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Releases: jfriesne/muscle

9.61 Release

03 Feb 14:04
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9.61 - Released 2/3/2025

  • Added AppendChars() PrependChars(), and InsertChars() methods to
    the String class, for efficient concatenation of partial strings.
  • Added WithInsert() and WithInsertedWord() methods to the String class.
  • Added StrStartsWith(), StrEndsWith(), StrStartsWithIgnoreCase(), and
    StrEndsWithIgnoreCase() helper functions.
  • Added a String pseudo-copy-constructor that also takes an argument
    for how much additional preallocated buffer space to allocate.
  • Added an io_status_t constructor that takes a (const char *) argument.
  • Added a muscle_pid_t typedef to MuscleSupport.h.
  • Added MUSCLE_THREAD_LOCAL_OR_STATIC macro to ThreadLocalStorage.h.
  • The string returned by io_status_t::GetDescription() now contains
    the number of bytes written by the operation, on success.
  • Changed the argument ISignalHandler::SignalReceived() and
    SignalMultiplexer::CallSignalHandlers() from (int) to
    (const SignalEventInfo &).
  • Removed the 4096-char restriction for OutputPrinter::printf().
  • Refactored String::Append*() and String::Prepend*() to be simple
    inline wrappers around String::Insert*(), to reduce code size.
  • Changed the last argument of WithAppend() and WithPrepend() to
    specify a character-count instead of a string-repetition-count.
  • Replaced ChildProcessDataIO::DidChildProcessCrash() with the
    more-informative method GetChildProcessExitCode().
  • OutputPrinter::printf() and friends now handle calls with more
    than one line of text in them correctly.
  • Fixed compiler warning for muscleStrcpy() and muscleStrncpy().

9.60 Release

19 Jan 23:23
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9.60 - Released 1/19/2025

  • Added a PreallocatedItemSlotsCount class to MuscleSupport.h
    which can be used to explicitly specify how many item-slots
    a container's constructor should preallocate space for.
  • Added constructors to the Queue, Hashtable, and String classes
    that take a PreallocatedItemSlotsCount as an argument.
  • Added a GetUnmangledSymbolName() utility function to
    util/MiscUtilityFunctions.h, for easier stack trace reading.
  • When debug or trace output is enabled, the deadlock finder
    will now capture stack traces and print them out as part of
    its detected-deadlock output.
  • Added a copy constructor to the ICallbackSubscriber class.
  • Added an UnlockEarly() method to the SpinLockGuard, MutexGuard,
    ReadOnlyMutexGuard, and ReadWriteMutexGuard classes.
  • Added CalculateChecksum() methods to the QueryFilter classes.
  • Added CalculateChecksum() methods to the Queue, Hashtable, ConstRef,
    StringMatcher, Tuple, and Void classes.
  • Added equality-test operators and an IsEqualTo() virtual method
    to the QueryFilter classes.
  • Added an OutputPrinter convenience class (in util/OutputPrinter.h)
    for code that wants to print to a FILE or a String or to the Log
    without having to write three different implementations.
  • Added a CalculatePODChecksums() convenience function for summing
    multiple checksums together.
  • Updated various PrintToStream() methods to take an optional
    OutputPrinter object rather than a (FILE *).
  • String::Arg(T* t) now expands to string returned by String::Arg(*t),
    or to an empty String if t is NULL.
  • Renamed all PrintToStream() methods to Print(), as they no longer
    necessarily are printing to a stream.
  • Tweaked Snooze64() to handle long snooze times a bit better.
  • Simplified the EmscriptenWebSocket callback API.
  • Replaced overloaded_preprocessor_macro.h with conditional
    usage of the comma-swallowing operator (##VA_ARGS).
  • Simplified mutex-Locking code via MutexGuards where possible.
  • Replaced CalculateChecksumForFloat() and CalculateChecksumForDouble()
    with a general/templatized CalculatePODChecksum() method.
  • Removed LogHexBytes() since PrintHexBytes() can now do the same thing.
  • Updated the muscle-by-example programs to use an OutputPrinter in
    their PrintExampleDescription( functions.
  • The deadlock finder no longer warns about inconsistent
    locking orders that consist entirely of shared/read-only locks.
  • The deadlock finder no longer considers TryLock() calls at
    the end of a locking-sequence to be significant, as they
    can't affect the deadlocking behavior of the app.
  • Fixed capitalization of Emscripten callback method names.
  • Fixed some build warnings under MSVC.
  • Updated the MutexLockRecordLog and MutexLockSequencesRecord
    classes so they are properly initialized via a constructor
    and placement-new, rather than an ad-hoc Initialize() method.

