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jrus committed Mar 29, 2011
1 parent c3cfdc7 commit d04cc8a
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Showing 24 changed files with 3,604 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added Images/full-kb-opt-shift.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/full-kb-opt.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/full-kb-shift.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/full-kb.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/incremental-search.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/keyboard-pref-pane.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/laptop-kb-fn-numpad.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/laptop-kb-fn.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/laptop-kb-opt-shift.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/laptop-kb-opt.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/laptop-kb-shift.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images/laptop-kb.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions KeyBindings/BBEdit Bindings.dict
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Key Bindings for partial BBEdit emulation, compiled by Jacob Rus

/* Incremental search -- uncomment if ISIM is installed */
/* "@~f" = "ISIM_incrementalSearch:"; /* A-O-f Quick search */
/* "@~$f" = "ISIM_reverseIncrementalSearch:"; /* A-O-Shft-f Quick search backward */

/* Select line */
"@l" = "selectParagraph:"; /* C-l Select line */

/* Scrolling */
"^\UF700" = "scrollLineUp:"; /* C-up Scroll up */
"^\UF701" = "scrollLineDown:"; /* C-down Scroll down */
"@^\UF700" = ( "scrollLineUp:", /* A-C-up Scroll up 2 lines */
"@^\UF701" = ( "scrollLineDown:", /* A-C-down Scroll down 2 lines */
"~^\UF700" = ( "scrollLineUp:", /* A-C-up Scroll up 3 lines */
"~^\UF701" = ( "scrollLineDown:", /* A-C-down Scroll down 3 lines */
"@~^\UF700" = ( "scrollLineUp:", /* A-C-up Scroll up 6 lines */
"@~^\UF701" = ( "scrollLineDown:", /* A-C-down Scroll down 6 lines */

/* Page up-down */
"~\UF700" = "pageUp:"; /* O-up Page up */
"~\UF701" = "pageDown:"; /* O-down Page down */
"~$\UF700" = "pageUpAndModifySelection"; /* O-Shft-up Select page up */
"~$\UF701" = "pageDownAndModifySelection"; /* O-Shft-down Select page down */

/* delete backward-forward */
"$\U007F" = "deleteForward:"; /* Shft-Del Delete forward */
"~\U007F" = "deleteWordBackward:"; /* O-Del Delete word backward */
"~\UF728" = "deleteWordForward:"; /* O-FwdDel Delete word forward */
"~$\U007F" = "deleteWordForward:"; /* O-Shft-Del Delete word forward */

/* These next few don't work, maddeningly.
* They don't really have a reason to stay in this file. */
/* "@\U007F" = "deleteToBeginningOfParagraph:"; /* O-Del Delete word backward */
/* "@\UF728" = "deleteToEndOfParagraph:"; /* O-FwdDel Delete word forward */
/* "@$\U007F" = "deleteToEndOfParagraph:"; /* O-Shft-Del Delete word forward */
/* "@~\U007F" = ( "selectToBeginningOfDocument:", /* A-O-Del Delete to beginning of document*/
/* "delete:");
/* "@~\U007F" = ( "selectToEndOfDocument:", /* A-O-FwdDel Delete to end of document*/
/* "delete:");
/* "@~$\U007F" = ( "selectToEndOfDocument:", /* A-O-Shft-Del Delete to end of document*/
/* "delete:");
/* End failure section */
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions KeyBindings/Emacs Esc Bindings.dict
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
/* Keybindings for emacs emulation. Compiled by Jacob Rus.
* This is a pretty good set, especially considering that many emacs bindings
* such as C-o, C-a, C-e, C-k, C-y, C-v, C-f, C-b, C-p, C-n, C-t, and
* perhaps a few more, are already built into the system.
* This file uses Esc for commands that use the meta key, because if the
* option key was used, it would override existing Macintosh key bindings.

