY = "./CNTKModels" # directory for storing models and class map files
Variables for chosing the specific model:
__C.CNTK.MODEL_NAME = "HotailorPOC2.model" # model file name __C.CNTK.CLASS_MAP_FILE = "HotailorPOC2_class_map.txt" # class map file name
Variables used by
to properly preprocess images and use CNTK eval function:__C.CNTK.IMAGE_WIDTH = 1000 __C.CNTK.IMAGE_HEIGHT = 1000 __C.CNTK.NUM_CHANNELS = 3
- - main application - startup file for Flask
There is one very important line for running CNTK:
[..] import os os.environ['PATH'] = r'D:\home\python354x64;' + os.environ['PATH'] [..]
It adds the location of CNTK libraries to PATH variable. It's very important because our code strongly relies on that PATH. As for now I'm doing this in code but in future I want to move it to deployment script
I am using Flask module to run my web service. In order to make it work I needed to first create an instance of Flask app and then run it on a proper port:
[..] app = Flask(__name__) [..] if __name__ == '__main__': HOST = os.environ.get('SERVER_HOST', 'localhost') try: PORT = int(os.environ.get('SERVER_PORT', '5555')) except ValueError: PORT = 5555, PORT)
I also used routes to set up specific methods for our RESTful web service. Currently I expose 2 routes for my API, one returning a collection of classified tags and the second one returning an image with plotted results of evaluation.
route simply sets the default landing page[..] @app.route('/') [..] @app.route('/hotelidentifier/api/v1.0/evaluate/returntags', methods=['POST']) [..] @app.route('/hotelidentifier/api/v1.0/evaluate/returnimage', methods=['POST']) [..]
- - main script for image classification with CNTK model
This script strongly depends on and it also uses, and bunch of scripts from utils folder. Most of those scripts were copied from original CNTK source on github, some of them with slight changes
- - helper script for dealing with image ploting
While working with headless server environment (non-GUI) such as Azure Web Apps you need to change the default mode of
module to not rely on GUI[..] # this is important when deploying to headless server environment (non-GUI) ################################################### import matplotlib # force headless backend, or set 'backend' to 'Agg' # in your ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot # force non-interactive mode, or set 'interactive' to False # in your ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc from matplotlib.pyplot import imsave matplotlib.pyplot.ioff() ################################################### [..]
It holds all the dependencies required by my application and CNTK libraries to work.
easydict==1.6 pytest==3.0.3 opencv-python Flask==0.12.2 numpy==1.11.2 matplotlib==1.5.3 ipython==6.2.0 Pillow==4.1.1 PyYAML==3.12
As you can see in most cases we use specific versions of modules and sometimes we even explicitly point out the correct .whl file to use for installation
If this file is present, Kudu will use custom
file instead of the default one. We use custom deployment script to chose Python3.5 and install all the necesary dependencies. To learn more about Kudu and deploying to Azure Web Apps - go here[config] command = deploy.cmd
Custom script for our deployment with Kudu. Main difference from the default script is that I'm setting Python3.5 (installed from extension) as my main environment
[..] SET PYTHON_DIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\home\python354x64 SET PYTHON_EXE=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\home\python354x64\python.exe [..]
I'm also using
to install all the required dependencies:[..] :: 4. Install packages echo Pip install requirements. echo "Installing requirements" %PYTHON_EXE% -m pip install -r requirements.txt [..]
TODO: I was told that it is better to have virtual Python environment for each app hosted on Azure Web Apps so that there is no chance of conflicts in different versions of modules used by different apps. That is what I need to fix in future.
I used
to point out the directory of my custom Python 3.5 installation and to successfully run my Flask based Python web service. I based myweb.config
on Azure Web Apps documentation.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <handlers> <add name="PythonHandler" path="*" verb="*" modules="httpPlatformHandler" resourceType="Unspecified"/> </handlers> <httpPlatform processPath="D:\home\python354x64\python.exe" arguments="D:\home\site\wwwroot\ --port %HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT%" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile="D:\home\site\wwwroot\logs\log_file2.log" startupTimeLimit="220" processesPerApplication="5"> <environmentVariables> <environmentVariable name="SERVER_PORT" value="%HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT%" /> </environmentVariables> </httpPlatform> </system.webServer> </configuration>