Material design for Django Forms and Admin. Template driven.
Django-Material works with Django 1.8/1.9/1.10
Tested with:

- Forms_ - New way to render django forms
- Strong python/html code separation
- Easy redefinition of particular fields rendering
- Complex form layout support
- Frontend_ - Quick starter template for modular applications development
- Admin_ - Material-designed django admin
Django Material is an Open Source project licensed under the terms of the BSD3 license
Django Material Pro has a commercial-friendly license and distributed as part of Viewflow Pro
- Forms - Default theme secondary color changed to green
- Frontend - Added startmodule management command
- Frontend - Added list view actions (PRO)
- Frontend - Integration with django-filters (PRO)
- Frontend - Active page highlight fixed under IE/Safari
- Admin - Fix ManyToMany field height
- Admin - Fix change form markup