Solutions for some problems
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Introduction - [Solutions] : data structure
Strings - [Solutions] : getline + parser + stringstream
Classes - [Solutions] : Classes and Objects + Structs + Templates + Inheritance + Polymorphism
STL - [Solutions] : deque + map
Babaei and Birthday Cake - [source] : dp + segment tree
Sereja and Brackets - [source] : segment tree
1082 – Array Queries - [source] : segment tree
Cows and Sequence - [source] : fenwick tree
Pasha and String - [source] : fenwick tree
Watto and Mechanism - [source] : trie
Bit Array - [source] : Bit array + bitwise operations + cycle detection in sequence
Present - [source] : Sqrt N decomposition
Rectangle Path - [source] : Summed area table
Fountains - [source] : Maximum value in range
Prefix free subset - [source] : trie
1050 – Marbles - [source] : dp
1064 –Throwing Dice - [source] : dp
1033 – Generating Palindromes - [source] : dp
1011 – Marriage Ceremonies - [source] : dp + bitmasks
1038 – Race to 1 Again - [source] : dp + expected value
Journey - [source] : expected value
Destruction Cannon - [source] : dp
Tetrahedron - [source] : dp
k-Tree - [source] : dp + trees
A and B and Interesting Substrings - [source] : dp
Modulo Sum - [source] : dp
Kefa and Dishes - [source] : dp + bitmasks
Magic Spells - [source] : dp + longest commom subsequence
Guilds - [source] : disjoint set
The Tourist Guide - [source] : krustal
Outing - [source] : dp + krustal
New Reform - [source]: cycles in undirected graphs + disjoint set
Binary Search Tree - [source] : bst + reconstruct + preorder + inorder + postorder
Level Order Tree Traversal - [source] : bfs + reconstruct
NP-Hard Problem - [source] : bfs + Bipartite graph
Weekend - [source] : Floyd Warshall + shortest path
Directed Roads - [source] : Mod pow + disjoint set
A - Dwarves - [source] : cycles in directed graphs
News Distribution - [source] : disjoint set
Ones - [source] : mod pow + modular arithmetic
How Many Zeros and How Many Digits? - [source] : factorial + trailing zeros + digit count + prime factorization + base conversion
Quid Est Veritas? Est Vir Qui Adest! - [source] : mod pow + modular arithmetic + modular inverse + permutations + Santa Marta
Fedya and Maths - [source] : modular arithmetic
Selection of Personnel - [source] : Pascal triangle + combinatorics
Iterated Linear Function - [source] : mod pow + mod inverse + modular arithmetic
Star - [source] : Euler's totient
Molly's Chemicals - [source] : prefix sum -> Be careful using unordered_map on codeforces, in the worse case the complexity is O(n) because of collisions. Compiler used in codeforces is MinGW g++.exe (GCC) 4.9.2
Wonder Room - [source] : math
Binomial Coefficients - [source] : math + combinatorics + Parity
Odds and Evens 2.0 - [source] : math + combinatorics + Parity + Stars and Bars
13074 Fixed-point theorem - [source] : math + LCM
Rectangle Puzzle - [source] : Sutherland Hodgman
Nearest vectors - [source] : geometry
Volatile Kite - [source] : geometry
1065 – Number Sequence - [source] : matrices
Factorial Sum - [source] : Big integer
Simple Base Conversion - [source] : hexa + dec
Base Conversion - [source] : hexa + dec + bin
Roman Numerals for Page Numbers - [source] : Roman numerals
Chasing the Cheetahs - [source] : Ternary Search + doubles
Sequence analysis - [source] : cycle detection in sequence + floyd + tortoise and hare
Friends and Presents - [source] : Binary Search
The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed - [source] : Binary Search + intersection between N ranges [l, r]
Perform the Combo - [source] : Prefix sum