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This is course project for MSBD5003

Tools required

  • MySQL 8
  • Spark
  • Jupyter Notebook

Start spark with jupyter notebook

  1. Use terminal and cd into spark . if you used HomeBrew to install spark, it should be in:

  2. Change env path:

             export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON='jupyter'
             export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS='notebook'
  3. Start pyspark:

  4. Then enjoy pyspark with jupyter. Notice that if you want to connect with mysql, change the sql_password variable declared at the first line to your own password.

Tips for configuration

  • As spark needs jdbc to connect with mysql, a driver jar file should be download and referred by spark.
    To do this:

    1. Find out the environment configuration file. If you used HomeBrew to install spark, then the file should be in


      Notice that by default, you will see a file, rename it to

    2. Open, add the following two lines:

           export SPARK_HOME="/usr/local/Cellar/apache-spark/2.4.0/libexec"  
           export CLASSPATH=$SPARK_HOME/jars/mysql-connector-java-5.1.45-bin.jar
    3. Notice that the file path may differ between computers, change them accordingly.

  • As currently jdbc can only connect to mysql with native password, the password of mysql should be change to native plugin. To do this:

    1. Start mysql server with the following command:

           mysql.server start
    2. Connect to mysql server:

           mysql -u root -p

      If you haven't set the password for root, just press enter. Otherwise enter your password.

    3. After connecting to mysql, change password with the following sql:

           alter user root@localhost identified with mysql_native_password by 'password';

      Where password is your new password.


      • To reset root password. (Unfortunately it may not work as the password plugin has been changed to native type. You can use flush privileges to put updated user information into cache so that the new password can take effect without rebooting.)
      • To reinstall mysql. (Try this if you forget the password and fail to reset)
  • To load data into mysql:

    1. Start mysql server with the following command:

           mysql.server start
    2. Type the following sql:

           source /PROJECT_PATH/data/sql/MovieDB.sql
    3. The above file works with mysql 8. If you are using mariaDB, try to install mysql otherwise it needs many modification.

    4. Deal with secure-file-priv problem

    5. Find location of my.cnf mysql --help --verbose


Course Project for MSBD5003






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