9.50 Release

01 Jan 04:57
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9.50 - Released 12/31/2024

  • Added the IncrementalHashCalculator class and related utility
    functions, in util/IncrementalHashCalculator.{cpp,h}.
  • Added an optional (withSpaces) argument to the HexBytesToString()
    and ByteBuffer::ToHexString() methods.
  • Added Base64Encode() and Base64Decode() functions to
    MiscUtilityFunctions.{cpp,h}, based on John Walker's Base64 code.
  • Added WebSocketDataIOGateway.{cpp,h} to the iogateways folder.
  • Added optional (runUntil) and (optRetNextPulseTime) arguments to
    ReflectServer::ServerProcessLoop(), to facilitate periodically
    pumping the event loop manually from a higher-level event-loop.
  • Added a dummy/no-op implementation to the SocketMultiplexer class.
    Specify -DMUSCLE_USE_DUMMYNOP on the compile line to use it.
  • Added an EmscriptenReflectServer class to the platform/emscripten
    folder, to support driving an event loop from async callbacks.
  • Added an EmscriptenWebSocketDataIO class to the platform/emscripten
    folder, to support network I/O via the Emscripten WebSocket API.
  • Added an EmscriptenAsyncCallback class to the platform/emscripten folder,
    to manage Emscripten's non-cancellable async callbacks.
  • Added an EmscriptenCallbackMechanism to the platform/emscripten folder.
  • Split the StringMatcher constructor in two, so that implicit
    construction of a StringMatcher from a String argument can happen.
  • Renamed ParseHexBytes() to HexBytesFromString(), and updated it
    to also handle hex-strings without spaces (e.g. "015A2B66").
  • The Thread class now automatically disables its messaging-sockets
    option when compiling with Emscripten, since WebAssembly doesn't
    currently support socket-pair signalling anyway.
  • Fixed a bug in HashtableIterator's move-operator that could cause
    a moved-into HashtableIterator not to point to the expected content.
  • Fixed CMakeLists.txt not to include minizip.c and miniunz.c in
    the compiled muscle library.
  • ParseFile() was incorrectly returning B_BAD_ARGUMENT when an
    empty String was passed to it. Fixed.

9.44 Release

17 Dec 04:59
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9.44 - Released 12/16/2024

  • Added an optional human-readable name field to ReaderWriterMutex.
  • Added a GetInsecurePseudoRandomNumber() function to MiscUtilityFunctions,
    just to minimize the number of direct calls to rand().
  • Added a move-assignment-operator, a move-constructor, and a
    SwapContents() method to the HashtableIterator class.
  • Added a move-assignment-operator and a move-constructor to the
    DemandConstructedObject class.
  • Added std_move_if_available() and std_forward_if_available() macros
    so I can use those calls without breaking pre-C++11 compatibility.
  • Added a Plunder() method to the Queue class, and updated the move-ctor
    and move-assignment-operators to use it.
  • Tagged a few non-NULL-returning functions with MUSCLE_NEVER_RETURNS_NULL.
  • BitChord::IsBitSet() now just returns false when passed an invalid
    argument, rather than triggering an assertion failure.
  • PointerAndBits::IsBitSet() now just returns false when passed an invalid
    argument, rather than triggering an assertion failure.
  • Tagged some more methods with MUSCLE_NEVER_RETURNS_NULL where appropriate.
  • The resource-tallying in AbstractReflectSessions::PrintSessionsInfo()
    wasn't working correctly. Fixed.
  • Applied fixes for various Coverity warnings.
  • Fixed a couple of file-handle leaks in SpawnDaemonProcess().
  • Fixed a use-after-free error in MiniMessage's MMMoveField() function.

9.43 Release

23 Nov 01:31
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9.43 - Released 11/22/2024

  • Added GetKeyBefore() and GetKeyAfter() convenience-methods to
    the Hashtable class.
  • Added a Message::BytesMightContainFlattenedMessage() convenience method
    for quick-and-dirty sanity-checking of flattened-Message bytes.
  • Added SetCompleteWriteRequired() and IsCompleteWriteRequired() methods
    to the DataFlattener class.
  • Added a PR_MAX_CHILDREN_PER_NODE parameter to the server's parameter set.
    This can be used to enforce a maximum-children-per-DataNode limit.
  • Added B_RESOURCE_LIMIT error code (for when we've hit an application-
    defined limit to the amount of resources we are willing to consume)
  • Removed the DataFlattener::MarkWritingComplete() method as it turned
    out not to be very RAII-friendly.
  • Fixed a bug in MiniPacketTunnelIOGateway that could cause it to
    occasionally crash with an assertion failure.

