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klinoff with a breeze
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jooapa committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 652c7ae commit 5113905
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Showing 8 changed files with 504 additions and 0 deletions.
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions Klinoff with a Breeze/breeze_data.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
Altitude: 0.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 10.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 20.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 30.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 40.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 50.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 60.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 70.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 80.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 90.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 100.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 110.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 120.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 130.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 140.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 150.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 160.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 170.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 180.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 190.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 200.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 210.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 220.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 230.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 240.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 250.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 260.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 270.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 280.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 290.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 300.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Altitude: 310.00 meters
Wind Speed: 1.00 m/s
Wind Direction: 23.00 degrees

Binary file added Klinoff with a Breeze/config.mod
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Klinoff with a Breeze/constants.mod
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Klinoff with a Breeze/klinoff_with_a_breeze.exe
Binary file not shown.
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions Klinoff with a Breeze/klinoff_with_a_breeze.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
module constants
implicit none
real, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793
real, parameter :: earth_radius = 6371.0 ! in kilometers
real, parameter :: gravity = 9.81 ! in m/s^2
real, parameter :: gas_constant = 287.05 ! in J/(kg*K)
real, parameter :: lapse_rate = 0.0065 ! in K/m
real, parameter :: sea_level_temp = 288.15 ! in K
real, parameter :: sea_level_pressure = 101325.0 ! in Pa
end module constants

module weather_types
implicit none
type :: WeatherData
real :: temperature
real :: pressure
real :: humidity
real :: wind_speed
real :: wind_direction
end type WeatherData
end module weather_types

module weather_utils
use constants
implicit none
function calculate_pressure(altitude) result(pressure)
real, intent(in) :: altitude
real :: pressure
pressure = sea_level_pressure * (1.0 - lapse_rate * altitude / sea_level_temp) ** (gravity / (gas_constant * lapse_rate))
end function calculate_pressure

function calculate_temperature(altitude) result(temperature)
real, intent(in) :: altitude
real :: temperature
temperature = sea_level_temp - lapse_rate * altitude
end function calculate_temperature

function calculate_humidity(temp, pressure) result(humidity)
real, intent(in) :: temp, pressure
real :: humidity
humidity = 0.5 * exp(-0.1 * (temp - 273.15)) * (pressure / sea_level_pressure)
end function calculate_humidity

subroutine print_weather_data(data)
use weather_types
implicit none
type(WeatherData), intent(in) :: data
write(*, '(A,F8.2,A)', advance='no') "Temperature: ", data%temperature, " K, "
write(*, '(A,F10.2,A)', advance='no') "Pressure: ", data%pressure, " Pa, "
write(*, '(A,F6.2,A)', advance='no') "Humidity: ", data%humidity, " %, "
write(*, '(A,F6.2,A)', advance='no') "Wind Speed: ", data%wind_speed, " m/s, "
write(*, '(A,F8.2,A)', advance='no') "Wind Direction: ", data%wind_direction, " degrees", char(13)
call flush(6)
end subroutine print_weather_data

subroutine print_breeze_data(data, unit)
use weather_types
implicit none
type(WeatherData), intent(in) :: data
integer, intent(in) :: unit
write(unit, '(A,F8.2,A)') "Wind Speed: ", data%wind_speed, " m/s"
write(unit, '(A,F8.2,A)') "Wind Direction: ", data%wind_direction, " degrees"
write(unit, *) "-----------------------------------"
write(unit, *) ""
end subroutine print_breeze_data
end module weather_utils

module config
implicit none
real :: initial_wind_speed = 5.0
real :: initial_wind_direction = 90.0
integer :: altitude_step = 1000
integer :: max_altitude = 10000
end module config

program weather_simulation
use constants
use weather_types
use weather_utils
use config
implicit none

type(WeatherData) :: current_weather
real :: altitude
integer :: i
character(len=1) :: choice
character(len=100) :: filename
integer :: unit

call welcome_message()
call fake_initializing_messages()
call get_user_input()

! Initialize weather data
current_weather%wind_speed = initial_wind_speed
current_weather%wind_direction = initial_wind_direction

! Open file to save breeze data
filename = 'breeze_data.txt'
open(unit=10, file=filename, status='replace')

! Simulate weather for different altitudes
do i = 0, max_altitude, altitude_step
altitude = real(i)
current_weather%temperature = calculate_temperature(altitude)
current_weather%pressure = calculate_pressure(altitude)
current_weather%humidity = calculate_humidity(current_weather%temperature, current_weather%pressure)
write(*, '(A,F8.2,A)', advance='no') "Weather at altitude: ", altitude, " meters, "
call print_weather_data(current_weather)
write(10, '(A,F8.2,A)') "Altitude: ", altitude, " meters"
call print_breeze_data(current_weather, 10)
call precise_sleep(0.1, 0.7) ! Pause for a random time between 0.1 and 0.7 seconds
end do
print *, "Simulation complete! Breeze data saved to ", filename


subroutine welcome_message()
print *, "==========================================================="
print *, " Welcome to the Klinoff with a Breeze Weather Simulation"
print *, "==========================================================="
call sleep(2)
end subroutine welcome_message

subroutine fake_initializing_messages()
integer :: i
character(len=3), dimension(3) :: dots = (/'. ', '.. ', '...'/)
do i = 1, 9
write(*, '(A)', advance='no') "Initializing" // dots(mod(i-1, 3) + 1)
call flush(6)
call precise_sleep(0.1, 0.5)
write(*, '(A)', advance='no') char(13) // " " // char(13)
end do
print *, "Initialization complete!"
end subroutine fake_initializing_messages

subroutine get_user_input()
print *, "Enter initial wind speed (m/s):"
read *, initial_wind_speed
print *, "Enter initial wind direction (degrees):"
read *, initial_wind_direction
print *, "Enter altitude step (meters):"
read *, altitude_step
print *, "Enter maximum altitude (meters):"
read *, max_altitude
end subroutine get_user_input

subroutine sleep(seconds)
integer, intent(in) :: seconds
integer :: i
do i = 1, seconds
call system("ping -n 2 > nul")
end do
end subroutine sleep

subroutine precise_sleep(min_seconds, max_seconds)
real, intent(in) :: min_seconds, max_seconds
real :: sleep_time, elapsed_time
integer :: start_time, end_time, count_rate
call random_number(sleep_time)
sleep_time = min_seconds + sleep_time * (max_seconds - min_seconds)
call system_clock(start_time, count_rate)
elapsed_time = 0.0
do while (elapsed_time < sleep_time)
call system_clock(end_time)
elapsed_time = real(end_time - start_time) / real(count_rate)
end do
end subroutine precise_sleep

end program weather_simulation
Binary file added Klinoff with a Breeze/weather_types.mod
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Klinoff with a Breeze/weather_utils.mod
Binary file not shown.

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