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🧾 PDF Invoice Generator

Pdf Invoice Generator Library for Android. We use iText internally to style format and create pdf files. Which is customised to build invoices for you.


1. Installation

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Add the gradle dependency to your app module build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.github.kariot:pdf-invoice-generator:1.0.1'

2. Storage & Permissions

Invoice generator creates and saves pdf files in to the app specific folder Android/<YOUR PACKAGE>/files/<FILE NAME>.pdf, so it will work without any permissions, but you have to configure File Provider for the app.

Create provider_paths.xml inside res/xml with content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<paths xmlns:android="">
    <external-path name="external_files" path="."/>

In AndroidManifest.xml place the following code inside <application> tag.

                android:resource="@xml/provider_paths" />

3. Initialization of Data Sources

The invoice has been divided into different blocks for the convinience to build the layout and these blocks are shown below. These blocks requires specific set data to build.

1. Invoice Header

Create an instance of ModelInvoiceHeader to provide data for header. eg:

val invoiceAddress =ModelInvoiceHeader.ModelAddress(
                "Address Line 1",
                "Address Line 2",
                "Address Line 3"
val headerData = ModelInvoiceHeader(
            "(123) 456 798",
            "[email protected]",

2. Invoice Icon

An icon can be added to the invoice from local resources. Pass the local drawable resource id to setInvoiceLogo function to add icon.

3. Invoice Info

The additional details in invoice such as customer name, invoice number,total price,etc.. has to be provided with ModelInvoiceInfo object. eg:

 val invoiceInfo = ModelInvoiceInfo(
            "Invoice Number",
            "Invoice Date",
            "Invoice Amount"

4. Customer Info

An object of ModelInvoiceInfo.ModelCustomerInfo has to be provided as parameter as it provides the customer information

 val customerInfo =
                "Customer name",
                "Address Line 1",
                "Address Line 2",
                "Address Line 3"

6. Table Header

The header for table has to be provided via ModelTableHeader class eg:

val tableHeader =

7. Table Data

The data for the table is provided through list of ModelInvoiceItem eg:

val tableData = ModelInvoiceItem(
            "Item 1",
            "Item 1 Description",
            "Item 2",
            "Item 3",
            "Item 4",
            "Item 5"

8. Price Info

Three values has to be provided via ModelInvoicePriceInfo object eg:

val invoicePriceInfo = ModelInvoicePriceInfo(
            "Sub Total",
            "Tax Total",
            "Grand Total"

9. Footer

The footer has a single text message shown to provide the same provide an instance of ModelInvoiceFooter eg:

val footerData = ModelInvoiceFooter("Footer message")

4. Generate PDF

With all the above mentioned data ready, you can proceed to generate the PDF file. To generate a PDF invoice create an instance of InvoiceGenerator and pass all the required objects that created on previous step. eg:

val pdfGenerator = InvoiceGenerator(this).apply {
            setInvoiceLogo(R.drawable.invoice_icon) // to set invoice logo
            setCurrency(currency) //to set invoice currency
            setInvoiceColor(invoiceColor) //to set invoice color(HEX CODE)
            setInvoiceHeaderData(headerData) //data for header
            setInvoiceInfo(invoiceInfo) //header info data
            setInvoiceTableHeaderDataSource(tableHeader) //data for table header
               /* List of data for invoice table */
            ) //data for table
            setPriceInfoData(invoicePriceInfo) //data for price info
            setInvoiceFooterData(footerData) //data for footer

        val fileUri = pdfGenerator.generatePDF("FILE_NAME.pdf") // returns pdf file Uri


  • Library - Android Lollipop 5.0+ (API 21)
  • Sample - Android Lollipop 5.0+ (API 21)

Let us know!

We'll be open to your PR, feedback,feature request and issues, please raise an issue if you have encountered any issues or have any feature request. Also We'll be really happy if you sent us links to your projects where you use our library. Just send an email to [email protected] And do let us know if you have any questions or suggestion regarding the library.

📃 Libraries Used


PDF Invoice Generator for Android







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