9.42 Release

16 Oct 05:05
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9.42 - Released 10/15/2024

  • Under MacOS, GetNetworkInterfaceInfos() will now populate the
    NetworkInterfaceInfo class's description field with the String
    returned by SCNetworkInterfaceGetLocalizedDisplayName(), if possible.
  • Added a (returnAllBitsSet) optional parameter to BitChord::ToString().
  • Added a ReaderWriterMutex class and associated ReadOnlyMutexGuard
    and ReadWriteMutexGuard RAII-helper-classes.
  • Added a testreaderwritermutex.cpp test to the tests folder to
    unit-test the new ReaderWriterMutex class.
  • Added a deleted move-constructor to the HashtableIterator class
    so that creation of a HashtableIterator bound to a temporary
    object now becomes a compile-time error under C++11 or later.
  • Added muscle-by-example documentation and examples for the new
    ReadOnlyMutexGuard classes.
  • Added a rwdeadlock.cpp program to the tools folder, to test
    the deadlock-finder code's integration with the ReaderWriterMutex classa.
  • Fixed typo in Thread.h that would break pre-C++11 builds.
  • Fixed the deadlock finder code to handle TryLock()/Unlock() pairs
    appropriately (a TryLock() call is non-blocking so can't cause deadlock)

9.41 Release

19 Aug 14:27
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9.41 - Released 8/19/2024

  • Added a MUSCLE_NEVER_RETURNS_NULL macro that can be used to tag functions
    or methods that will never return a NULL pointer under any circumstances
    (to enable a compiler warning when their caller tests against NULL)
  • Added a WITH_TAGGED_POINTERS option to the CMakeLists.txt. Defaults to ON.
  • Added support for -DWITH_OBJECT_COUNTING=ON to the CMakeLists.txt.
  • Modified StorageReflectSession::CloneDataNodeSubtree() to no longer set
    the SETDATANODE_FLAG_DONTOVERWRITEDATA flag when recursing to children.
    That way, it can be used to update existing subtrees as well as create
    new ones.
  • Rewrote the PathMatcher class so that it now stores patterns of
    different lengths in separate tables, rather than all together in a
    single table. That way it's possible to efficiently access only the
    patterns that are relevant for a given node-depth, without having to
    iterate past all of the irrelevant ones every time.
  • Added DECLARE_COUNTED_OBJECT tags to the PathMatcher, NodePathMatcher,
    StringMatcher, and StringMatcherQueue classes.
  • Updated DataNode ctor to default-initialize member-variables rather
    than relying on Init() to do that (since other methods could get called
    before Init() gets called, in some cases)
  • Removed the deprecated constant PR_NAME_SET_QUIETLY. (Use the
    SETDATANODE_FLAG_QUIET SetDataNodeFlag instead)
  • Modified a number of Ref-returning methods to return (const Ref &)
    instead, for better performance and so that they can be called inline
    without causing clang-tidy to worry about potential use-after-free issues.
  • Modified the PointerAndBits class to hold a real pointer and not a
    uintptr when the -DMUSCLE_AVOID_TAGGED_POINTERS compiler-flag is set.
  • Moved the va_list property out of the LogCallbackArgs class and into
    a separate argument to LogCallback::Log(), so that we don't have to
    deal with va_list's weird restrictions regarding object-lifetimes.
  • Removed all setter methods from LogCallbackArgs class to make it immutable.
  • Changed the Set*() methods in SysLog.h to return void instead of status_t.
  • Fixed a number of warnings reported by clang-tidy.

