Ths project aims to analyse the sentiments derived from the micro-blogging platform, Twitter. Our goal is to identify the public sentiments towards the presidential candidates, Trump and Biden, during the U.S. presidential elections 2020. Sentiment analysis and topic modelling is performed to uncover insights and analysis of the election sentiment.
Compounded sentiment score of Biden vs Trump
Run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the necessary packages needed to run the visualisation and to run topic modelling and sentiment analysis.
Run npm i
to then install all the necessary node_modules
Enter into the directory web-projectFinal
and then run gulp
Go to your address bar and visit http://localhost:3000
This is a project created by Kang Choon Kiat, David Choo, Ethan Pak Cheng Lin and Teo Jiayun under the module IS4152 taught by Professor Desmond Ong.