Visual Studio solutions with all my demos done in my session in the last SharePoint Saturday in Madrid
You will find my complete presentation in the next link
A complete Visual Studio solution with all the projects used during my session in the different demos done.
- AzureSearchIndexApplication: Console Application Project with the code to create a new index in Azure Search.
- AzureSearchPopulationApplication: Console Application Project with code to populate Office 365 content in Azure Search using the Microsfot Graph API.
- AzureSearchSPS: Web Application Project which shows how to consume the information stored in Azure Search through the Azure SDK.NET
In order to get ready this project, you should replace two params in the appSetting section in the app.config file
- apikey: The Key given by Azure to get access to this service
- servicename: The name used to create this service in Azure
Also, don´t forget to add this package into your project
Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Search -Pre
In order to get ready this project, you should replace two params in the appSetting section in the app.config file
- apikey: The Key given by Azure to get access to this service
- servicename: The name used to create this service in Azure
- ClientId: The client id obtained when configure a new AAD application
- Thumbprint: The thumbprint obtained when a .pfx certificate is uploaded in an Azure Web Site
Also, don´t forget to add this package into your project
Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Search -Pre
Install-Package RestSharp
And add via nuget the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL)
In order to get ready this project, you should replace two params in the appSetting section in the web.config file
- apikey: The Key given by Azure to get access to this service
- servicename: The name used to create this service in Azure
Also, don´t forget to add this package into your project
Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Search -Pre
You could find more information about Azure Search and how to use it with Office 365 in the next links