Educational project carried out over 2 months for the REACT Js course, taught by Federico Osandon at the CoderHouse Academy. It was carried out within the framework of development, to improve it and scale it to production in the future.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for check the live preview of the project.
Before you start, you need to have the following things installed:
- NodeJS
- A code editor: Visual Studio Code (recomended)
Locating yourself in the path you want, open your preferred terminal and clone the repository with the following command:
git clone
Go to the project folder whit:
cd street-wear-react
Install dependencies with:
npm install
Then, run the project with:
npm run start
(If in some steps you get an error, you can try this command to fix it: npm audit fix)
Check the Live Preview (hosted by Vercel).
- firebase: v9.8.4, for connect to the database and authentication
- react: v18.1.0, for the web framework/library
- react-dom: v18.1.0
- react-scripts: v5.0.1
- react-router-dom: v6.3.0, for the routing system
- react-router-hash-link: v2.4.3, for the routing system in same paths
- sweetalert2: v11.4.19, for showing alerts to the user
- sweetalert2-react-content: v5.0.1
- web-vitals: v2.1.4, for measuring the perfomance of the application
- @joaquinarias989 - Idea & Development
- To Federico Osandon for the teaching and help provided during the course.
- To Nicolas Diaz for the excellent mentoring, helping and providing support whenever requested.
- To the mates of the course.
- To my friend, Diego Percaz, owner of STREET WEAR, for allowing me to use the brand for educational porposes.