This is a Data plotter for CTD data for each Excel File.
There should only be one sheet per .xlsx file. (CSV support coming soon
Latest Version of R and shiny, and a Browser.
In your R session run the following code to download shiny.
Each file should have the following variables.
- DepSM: Depth in Meters.
- Sal00: Salinity.
- Tv290C: Temperature is Celsius.
- FlSP: Florescence.
- SeaTurbMtr: Sea turbidity in Meters.
- Par: Photosynthetic active radiation.
- Sbeox0Mm/L: Dissolved Oxygen per liter.
- AltM
- Sbeox0PS
In your shell terminal clone the repo to your machine and open it as a project in R studio.
git clone
Navigate to the cloned folder and run the script.
Rscript CTD-data-plotter/ctd_plotter.R
Click on the Listening on
link or past it in your browser's url bar to open the app.
Open Rstudio and run ctd_plotter.R
- Add the path to your desired folder.
- Select desired files and variables.
- Select raw data line or Averaged line with or without standard error.
- Select image parameters.
- Provide the destination folder and file name
- Save the plot.
The averaged line used geom_smooth with "gam" method.
Plots will be saved as