Jotto - -
- Spring Boot 2.1
- Java 11
- Intellij IDEA
- MongoDB -- Spring Data MongoDB
- Angular 6
- To build and run project through Maven From Jotto Server directory (Hot_Pink_hw1/Jotto) run:
mvn spring-boot:run
- To run Mongodb database
mongod --dbpath localuserpathtoJottodir/Jotto/data/db
- To open an instance of mongo shell (while db is open)
- ☕ Install npm along with node using
brew install node
or going to - On MacOS: npm install --save-dev @angular-devkit/build-angular
- 🐳 Install Angular CLI using
npm install -g @angular/cli
&npm install
- 🏃 Run the application using
npm start
- 💻 Go to http://localhost:4200 to view the app
number of letter (5 letters, no repeating letters)
Array of 26 (alphabets) which is displayed on the web
These letters can be toggled by the user to change color (black, red, & green)
Each time the user guesses the a word, you tell them how many of those also appear in your word (which they are guessing)
Give the game a dictionary so that user cannot enter random words (optional)
Play new game
Show previous game
Pc should be able to win. Randomly.
- Home Page - Registration & Login
- Login Page
- Registration Page
- Game play
- See previous plays (list) clickable
- See previous plays
- Each user needs an account - username & password
- Database for words?
- Database for the past game results - the words and process
- Database files stored in /data
- For hashing the password.
User gives in the same word twice in one game - solved in backend
What happens if the website crashes? - Delete the game in progress.
Delete word after user enters it.
Results page. Change background. - Maybe use the css for game.
Register -> login with that value does not work
Game page should have a back button(Home). Maybe an alert box that asks "Data for this game will be lost. Are you sure you want to quit" - made nav bar for this
Game page. "Computer guess" text should change color of text
Game page. Color of button should be changed to use the css of index page.
Nav bar that [home,game,result,log out] - maybe use the one from my person website. I will give the css & code?
comment out hashing password (sean)
change background (dark/neutral color) - sean
add navigation Background - jeffrey
home(logo) play results log out - format of the nav bar
home page(about) & add how to play - jeffrey
change css of buttons - so it's all the same css - jeffrey
add arrows to show games - jeffrey
check to make sure that game is working - Joel
Check win first round
Check if user enters the same word twice
Check for all upper/lower/mixed
After bot/winner wins, the results page should have the last word that was guessed
log out. Use a different user. Play a game. Log into another user. Check to make sure the result is from that user.