Copyright (C) J. Férard 2016-2024
Py4LO is a simple toolkit to help you write and include Python macros in LibreOffice Calc spreadsheets. Under GPL v.3
Py4LO requires Python >= 3.8.
The LibreOffice Basic is limited and Python is a far more powerful language to write macros. Py4LO helps you to pack your Python macros in a LibreOffice Calc or Writer document and offers a small but useful library to access LibreOffice objects.
See also:
- Test Python macros, embed them in an existing LibreOffice document and open this document in one command line;
- Generate a debug new document from an existing Python macro
- Interface with Xray/MRI
- Helpers to access cells, add filters, create new documents, get used rows or data arrays
- Helpers to convert XNameAccess to dicts and XIndexAccess to lists
- Access ODS files content without opening them
- ...
When I created Py4LO, back in 2016, I did not know APSO, the "Alternative Script Organizer for Python" (APSO was created in 2012, but released on in november 2016). Thus I had to develop my own solution. I was programming in Java, and immediately tought of something like Maven: a command line tool that would test and compile my document with the macros. Py4LO was born.
Soon, I created a library to help me create new macros fasters. This design might seem complex ("You mean I have to rerun the command each time I modify a script?" - "Yes!"), but helps to keep the code clean and testable.
The library contains the following modules:
: basic typing support for UNO objects, and helps the IDE to check types.py4lo_commons
: some helpful methods and classes (a simple bus, access to a config file, ...) for Python objects (strs, lists, ...).py4lo_helper
: manipulate LO objects (cells, rows, sheets, ...).py4lo_dialogs
: create some useful dialogs.py4lo_io
: read and write Calc documents.py4lo_ods
: read ods documents in pure Python (document content is parsed as XML, and never opened with LO).py4lo_base
: work with LibreOffice Base documents.py4lo_sqlite3
: use SQLite on Windows systems.
The lib modules are subject to the "classpath" exception of the GPLv3 (see
Needs Python 3.
Just git clone
the repo:
git clone
Then install requirements (you may need to be in adminstrator mode):
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
For Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-script-provider-python
From the py4lo directory:
python3 -m pytest --cov-report term-missing --ignore=examples --ignore=megalinter-reports --cov=py4lo --cov=lib && python3 -m pytest --cov-report term-missing --ignore=examples --ignore=test --ignore=megalinter-reports --ignore=py4lo/ --cov-append --doctest-modules --cov=lib