This small library provides an alternative way to solve CVXPY problems with Gurobi.
The library provides a solver that will translate a CVXPY Problem
into a
, and optimize using Gurobi:
import cvxpy as cp
import cvxpy_gurobi
problem = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(cp.Variable(name="x", nonpos=True)))
assert problem.value == 0
The solver can also be registered with CVXPY and used as any other solver:
import cvxpy as cp
from cvxpy_gurobi import GUROBI_TRANSLATION, solver
# ^ this is the same as:
cp.Problem.register_solve_method(GUROBI_TRANSLATION, solver())
This solver is a simple wrapper for the most common use case:
from cvxpy_gurobi import build_model, backfill_problem
model = build_model(problem)
backfill_problem(problem, model)
assert model.optVal == problem.value
The build_model
function provided by this library translates the
instance into an equivalent gurobipy.Model
, and
sets the optimal values on the original problem.
[!NOTE] Both functions must be used together as they rely on naming conventions to map variables and constraints between CVXPY and Gurobi.
The output of the build_model
function is a standard gurobipy.Model
instance, which can be further customized prior to solving. This approach
enables you to manage how the model will be optimized.
pip install cvxpy-gurobi
When using CVXPY's interface to Gurobi, the problems fed to Gurobi have been
pre-compiled by CVXPY, meaning the model is not exactly the same as the one you
have written. This is great for solvers with low-level APIs, such as SCS or
OSQP, but gurobipy
allows you to express your models at a higher-level.
Providing the raw model to Gurobi can be a better idea in general to let the Gurobi solver use its own heuristics. The chosen algorithm can be different depending on the way it is modelled, potentially leading to better performance.
In addition, CVXPY does not give access to the model before solving it. CVXPY
must therefore make some choices for you, such as setting QCPDual
to 1 on all
non-MIP models. Having access to the model can help if you want to handle the
call to .optimize()
in a non-standard way, e.g. by sending it to an async
Another feature is the ability to use the latest features of Gurobi, such as non-linear expressions, which are not yet supported by the Gurobi interface in CVXPY.
Consider this QP problem:
import cvxpy as cp
x = cp.Variable(name="x")
problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize((x-1) ** 2))
The problem will be sent to Gurobi as (in LP format):
[ 2 C0 ^2 ] / 2
Subject To
R0: - C0 + C1 = 1
C0 free
C1 free
Using this package, it will instead send:
- 2 x + Constant + [ 2 x ^2 ] / 2
Subject To
x free
Constant = 1
Note that:
- the variable's name matches the user-defined problem;
- no extra (free) variables;
- no extra constraints.
CVXPY has 2 main features: a modelling API and interfaces to many solvers. The
modelling API has a great design, whereas gurobipy
feels like a thin layer
over the C API. The interfaces to other solvers can be useful to not have to
rewrite the problem when switching solvers.
All supported versions of Python, CVXPY and gurobipy
should work. However, due
to licensing restrictions, old versions of gurobipy
cannot be tested in CI. If
you run into a bug, please open an issue in this repo specifying the versions
Hatch is used for development. It will handle all virtual environment management.
To lint the code, run:
ruff check
To format the code, run:
ruff format
For testing, run:
hatch run latest:tests
This will test the latest version of dependencies. You can also run
hatch run oldest:tests
to test the minimum required dependency versions.
Make sure any change is tested through a snapshot test. To add a new test case,
build a simple CVXPY problem in tests/
in the appropriate
category, then run:
hatch run update-snapshots
You can then check the output in the tests/snapshots
folder is as expected.