/* We are going to override the Esc binding for complete, so add Esc Esc */
"\U001B" = {"\U001B" = "complete:";}; /* Esc Esc Complete */

/* Ctrl shortcuts */
"^l" = "centerSelectionInVisibleArea:"; /* C-l Recenter */
"^/" = "undo:"; /* C-/ Undo */
"^_" = "undo:"; /* C-_ Undo */
"^ " = "setMark:"; /* C-Spc Set mark */
"^\@" = "setMark:"; /* C-@ Set mark */
"^w" = "deleteToMark:"; /* C-w Delete to mark */

/* Incremental search. */
/* Uncomment these lines If Incremental Search IM is installed */
/* "^s" = "ISIM_incrementalSearch:"; /* C-s Incremental search */
/* "^r" = "ISIM_reverseIncrementalSearch:"; /* C-r Reverse incremental search */
/* "^g" = "abort:"; /* C-g Abort */

/* Meta shortcuts */
"\U001B" = {
"f" = "moveWordForward:"; /* Esc f Move forward word */
"b" = "moveWordBackward:"; /* Esc b Move backward word */
"<" = "moveToBeginningOfDocument:"; /* Esc < Move to beginning of document */
">" = "moveToEndOfDocument:"; /* Esc > Move to end of document */
"v" = "pageUp:"; /* Esc v Page Up */
"/" = "complete:"; /* Esc / Complete */
"c" = ( "capitalizeWord:", /* Esc c Capitalize */
"u" = ( "uppercaseWord:", /* Esc u Uppercase */
"l" = ( "lowercaseWord:", /* Esc l Lowercase */
"d" = "deleteWordForward:"; /* Esc d Delete word forward */
"^h" = "deleteWordBackward:"; /* Esc C-h Delete word backward */
"\U007F"= "deleteWordBackward:"; /* Esc Bksp Delete word backward */
"t" = "transposeWords:"; /* Esc t Transpose words */

"\@" = ( "setMark:", /* Esc @ Mark word */
"h" = ( "setMark:", /* Esc h Mark paragraph */

/* C-x shortcuts */
"^x" = {
"u" = "undo:"; /* C-x u Undo */
"k" = "performClose:"; /* C-x k Close */
"^f" = "openDocument:"; /* C-x C-f Open (find file) */
"^x" = "swapWithMark:"; /* C-x C-x Swap with mark */
"^m" = "selectToMark:"; /* C-x C-m Select to mark*/
"^s" = "saveDocument:"; /* C-x C-s Save */
"^w" = "saveDocumentAs:"; /* C-x C-w Save as */

68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions KeyBindings/Emacs Opt Bindings.dict
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/* Keybindings for emacs emulation. Compiled by Jacob Rus.
* This is a pretty good set, especially considering that many emacs bindings
* such as C-o, C-a, C-e, C-k, C-y, C-v, C-f, C-b, C-p, C-n, C-t, and
* perhaps a few more, are already built into the system.
* This file uses the Option key as a meta key. This has the side-effect
* of overriding Mac OS keybindings for the option key, which generally
* make common symbols and non-english letters.

/* Ctrl shortcuts */
"^l" = "centerSelectionInVisibleArea:"; /* C-l Recenter */
"^/" = "undo:"; /* C-/ Undo */
"^_" = "undo:"; /* C-_ Undo */
"^ " = "setMark:"; /* C-Spc Set mark */
"^\@" = "setMark:"; /* C-@ Set mark */
"^w" = "deleteToMark:"; /* C-w Delete to mark */

/* Incremental search. */
/* Uncomment these lines If Incremental Search IM is installed */
/* "^s" = "ISIM_incrementalSearch:"; /* C-s Incremental search */
/* "^r" = "ISIM_reverseIncrementalSearch:"; /* C-r Reverse incremental search */
/* "^g" = "abort:"; /* C-g Abort */

