- Ubuntu 18.04 64bit
- Nvidia 1050TI (435- Vulkan enabled)
- i7 7th Gen
- RAM 24GB
- ROS melodic
Clone the git repo by issueing the below command
`git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.kpit.com/kankans/carlarosbridge.git`.
Browse to the cloned folder
cd carlarosbridge
. -
Compile the project by
. -
Source the project
source devel/setup.sh
, Everytime when a new terminal is opened the carlarosbridge environment is sourced. -
. -
Run carla
./CarlaEU4.sh -windowed -ResX=400 -ResY=320
wait for the carla window to load. -
If you want to launch the carla client with RVIZ then
roslauch carlabg CarlaVehicleWithRviz
. -
If you want to launch the carla client without RVIZ then
roslauch carlabg CarlaVehicleWithoutRviz
- You can edit the lauch file to play with the carla environment.
- You can change the spawn point of the vehicle by changing the X,Y,Z location in the above line
<arg name="spawn_point" default="73.193413,-136.704315,9.837398,-0.647311,-178.772690,0.000000"/>
. - If you want to change the vehicle model edit the default model in the
<arg name="vehicle_filter" default='vehicle.tesla.model3'/>
. - If you want to change the weather of the simulation then change(Cloudiness, Precipitation , SunAltitudeAngle)
<arg name="weather" default="90.0,0.0,1.0"/>
- If you want to change the other actor models then change the below parameters
<arg name="NumberofVehicles" default="1"/> <arg name="NumberofPedestrians" default="1"/> <arg name="SafeTravel" default="False"/>
- You can change the spawn point of the vehicle by changing the X,Y,Z location in the above line
- You can change the sensor config in
- You can edit the lauch file to play with the carla environment.
The Navigation is broken and does not work properly, however the navigation can be launched by the following command
roslaunch carlaconfig amcl_demo.launch
<-- this also launches RVIZ with the map
- Gmapping
- Open Terminal and run
. - Open the
folder in terminal and run the CarlaSimulatorCARLAUE4.sh -ResX=320 -ResY=480
. - Start the carla-ros bridge node , Open another terminal and run
roslaunch carlabg CarlaVehicleWithoutRviz.launch
command. - Start the Gmapping node
roslaunch carlabg Gmapping_Carla.launch
. - If you want to view the live mapping , lauch the rviz node
rosrun rviz rviz
. Either you can load the Gmapping-rviz config from/carla/carlabg/config
folder or enable a map view under framemap
. - Save the map by running map_server
rosrun map_server map_saver
- Open Terminal and run
- Hectormapping
- Launch the carla-ros bridge same as Gmapping , and then launch the hectormapping node by running
roslaunch carlabg Hectormapping_Carla.launch
. - Save the map by running map_server
rosrun map_server map_saver
- Launch the carla-ros bridge same as Gmapping , and then launch the hectormapping node by running
- Octomap
- Launch octomap by
roslaunch carlabg Octomapping_Carla.launch
. - The octomap can be viewed using the rviz octomap plugin , load the Octomap-rviz config from
- Launch octomap by
- RTAB mapping
- Launch RTAB map by
roslaunch carlabg RtabMapping_Carla.launch
this node will automatically launch the RTABmap viewer for map visualization.
- Launch RTAB map by
- Launch the Carla Simulator 0.9.7.
- Run the Visual SLAM detector by running
file. It runs the detection offline edit the config here Edit Source Config, the weights and config can be edited here , the detector speed can be increased by resizing the image refer here, if you dont want to save the output comment out this line. - Run the Sensor Fusion Algorithm by opening
file, if you want to edit the sensor noise change this line , the sensor deviation is ing
, by default the script will automatically record the data inKalmanTest_XXX.csv
- The slam node did not work for me unless the messages are transmitted slowly.Hence while performing manual maneuver bag the messages by the following command
rosbag record /tf /camera/scan /carla/ego_vehicle/lidar/lidar1/point_cloud
- Launch Gmapping node by running following commad
roslaunch carlabg Gmapping_Carla.launch
- After the messages are logged we can playback the messages by following command
rosbag play -r 0.01 --clock "Your recorded file name"
- This will take significant amount of time to build the map (better than the below error message)
(Error Message to be included ;-P) - Once you are done with the playback , save the message by following command
rosrun map_server map_saver -f "Your File Name"
- All recorded data is stored in
- Hector and GMAPPING is tested against the two scenarios, Results are stored in the data folder