Releases: jurajmajor/ltl3tela
Releases · jurajmajor/ltl3tela
ICTAC 2019 journal version release
- SLAA transition reductions are now implemented
- flags cleanup
ICTAC 2019 release
- LTL3TELA now uses substantially less acceptance marks with
. - Two bugs in pattern-based reduction (Spotela) which could cause production of incorrect automata or an unhandled exception have been fixed.
- Multiple minor bugs are now fixed.
ATVA 2019 release
We are happy to announce new major release of LTL3TELA. Compared to previous versions, the sizes of produced automata decreased for a lot of formulae. The most notable new features are:
- ability to produce deterministic automata using
option - new reduction techniques in construction of SLAA and NA
- larger employment of Spot during the translation
For the entire list of changes, please see the ChangeLog.
Maintenance release
- Fixed segfault with -p1.
- Support for -m2 (detection of mergeable G for experimental purposes) added.
Integrate ltl2tgba into translation process
The version is now 1.2.0.
- LTL3TELA now tries to translate the formula with Spot and outputs the smaller automaton.
- When both the original automaton and the complemented automaton for !f have the same number of states, the latter is preferred. This should produce deterministic automata in more cases.
- -v now outputs the used version of Spot.
Compatibility with Spot 2.6
- Incorrect usage of spot::acc_cond::mark_t::value_t has been replaced with an alias of unsigned.
Maintenance release
- update version to 1.1.1
- fix segfault in
if a fresh initial state is created - catch
Too many acceptance sets used.
from Spot and exit with code 32 - LTL3TELA now compiles with -std=c++14
Rename to LTL3TELA; translation of both f and !f
- The tool is now named LTL3TELA
- LTL3TELA now also translates the negation of formula; if the resulting automaton is deterministic and smaller than the original automaton, its complement is used as an output
- Spot 2.4+ is now required to compile LTL3TELA
Small improvements
Thanks to Alexandre Duret-Lutz for suggesting all the improvements.
- hide "Garbage collection" messages from BuDDy
- set the name of produced nondeterministic automaton
- remove unnecessary call to purge_unreachable_states
- catch exception thrown by parse_formula
initial version
v1.0.0 add -v flag that prints version