Employing Transformer-based Pose Regression to establish the initial localization state with enhanced accuracy and efficiency
This code implements:
Training of a Transformer-based architecture for absolute ego pose regression used for enhancing the initial pose required for localization algorithms. This work was submitted to the Autoware Challenge 2023 and is part of the ongoing research project BeIntelli at TU-Berlin, Germany.
Prediction results on the DeepLoc dataset:
Prediction results on the Oxford RobotCar dataset:
In order to run this repository you will need:
- Python3 (tested with Python 3.7.7, 3.8.5), PyTorch
- Set up the conda environment with
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Benchmarking on various datasets
- Download the DeepLoc dataset
- Download the Oxford Robot Car dataset Oxford Robot Car
- We use the RobustLoc project that provides the Oxford RobotCar dataset that has been pre-processed
┣ 📦DeepLoc
┣ 📂train
┃ ┣ 📂LeftImages
┃ ┣ 📂labels
┃ ┣ 📂labels_colorized
┃ ┣ 📜poses.txt
┣ 📂test
┃ ┣ 📂LeftImages
┃ ┣ 📂labels
┃ ┣ 📂labels_colorized
┃ ┣ 📜poses.txt
┣ 📜pose_meta.txt
┣ 📂loop
┃ ┣ 📂2014-06-23-15-36-04
┃ ┣ 📂2014-06-23-15-41-25
┃ ┣ 📂2014-06-26-08-53-56
┃ ┣ 📂2014-06-26-09-24-58
Dataset | Position Error | Orientation Error | Download | Logs |
DeepLoc | 0.81 m | 3.35 deg | model | train, test |
OxfordRobot Car | 3.34 m | 1.04 deg | model | train, test |
For a detailed explanation of the options run:
python main.py -h
For example, in order to train the model on the DeepLoc or Oxford RobotCar datasets run:
python main.py --model_name apr-transformer --mode train --config_file config/RobotCar_config_aprtransformer.json --experiment {EXP_NAME} --entity {WANDB_USERNAME}
python main.py --model_name apr-transformer --mode train --config_file config/DeepLoc_config_aprtransformer.json --experiment {EXP_NAME} --entity {WANDB_USERNAME}
Your checkpoints (.pth file saved based on the number you specify in the configuration file) and log file will be saved under an 'out' folder.
You will need a wandb account to log the training metrics. Please pass your wandb username for the 'entity' flag
In order to test your model:
python main.py --model_name apr-transformer --mode test --config_file config/DeepLoc_config_aprtransformer.json --checkpoint_path <path to your checkpoint .pth> --experiment {EXP_NAME} --entity {WANDB_USERNAME}
Following the publication of our work, we will be incorporating the extensive APR-BeIntelli dataset, which includes multi-camera images with corresponding pose labels and semantic masks. Furthermore, the repository will include checkpoints to the APR-Seg-Transformer model, reinforcing its utility for pose regression and semantic segmentation tasks.
TODO Add integration code into Autoware.universe setup