/* Meta shortcuts */
"~f" = "moveWordForward:"; /* M-f Move forward word */
"~b" = "moveWordBackward:"; /* M-b Move backward word */
"~<" = "moveToBeginningOfDocument:"; /* M-< Move to beginning of document */
"~>" = "moveToEndOfDocument:"; /* M-> Move to end of document */
"~v" = "pageUp:"; /* M-v Page Up */
"~/" = "complete:"; /* M-/ Complete */
"~c" = ( "capitalizeWord:", /* M-c Capitalize */
"~u" = ( "uppercaseWord:", /* M-u Uppercase */
"~l" = ( "lowercaseWord:", /* M-l Lowercase */
"~d" = "deleteWordForward:"; /* M-d Delete word forward */
"^~h" = "deleteWordBackward:"; /* M-C-h Delete word backward */
"~\U007F" = "deleteWordBackward:"; /* M-Bksp Delete word backward */
"~t" = "transposeWords:"; /* M-t Transpose words */
"~\@" = ( "setMark:", /* M-@ Mark word */
"~h" = ( "setMark:", /* M-h Mark paragraph */

/* C-x shortcuts */
"^x" = {
"u" = "undo:"; /* C-x u Undo */
"k" = "performClose:"; /* C-x k Close */
"^f" = "openDocument:"; /* C-x C-f Open (find file) */
"^x" = "swapWithMark:"; /* C-x C-x Swap with mark */
"^m" = "selectToMark:"; /* C-x C-m Select to mark*/
"^s" = "saveDocument:"; /* C-x C-s Save */
"^w" = "saveDocumentAs:"; /* C-x C-w Save as */

69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions KeyBindings/Greek Bindings.dict
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Greek keybinding example, by Jacob Rus.
* Note that this is an example, and is not very usable on a
* day-to-day basis.
"a" = ("insertText:", "\U03B1"); /* a alpha */
"b" = ("insertText:", "\U03B2"); /* b beta */
"g" = ("insertText:", "\U03B3"); /* g gamma */
"d" = ("insertText:", "\U03B4"); /* d delta */
"e" = ("insertText:", "\U03B5"); /* e epsilon */
"~e" = ("insertText:", "\U03F5"); /* O-e epsilon var */
"z" = ("insertText:", "\U03B6"); /* z zeta */
"h" = ("insertText:", "\U03B7"); /* h eta */
"q" = ("insertText:", "\U03B8"); /* q theta */
"~q" = ("insertText:", "\U03D1"); /* O-q theta var */
"i" = ("insertText:", "\U03B9"); /* i iota */
"k" = ("insertText:", "\U03BA"); /* k kappa */
"l" = ("insertText:", "\U03BB"); /* l lambda */
"m" = ("insertText:", "\U03BC"); /* m mu */
"n" = ("insertText:", "\U03BD"); /* n nu */
"x" = ("insertText:", "\U03BE"); /* x xi */
"o" = ("insertText:", "\U03BF"); /* o omicron */
"p" = ("insertText:", "\U03C0"); /* p pi */
"r" = ("insertText:", "\U03C1"); /* r rho */
"~r" = ("insertText:", "\U03F1"); /* O-r rho var */
"~s" = ("insertText:", "\U03C2"); /* O-s final sigma */
"s" = ("insertText:", "\U03C3"); /* s sigma */
"t" = ("insertText:", "\U03C4"); /* t tau */
"u" = ("insertText:", "\U03C5"); /* u upsilon */
"f" = ("insertText:", "\U03C6"); /* f phi */
"~f" = ("insertText:", "\U03D5"); /* O-f phi var */
"c" = ("insertText:", "\U03C7"); /* c chi */
"y" = ("insertText:", "\U03C8"); /* y psi */
"w" = ("insertText:", "\U03C9"); /* w omega */

