Uses Radiolib to enable a TI-CC1101 module as an ESPHome RF direct OOK remote receiver/transmitter.
The included yaml files include configuration examples for ESP8266 and ESP32 micro-controllers. You should start by enabling dump_raw and making sure noise isn't being received when no transmissions are occurring. Adjusting bandwidth, data-rate, and AGC parameters can help with creating an optimal receive setup. The example includes the ability to expose these as controls in ESPHome or HomeAssistant.
- More bandwidth will likely enable receiving more varying devices on the same frequency, but will increase noise and may decrease range.
The ESP32 example includes an example UDP dumper that can help with analyzing pulse data.
- Use rtl_433 on a host with the socat tool to decode pulses streamed to udp broadcast:
socat -u UDP4-RECV:5009 STDOUT | rtl_433 -r ook:-
Transmit/Receive was verified to work with esp8266 and ESP-32 board (Arduino and ESP-IDF)
- Direct cc1101 support in ESPHOME component (no radiolib dependency): esphome/esphome#6300