9.40 Release

24 Jun 12:57
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9.40 - Released 6/24/2024

  • Added a MUSCLE_STATIC_ASSERT_ARRAY_LENGTH macro to support/MuscleSupport.h
    so that array declarations can error out at compile time if they don't
    contain the expected number of values.
  • Added a DECLARE_LABELLED_BITCHORD_FLAGS_TYPE macro to support/BitChord.h
    so that BitChord::ToString() can return human-readable bit-labels if desired.
  • Added GetBitLabel() and ParseBitLabel() methods to the BitChord class.
  • DefaultConsoleLogger now checks for a MUSCLE_LOG_TO_STDERR environment
    variable on startup, and if one is present, it will force all Log()
    and LogTime() output to stderr. This is useful in cases where the
    parsing of the "logtostderr" command line argument doesn't happen
    soon enough to prevent all output to stdout.
  • Added GetCenter() and CenterTo() methods to the Rect class.
  • Added | operators to the Rect class that take a Point as an argument.
  • Added a Rect::IsRational() method.
  • Renamed the non-const x() and y() methods of the Point class to
    SetX()/SetY(), to better match the style of the other classes.
  • Added GetX() and GetY() methods to the point class, for consistency.
  • Renamed Rect::Width() to Rect::GetWidth()
  • Renamed Rect::Height() to Rect::GetHeight()
  • Renamed Rect::IntegerWidth() to Rect::GetWidthAsInteger()
  • Renamed Rect::IntegerHeight() to Rect::GetHeightAsInteger()
  • Updated PointerAndBits.h to disable tagged-pointers on 32-bit systems,
    since we can't guarantee that a heap-pointer's high bit won't be
    legitimately set for heap objects on those systems.
  • Changed the windows implementation of muscleSprintf() to use the
    templated inline function used on other OS's, as the old macro-based
    implementation wasn't playing nice with explicit namespaces prefixes.
  • Changed the implementation of muscleFopen() to use inline functions
    instead of macros for better namespace behavior.
  • Changed the implementation of muscleStrcpy() to use templates
    to enforce memory-safery, instead of just being a macro.
  • Added a work-around to Hashtable.h to avoid a spurious compile-time
    error regarding std::atomic under MSVC2017 and earlier.
  • Fixed handling of the head=numbytes argument in the snoopsharedmem tool.

9.37 Release

03 May 01:27
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9.37 - Released 5/2/2024

  • Implemented the ustar extension in TarFileWriter to support file paths
    and linked-file paths up to 256 characters in length.
  • Implemented the pax extension in TarFileWriter to support file paths
    and linked-file paths of unlimited length.
  • Added CPut*() convenience methods to the Python Message class.
  • Updated the snoopsharedmem to use more sophisticated argument parsing.
  • Updated the snoopsharedmem to have "delay=N" and "clear" options.
  • Added a GetThreadPriorityName() convenience-method to the Thread class.
  • Added a MUSCLE_AVOID_THREAD_PRIORITIES flag that can be added to the
    compile-line to turn all set-thread-priority calls into no-ops.
  • Added SetThreadScheduler()/GetThreadScheduler()/GetThreadSchedulerName()
    methods to the Thread class to support Linux's SCHED_FIFO, etc.
  • Updated the Python2 and Python3 classes so that GetFieldItem()
    and the Get*() methods now take an optional (defaultValue) argument that
    specifies what should be returned if the requested item is not present
    in the Message.
  • Removed the option for MUSCLE_NODISCARD macro to expand to
    __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) under pre-C++17 codebases,
    as that implementation warns even when an explicit (void) cast
    is employed, causing too much visual noise to be useful.
  • Replaced calls to newnothrow with calls to new, to simplify the
    code given fact that in modern OS's newnothrow's successful return
    doesn't actually mean the RAM is available anyway.
  • Added RoundUp() versions of all the TimeUnitConversion functions
    (e.g. added MicrosToMillisRoundUp() to complement MicrosToMillis())
  • Modified the MUSCLE_USE_POLL and MUSCLE_USE_EPOLL implementations of
    SocketMultiplexer to round up to the nearest millisecond when computing
    timeout-times (instead of rounding down, since slightly-early-wakeups
    are worse than slightly-late-wakeups)

9.36 Release

06 Mar 15:45
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9.36 - Released 3/6/2024

  • Added GetMostRecentInputTimeStamp() and GetMostRecentOutputTimeStamp()
    methods to the AbstractReflectSession class
  • Added a GetMostRecentAcceptTimeStamp() method to the
    ReflectSessionFactory class.
  • Added a GetAcceptCount() method to the ReflectSessionFactory class.
  • PrintSessionsInfo() now includes text describing how recently
    each session has sent or received data.
  • PrintFactoriesInfo() now includes text describing how recently
    each factory has accepted an incoming TCP connection, and how
    many connections the factory has received so far.
  • Added a GetClientDescriptionString() virtual method to the
    AbstractReflectSession class to support more-useful debug output.
  • Added a GetSocketBindAddress() function to NetworkUtilityFunctions.h
    for querying where a socket is bound to on the local machine.
  • Renamed GetPeerIPAddress() to GetPeerAddress(), and changed it
    to return an IPAddressAndPort instead of returning an IPAddress
    and also using a separate (optPort) argument.
  • Tweaked zlib/zlib/zconf.h so that the gzlib files can build
    successfully even if ./configure wasn't called in the
    zlib/zlib folder first.
  • SocketMultiplexer::RegisterSocket() now emits an error message
    to the log if a file descriptor is too large to pass to FD_SET().
  • Updated build instructions to specify cmake instead of
    Visual Studio