Table patches for VPX Standalone
Visual Pinball Standalone is using the vbscript engine from Wine and there are some slight incompatibilities. Luckily only a few tables require modifications.
This repository contains the original script, patch, and fixed script for tables that do not run properly by default.
Just find the related file with .vbs
extention in this repository. It should have the same file name as the vpx file you downloaded. Put the patch next to the vpx file and vpinball will automatically pick it up. These script files are sometimes referred to as a sidecar script.
- Start by extracting the script:
VPinballX_GL -extractvbs [table.vpx]
VPinballX_BGFX -extractvbs [tablename.vpx]
/Applications/ -extractvbs [table.vpx]
/Applications/ -extractvbs [table.vpx]
vpxtool extractvbs [table.vpx]
Apply the patch, put it in this repository and run
Create a PR with the changes.
You do not need to submit [table.vbs.patch]
in your PR as the CI will generate these automatically.
You can also use vpxtool to extract, apply some automatic fixes and generate patch files.