I'm Jose Diaz and I work as Head of IT now, after some years as Fullstack developer and last 6 years as CTO.
With over 15 years of experience in software development, I am highly skilled in building scalable and clean code software.
Passionate about crafting efficient and effective solutions and have successfully led software development teams through the entire development process, from conceptualization to deployment in production environments.
Constantly seek to improve and grow professionally and am fearless in taking on new challenges. My strong desire to learn and evolve helps drive my success in the field.
I have a track record of consistently delivering high-quality software solutions to my clients and am dedicated to achieving optimal results.
Confident in contributing value to any project and am eager to apply my skills and expertise to new opportunities.
- 👀 I’m interested in ... Microservices, Agile Methodologies, Clean Code and Software Principles as SOLID, DDD, CQRS, Hexagonal Architecture & TDD
- 🌱 I’m currently coding ... PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Go, Python
- I ❤️ ... Microservices
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... startups or product development companies
You can reach me at:
- 📫 [email protected]
- 👨💻 https://jjdiaz.dev ... my website and resume/CV
I write about software development, microservices, clean code, software architecture, and other topics related to software development.
https://blog.jjdiaz.dev ... my blog where I share my ideas
https://medium.com/@josediazmoreno ... well I also share posts here 😬
https://dev.to/jjdiaz ... and also here 😅
Last posts
- Break the Limits: Send Large Text Blocks to ChatGPT with Ease
- Optimizing scalability and health of your Laravel APIs with monitoring tools like Datadog and New…
- Maximizing scalability and flexibility with a microservices architecture for your Laravel API
- Why PostgreSQL is a Top Choice for Data Management and Applications
- 14 Best Practices for Optimizing the Performance of your Laravel API
Visits counted since April 19th, 2023