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AWT PJ WS 21/22 Deep Encode 2

A repository to train and evaluate different machine learning models to avoid computationally heavy test encodes.

There is a for every Machine Learning Algorithm in their respective folders, just go to the src file and then enter the folder of your preferred machine learning Algorithm. We explain the process to run the models Boosting Gradient Decision Tree and Linear Regression in this file. The instructions for the Convolutional Neural Network Model are in the folder of the model and not in this file because of the same installation requirements as the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree model.

Note: We wrote the instructions to run the python models for Linux, specifically in Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (tested).However, instructions for the Linear Regression Model are available for Windows (tested in Windows 10 Home).

About Deep Encode

Video streaming content differs in terms of complexity and requires title-specific encoding settings to achieve a certain visual quality. Per-title encoding enables a more efficient and tailored video encoding ladder based on the complexity of a video. To take things a step further, per-scene encoding enables tailored video encoding ladders based on the complexity of each scene, rather than an entire video. However, conventional encoding solutions, such as per-title and per-scene, are computationally heavy and required a high amount of test encodes to identify the optimal encoding settings. The Deep Encode project utilizes machine learning models and provides encoding setting predictions in order to avoid the computationally heavy test encodes. Source:


The scripts contained in the GBDT folder allow to:

  1. Build a Gradient Boosting Decision Tree model and predict VMAF values using it.
  2. Plot the data points(Bitrate/predcted VMAF) and calculate the convex hull in order to see how one resolution outperforms the other at a certain bitrate.
  3. Build the encodding ladder and get the higher VMAF value at a certain bitrate using it.


Python: The development is done using Python 3.9.7. The required moduls are matplotlib, numpy, pandans, scikit-learn, scipy. R: The development is done using R 4.1.0. The required moduls are dummies, ggplot2, metrics, ggally, dplyr,tidyr,forecast, ggmap, datetime, fpc

Set up

Requirements 📋

Python: Git

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git

Python 3.9.9

sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3

Install Pip

sudo apt install python3-pip


install virtual env with

pip install virtualenv

create a directory to save virtual environments

mkdir virtualenvs
cd virtualenvs

Set the environment

virtualenv env

To activate use

source env/bin/activate

To deactivate it use

source env/bin/deactivate

Installation 🔧

Follow these steps once done with the Requirements:

_NOTE: Keep your virtual environment activated for the installation.

clone the github repository without history (no need if you have the src folder, just extract in this case)

git clone --depth 1 -b main

enter repository

cd awt-pj-ws21-22-deepencode-2/src/GBDT

A requirements file was generated that will allow the automatic installation of the modules with

pip install -r requirements.txt

R: R 4.1.2

download and install R  4.1.2

download and install R Studio 
(free version is enough)

open R Studio

Open awt-pj-ws21-22-deepencode-2\src\LineareRegression\DataInR.rmd with R Studio


Build and Train the model

Python: The script builds the GBDT model and predicts the VMAF values in predicted_vmaf.csv.

to run this script (this can take some minutes): python

R: The script dataInR.rmd builds the Linear Regression model and predicts the VMAF values. Execute Run All in RStudio

Plot bitrate/VMAF pairs

PYthon: The script plots the data points(bitrate, predicted VMAF) and calculates the convexhull for each video ID and stores the graphs in the plot_with_convex_hull file.

to run this script: python

R: The dataFrame encoddingLadderFinished contains the final EncodingLadder (videoID, bitrate, resolution, maxVMAF)

Build encoding ladder

The script builds the bitrate/VMAF ladders for each video ID and stores it in bitrate_ladder excel file

to run this script: python

R: The dataFrame encoddingLadderFinished contains the final EncodingLadder (videoID, bitrate, resolution, maxVMAF)

Convex hull

The ConvexHull Graphs are saved as .png in the Folder.


The Documentation is distributed in the following places:

  • Code comments, which ensure readability
  • Paper in the report folder
  • Presentations in the presentation folder


Team of Deep Encode (2)

-Vinzenz Jakob Benedikt Franke
-Julio Cesar Perez Duran
-Ruihan Zhang


The team is available by the following emails:

Vinzenz Jakob Benedikt Franke: [email protected]
Julio Cesar Perez Duran: [email protected]
Ruihan Zhang: [email protected]


No description, website, or topics provided.






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