"A" = ("insertText:", "\U0391"); /* A Alpha */
"B" = ("insertText:", "\U0392"); /* B Beta */
"G" = ("insertText:", "\U0393"); /* G Gamma */
"D" = ("insertText:", "\U0394"); /* D Delta */
"E" = ("insertText:", "\U0395"); /* E Epsilon */
"Z" = ("insertText:", "\U0396"); /* Z Zeta */
"H" = ("insertText:", "\U0397"); /* H Eta */
"Q" = ("insertText:", "\U0398"); /* Q Theta */
"I" = ("insertText:", "\U0399"); /* I Iota */
"K" = ("insertText:", "\U039A"); /* K Kappa */
"L" = ("insertText:", "\U039B"); /* L Lambda */
"M" = ("insertText:", "\U039C"); /* M Mu */
"N" = ("insertText:", "\U039D"); /* N Nu */
"X" = ("insertText:", "\U039E"); /* X Xi */
"O" = ("insertText:", "\U039F"); /* O Omicron */
"P" = ("insertText:", "\U03A0"); /* P Pi */
"R" = ("insertText:", "\U03A1"); /* R Rho */
"S" = ("insertText:", "\U03A3"); /* S Sigma */
"T" = ("insertText:", "\U03A4"); /* T Tau */
"U" = ("insertText:", "\U03A5"); /* U Upsilon */
"F" = ("insertText:", "\U03A6"); /* F Phi */
"C" = ("insertText:", "\U03A7"); /* C Chi */
"Y" = ("insertText:", "\U03A8"); /* Y Psi */
"W" = ("insertText:", "\U03A9"); /* W Omega */

/*Make sure other letters do nothing*/
"j" = "noop:";
"v" = "noop:";
"J" = "noop:";
"V" = "noop:";
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions KeyBindings/Leet Binding.dict
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* Leetspeak keybinding example, by Jacob Rus
* You probably don't want to use this as anything other than an example.

"a" = ("insertText:", "4");
"b" = ("insertText:", "8");
"c" = ("insertText:", "<");
"d" = ("insertText:", "o|");
"e" = ("insertText:", "3");
"f" = ("insertText:", "ph");
"g" = ("insertText:", "6");
"h" = ("insertText:", "|-|");
"i" = ("insertText:", "¡");
"j" = ("insertText:", "_|");
"k" = ("insertText:", "|<");
"l" = ("insertText:", "1");
"m" = ("insertText:", "/\\/\\");
"n" = ("insertText:", "|\\|");
"o" = ("insertText:", "0");
"p" = ("insertText:", "|°");
"q" = ("insertText:", "0_");
"r" = ("insertText:", "|2");
"s" = ("insertText:", "z");
"t" = ("insertText:", "7");
"u" = ("insertText:", "(_)");
"v" = ("insertText:", "\\/");
"w" = ("insertText:", "\\^/");
"x" = ("insertText:", "×");
"y" = ("insertText:", "`/");
"z" = ("insertText:", "%");
"A" = ("insertText:", "/-\\");
"B" = ("insertText:", "|3");
"C" = ("insertText:", "©");
"D" = ("insertText:", "[)");
"E" = ("insertText:", "[-");
"F" = ("insertText:", "/#");
"G" = ("insertText:", "(y");
"H" = ("insertText:", "]-[");
"I" = ("insertText:", "][");
"J" = ("insertText:", "_/");
"K" = ("insertText:", "|{");
"L" = ("insertText:", "|_");
"M" = ("insertText:", "[]\\/[]");
"N" = ("insertText:", "[]\\[]");
"O" = ("insertText:", "()");
"P" = ("insertText:", "|^");
"Q" = ("insertText:", "(_,)");
"R" = ("insertText:", "P\\");
"S" = ("insertText:", "§");
"T" = ("insertText:", "-|-");
"U" = ("insertText:", "|_|");
"V" = ("insertText:", "\\_/");
"W" = ("insertText:", "\\/\\/");
"X" = ("insertText:", "><");
"Y" = ("insertText:", "\|");
"Z" = ("insertText:", "~/_");

/* An exclamation point done right */
"!" = ("insertText:", "!!11!eleventy-one!1!!!!");

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