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A java application that will return a receipt for objects listed in a text file.

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Jonathan Lee - ThoughtWorks Submission: Problem Two Sales Taxes

Application Information:
- Source code built in codio Online IDE
- Written in Java:
  java version "1.7.0_67"                                                                                            
- Tested with junit ver. 4.12

To run the application on Unix-like systems:
1) From the command line, cd into the src directory of this application
2) Compile the .java file by entering "javac"
3) Run the compiled class file with "java SalesTaxApp ../test/testinput1.txt" (Or use any other text file provided, or your own)

To run tests:
1) Download "junit-4.12.jar" and "hamcrest-core-1.3.jar", save these to the "src" directory
2) Compile each test with the command "javac -cp junit-4.12.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:. <TESTJAVANAME>.java"
3) The tests can be run individually with "java -cp junit-4.12.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:. org.junit.runner.JUnitCore <TESTCLASSNAME>"

For the entire testing suite:
2) Compile with "javac -cp junit-4.12.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:." 
3) Run with "java -cp junit-4.12.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:. org.junit.runner.JUnitCore SalesTaxAppTestSuite"
NOTE - This will run all the tests. But the individual tests will still need to be compiled to class files before the suite compilation will work.

Design Details:
- There are four main classes, the actual application (SalesTaxApp), Receipt, Good, and a FileReader
- The file reader presents line-by-line information from text files in the form of String arrays
- The Good is an object representation of items on the text list. There are getter methods for each field
- The Receipt applies tax and can calculate the total price of items on its list
- The application class ties together the above-mentioned classes and prints output to the console
- Medicine and Food are classified by matching certain limited keyword to the name of the good.

Design Assumptions:
- File paths will be provided through command line args
- The formatting of the items in the text file will always be "<Quantity> <Name> at <Price>/n"
- The desired output should be printed to the console.

Date Submitted: 3/2/15


A java application that will return a receipt for objects listed in a text file.






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