Time Series Genome Scale Metabolic Models
STEP 1: Prepare inputs
- COBRA Toolbox (https://github.com/opencobra/cobratoolbox)
Inputs (for each time point):
- model (Genome Scale Metabolic Model (GSMM) that includes Gene-Protein-Reaction (GPR) rules and its reaction bounds should be numeric)
- gene_expression (gene_expression structure has two components: gene_expression.gene is a cell array containing GeneIDs in the same format as model.genes and gene_expression.value is a vector containing corresponding expression values. Gene expression values can be count data (RPKM/FPKM/TPM) or microarray data (without log2 normalization). The model must have model.rules section. Loading models from .mat files may lead model.grRules section which carry the same information in a different format. To get model.rules properly it is recommended to load the models from .xml files)
Implementation (for each time point):
reaction_expression= mapExpressionToReactions(model, gene_expression);
Outputs (for each time point):
- reaction_expression (Gene expression data mapped on the GSMM)
STEP 2: Integrate Transcriptomics with the GSMM
- COBRA Toolbox (https://github.com/opencobra/cobratoolbox)
- fE-Flux (https://github.com/karabekmez/fE-Flux)
Inputs (for each time point):
- model (GSMM)
- reaction_expression (obtained in Step 1)
Outputs (for each time point):
- model_Ti (time point spesific GSMM for t(i) whose upper and lower bounds were manipulated via fE-Flux)
STEP 3: Sampling
- COBRA Toolbox (https://github.com/opencobra/cobratoolbox)
Inputs (for each time point):
- model_Ti (time point specific GSMM)
[modelSampling_Ti, samples_Ti] = sampleCbModel(model_Ti,'samples_Ti','ACHR', 'modelSampling_Ti');
- merge all samples_Ti's
- SEF_N (3D array (reactions, samples, time points))
STEP 4: Clustering flux distributions
- COBRA Toolbox (https://github.com/opencobra/cobratoolbox)
- Wasserstein distance (https://github.com/nklb/wasserstein-distance)
- samples_Ti (time point specific samplings of the GSMMs)
run wasdis (creates between time series dissimilarity matrices to cluster flux distribution levels)
run createWTSD (creates within time series dissimilarity matrices to cluster flux profiles)
Calinski-Harabasz clustering evaluation criterion (CH index) and/or silhouette scores can be used to determine number of clusters (m or k)
evalclusters(DD); evalclusters(WTSDD); [ind_ts_level]=kmedoids(DD,m); [ind_ts_profile]=kmedoids(WTSDD,k);
- ind_ts_level (index of cluster for each reaction - clustering ts level)
- ind_ts_profile (index of cluster for each reaction - clustering ts trend)