govCMS CKAN provides integration with CKAN ( CKAN is a powerful data management system that makes data accessible by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data.
govCMS CKAN Display
- Handles turning the tabular data into charts.
- Provides ability to download charts as svg/png.
- Provides visualisation plugins for common formats (eg. Bar, spline, line)
govCMS CKAN Display Examples
- Provides an examples page for viewing different chart types.
govCMS CKAN Media
- Provides media internet integration.
- Provides a CKAN file type and stream wrapper/handler.
- Visualisation configuration field/widget.
- Visualisation formatter/renderer.
This client class handles fetching, caching and returning data from a CKAN endpoint.
The CKAN base URL and API key are configured via the admin UI. When an endpoint request is made it will first check if there is a local cached version and if not expired, will return that. If no cache exists or expired a new request to the endpoint is performed and cached.
Basic Usage of the class:
// Get a new instance of the class.
$client = govcms_ckan_client();
// Make a request.
$resource = 'action/package_show';
$query_params = array('id' => '1234');
$client->get($resource, $query_params);
This will make a request to the api which will look similar to this: http://my.ckan.enpoint.baseurl/api/3/action/package_show?id=1234
Valid responses:
The response object should always contain a valid
property to indicate if the data
returned is valid/usable. If FALSE there was either an error in the http request or
possibly the CKAN request. All failed requests will get added to watchdog.
Examples of resources: action/package_show - metadata for a resource action/datastore_search - records (data) for a resource
// Return a resource metadata.
$meta = govcms_ckan_client_request_meta($resource_id);
// Return the records for a resource.
$records = govcms_ckan_client_request_records($resource_id);
This parser class handles parsing the response records from the client class into table(s).
The parsed output is in a format for handing straight to theme_table either directly or by using a renderable array. Data can be represented in multiple ways, and this class provides setters to control how the data/table will be presented.
Basic usage of the class:
// Get a new instance of the class.
$parser = govcms_ckan_dataset_parser();
// Set the options.
->parse(); is well documented, see comments for what each setter does. You can also look at some of the visualisations used in govcms_ckan_display for working examples.
Visualisations are cTools plugins, a module must implement the following for plugins to be registered:
function hook_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {
if ($module == 'govcms_ckan' && in_array($plugin, array_keys(govcms_ckan_ctools_plugin_type()))) {
return 'plugins/' . $plugin;
Visualisation plugins should live in the plugins/visualisations
The best place to start with creating a new visualisation is by copying a visualisation from
to your own module/theme and the customise.
Each plugin file should contain the following structure:
$plugin = array(
'title' => 'My visualisation title',
'settings' => array(),
function MODULE_NAME_PLUGIN_NAME_view($file, $display, $config){
// Return renderable array of visualisation.
function MODULE_NAME_PLUGIN_NAME_configure($plugin, $form, $form_state, $config){
// Return form structure array for configuration elements.
Configuration helpers:
There is a few helpers that include common structure/elements for visualisation configure forms. The intention is a plugin configuration form will include these as required.
// Get the key selection form elements.
$key_elements = govcms_ckan_media_visualisation_default_key_config($form, $form_state, $config);
// Get the axis configuraion elements.
$axis_elements = govcms_ckan_media_visualisation_default_axis_config($form, $form_state, $config);